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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

Hey Martin, with a girly man like Ma Ying-Jeou, you can simply forget about revenge.

He wanna sign another treaty with Pinoy just like he did with Nippon in Diaoyu Island.

The leader of the Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou held a high-level meeting on the evening of 11, a request for apology, compensation and punishing the murderer was made to the Philippines, these actions should be responded by the Philippine side within 72 hours, or the use of any sanctions will not be excluded.

Later that night in Taipei, Ma Ying-jeou’s spokesman Li Jia Fei held a press conference and said that the Taiwan authority had four solemnly demands:

first formal apology;

second, compensation for the loss, as soon as possible;

third, thoroughly investigate the facts and punish the criminals;

fourth, start the Taiwan-Philippine fisheries agreement negotiation as soon as possible.


Pinoy has encroached many islands from Taiwan in the past decades, now this guy wanna another treaty on paper, WTF?!
Come out you Philippine cowards. The Taiwan Navy is waiting for you. They shoot back.


Taiwan beefs up patrols in waters near Philippines - Channel NewsAsia

"Taiwan beefs up patrols in waters near Philippines
12 May 2013 2:11 PM

Taiwan Sunday dispatched four coastguard and naval vessels to beef up patrols in waters near the Philippines following public outrage over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Filipino coastguards.


Taiwan policemen inspect bullet holes on the damaged "Guang Ta Hsin 28" fishing boat (C) at Liuqiu harbour, southern Pingtung county on 11 May. (AFP PHOTO)

TAIPEI: Taiwan Sunday dispatched four coastguard and naval vessels to beef up patrols in waters near the Philippines following public outrage over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Filipino coastguards.

"The government is determined to protect our fishermen," cabinet spokeswoman Cheng Li-wen said in a statement as a Lafayette-class naval frigate and coastguard vessels set sail for the area where the 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman was killed Thursday.

The move came shortly after authorities issued a strongly-worded statement late Saturday night demanding Manila apologise to Taiwan and compensate the family of the dead man.

In its statement, Taiwan also asked the Philippine authorities to bring to justice the coastguards responsible and start negotiating with Taipei on a proposed fishery agreement.

"If the Filipino government fails to respond in a positive manner within 72 hours, the hiring of Philippine workers will be frozen," presidential office spokeswoman Lee Chia-fei warned.

Hung Shih-cheng, the skipper of the 15-tonne "Kuang Ta Hsin No 28", was killed during the incident, which also left the boat riddled with more than 50 bullet holes.

"This is nothing but a slaughter," prosecutor Liu Chia-kai told reporters after examining the ship.

In Manila, Abigail Valte, a spokeswoman for Philippine President Benigno Aquino, told a government radio station Saturday that authorities had launched a "transparent and impartial investigation" into the incident.

She expressed hopes that economic ties with Taipei would not be affected and added that the coastguard crew involved in the incident had been temporarily suspended to ensure a fair probe.

Taiwan's government has come under pressure from the opposition and the media to take action, with the Philippines refusing to apologise and saying the coastguard was tackling illegal fishing.

Philippine coastguard spokesman Commander Armand Balilo said Friday the incident took place in Philippine waters and the crew had been carrying out their duties to stop illegal fishing.

"If somebody died, they deserve our sympathy but not an apology," Balilo told reporters.

The victim's son, who was with his father and two other sailors on the boat when the shooting took place, has insisted they did not cross into Philippine waters.

- AFP/xq"

This is another classic example of Chinese thinking "what is mine is mine, what is yours is mine." They want to fish in our UNDISPUTED EEZ and territorial seas. Thieving and greedy Chinese.
This is another classic example of Chinese thinking "what is mine is mine, what is yours is mine." They want to fish in our UNDISPUTED EEZ and territorial seas. Thieving and greedy Chinese.

Philippine government thugs intruded 30 miles into Taiwan's EEZ

Come, you gutless Filipinos. You enthusiastically slaughtered a defenseless 65-year-old man within Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ.

This is your opportunity to seize Taiwan's EEZ by force. You want to take thirty miles of Taiwan's EEZ? Show yourself.

Don't cower in the face of Taiwan's Navy. You gutless Philippine scum.
Taiwan's Navy and Airforce should challenge Ph in the high sea after 72 hours.

Meanwhile, Taiwan can give Sukhoi a symbolic ring to ask for its soft offers on Su-30 and Mig-29.

The US dare not interviene under this context for the fear of the consecuences and China's potential move, even if Taiwan's navy parking right in front of the bay of Manila with maingun pointing at its presidential compound.

All-in-all morally, strategically, economically, militarily and politically, Taiwan is a FAR more important piece in East Asia and the world than Ph, for China, for the US, and for the rest. Therefore Taiwan can act tough and basically is *untouchable* at this point if it plays its cards well.

btw, I hope Ph acts tough and TW acts like a puss for the coming days, because this will give a perfect cover to China to deal with Ph. Barking as usual, the US, will not, and can not afford to, confront China for the sake of Ph. :lol:
Taiwanese fisherman (170 miles south of Taiwan) was killed within Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ

BBC News - Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot

"Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot
10 May 2013 Last updated at 01:59 ET

Taiwan has demanded an explanation and apology from the Philippines after a fisherman was shot and killed in disputed waters.

The Philippine coastguard acknowledged that it had fired at the boat to "disable" its machinery.

"If somebody died, they deserve our sympathy but not an apology," AFP quoted a spokesman as saying.

The incident occurred early on Thursday 170 miles (315 km) south of Taiwan, killing 65-year-old Hung Shih-cheng.

Taiwan's coast guard sent vessels to the area - in waters both sides say lie within their 200-nautical-mile from shore exclusive economic zone
- to aid the fishing crew.

Taiwan's Foreign Minister David Lin urged the Philippine government to "open a full investigation" into the shooting, which he condemned "strongly".

Philippine coastguard spokesman Commander Armand Balilo said that the incident occurred within Philippine territory and that the officers had a duty to stop illegal fishing.

Taiwanese fishermen have been arrested in the area and detained by the Philippine authorities in the past, but there have not been incidents of shootings before, the BBC's Cindy Sui reports from Taipei.

Competing territorial claims in the South China Sea have raised regional tensions in recent months. China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei all have overlapping claims.

These disputes have existed for years but in recent months China has been taking a more assertive stance, leading to tensions with neighbours.

Last year, the Philippines and China became embroiled in a lengthy stand-off at the Scarborough shoal, which both claim. The stand-off ended after several weeks but ties between the two sides chilled significantly over the incident.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman also condemned the shooting and called for an investigation, a Xinhua news agency report said."



At WuMao, Wikipedia is not an acceptable citation. Anyone can change its contents at any time.

Until UNCLOS hands down a ruling stating otherwise, Taiwan is entitled to claim a 200-mile EEZ (ie. exclusive economic zone).

The fact remains the Taiwanese fisherman, killed by Philippine government thugs, was only 170 miles south of Taiwan and well within Taiwan's EEZ.
Any one CAN"T change it at any time genius.....tell you what, change the wiki article on Ghandi to say he was an 8 year old black girl. Tell me when you have and I'll go look at it.
Martian2 and other Chinese posters, you all can tone down the bottomless hatred against the Philippines a bit.
I think Taiwan and China shouldn´t take this tragically fatal shooting as an excuse to damage the Philippines economy. Wait for the outcome of investigation.
...and to be fair, for Philippine posters here, the shooting at fishermen was not wise.
...and to be fair, for Philippine posters here, the shooting at fishermen was not wise.

"Wise" is hardly a word for it. A huge coastguard cutter chased and shot at a small fiberglass boat for an hour was outright murder on the high sea.
Well its unfortunate but still he was in the wrong place at the wrong time its not like want to kill (chinese are trying to demonized my country and its people to service their Imperial Ambitions) our Sympathies but no apologies he and his co lieges were poaching on Philippine water in a Philippine Province no less its the ultimate insult to us Filipinos and to make things worse they try to ram a small Philippine Coast Guard ship if those people were killed it would even more bad because many people would get hurt or killed and beside ramming is a chinese art they did this before last 2012 in fact so again our sympathies but no apologies you try to commit a crime got caught made it worse by ramming our ship and that is a end result unarmed or not a hostile action is still a hostile action.

"Wise" is hardly a word for it. A huge coastguard cutter chased and shot at a small fiberglass boat for an hour was outright murder on the high sea.

No it was small coast guard boat we have no cutters the only thing we have is that would say to be a ship is S and R ships but we only have 8 of them and non of them were deploy in batanes Province so sir your wrong that boat was bigger than PCG and if you ram it it will sink the only thing that coast guard have is its machine gun but that's it.
I think Taiwan and China shouldn´t take this tragically fatal shooting as an excuse to damage the Philippines economy. Wait for the outcome of investigation.

I don't think so we have a lot of markets so its not going to hurt and the OFW can find other work contrary to the demonetization of the Imeprial chinese majority of them are professionals so a lot of work opportunity so am not worried but am worried about racist discrimination but that would service as other crime committed by the chinese imperials
No it was small coast guard boat we have no cutters the only thing we have is that would say to be a ship is S and R ships but we only have 8 of them and non of them were deploy in batanes Province so sir your wrong that boat was bigger than PCG and if you ram it it will sink the only thing that coast guard have is its machine gun but that's it.

I'm sure the coastguard cutter is at least twice the size of this puny fishing boat


and is made out of heavy metal. A plastic boat like this cannot ram anybody and clearly it has no marks of any ramming. There are no bullet holes in the bow so the holes were in the stern are and it must have been running away when it was shot at. Of course we wouldn't call it outright murder until all the investigations are done but the picture does points that way.
BFAR--boats of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources


Suspected murder weapon

I don't think so we have a lot of markets so its not going to hurt and the OFW can find other work contrary to the demonetization of the Imeprial chinese majority of them are professionals so a lot of work opportunity so am not worried but am worried about racist discrimination but that would service as other crime committed by the chinese imperials
There are other means to expell foreign fishering boats such as water canon. Again, using fire arms is not appropriate and wrong. That is a general question the Philippine coast guard should answer.

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