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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

In this day and age patrol ships and cost guard in action always have cameras taking footage with them. Especially larger vessels. Sometimes it may just be a mobile phone camera when in need.

If the fisherman had really ever even just come close to them they would have already released the footage in their defence.

Their lies about self defence falls short without any evidence.
In this day and age patrol ships and cost guard in action always have cameras taking footage with them. Especially larger vessels. Sometimes it may just be a mobile phone camera when in need.

If the fisherman had really ever even just come close to them they would have already released the footage in their defence.

Their lies about self defence falls short without any evidence.

The Philippine government is hiding video footage of their murder of Taiwanese fisherman

The Philippine government is withholding the video footage of their massacre of the unarmed elderly Taiwanese fisherman until they can delete the incriminating scenes.


Video of boat shooting won't be published for time being | Society | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

"Video of boat shooting won't be published for time being
By Emerson Lim and Lilian Wu
2013/05/11 22:51:20


Manila, May 11 (CNA) A Philippine Coast Guard commanding officer involved in the shooting of a Taiwanese fishing vessel that resulted in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman has brought back the video of the incident, but it will not be published for the time being, a Philippine Coast Guard spokesman said Saturday.

Armand Balilo said the Coast Guard commading officer arrived at the headquarters of the Coast Guard Friday night, and has brought back the video.

The video can help clarify the circumstances of the incident, but Balilo said the footages will be submitted to the investigators, and will not be published for the time being.

He also said that pending the investigation, the commanding officer will be held at the headquarters of the Coast Guard and will not be interviewed by the media.

Ten others who were also involved in the incident will return to Manila to face investigations.

The Coast Guard and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources have suspended them from their positions pending the investigation.

The fishing boat, while operating in the overlapping exclusive economic zones between the two countries Thursday, was shot at by personnel aboard the Bureau of Fisheries and Acquatic Resourcces' patrol boat, resulting in the death of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng.

Philippine law enforcement personnel have said that the Philippine boat was forced to open fire after the Taiwanese fishing boat tried to ram their boat, but the surviving Taiwanese fishermen who were on board have denied the allegation.

Balilo also said that the Philippine Coast Guard has maintained good relations with its counterpart in Taiwan, and that the Philippines is willing to conduct a joint investigation with Taiwan on the incident.

Balilo said the two countries are now coordinating on the incident, and there is a "possibility" of conducting a joint investigation."
Skipper rejects Manila claim that shooting was provoked - The China Post

"Skipper rejects Manila claim that shooting was provoked
By Joseph Yeh, The China Post
May 12, 2013, 12:02 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The skipper of the Taiwanese fishing boat that was attacked by Philippine coast guards yesterday denied Manila's claim that his vessel “provoked” the shooting.

The shooting led to the death of a 65-year-old fisherman.

“Our boat is a lot smaller than the Philippine vessel. There was no way that we would've rammed our boat into theirs,” Hung Yu-chih (洪育智) told reporters.

Hung said that his boat — the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 (廣大興28號) — was being pursued by the Philippine vessel while operating roughly 170 nautical miles off the southern coast of Taiwan.

The pursuit lasted for over an hour, and during that period, countless shots were fired from the Philippine vessel, while the fishing boat was trying to make its way back to Taiwan, Hung said.

“We were unarmed but they kept opening fire,” he said, adding that he and his crew members had nowhere to run and could only hide in the cabin.

The skipper said that his father, Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成), also one of the crew members, was fatally wounded by gunfire while hiding in the cabin.

Hung made the statement upon his return to Pingtung County's outlying Siaoliouciou Island (小琉球) at around 3 a.m. yesterday.

He returned with his boat and the rest of his crew — his brother-in-law and an Indonesian fisherman. Hung's boat was towed back under the escort of a Coast Guard vessel.

The Philippine vessel responsible for the incident was later identified as belonging to the country's Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR).

According to Taiwanese officials, Philippine coast guards on board the BFAR vessel fired the shots.

The government has demanded an apology and compensation.

Manila insists, however, that the coast guard officials “reacted appropriately,” claiming that the Taiwanese vessel had provoked the shooting.

“The Taiwanese fishing boat attempted to ram our coast guard ship. It was without a doubt a provocative action,” said Presidential Office spokeswoman Abigail Valte.

Manila will decide whether to apologize after an investigation has been completed, she added.

Fisherman Killed by Heavy Weapons Fire

Meanwhile, investigators in Pingtung conducted an initial investigation after the fishing vessel had returned to port.

The probe showed that Hung Shih-cheng was shot by heavy weapons fire, said Liu Chia-kai (劉嘉凱), an investigator from Pingtung's prosecutors office. An autopsy showed that Hung was killed by a bullet through the neck.

Investigators counted 52 bullet holes in the boat, highlighting the fact that the vessel came under heavy fire, Liu added.

Investigators later sent Hung Shih-cheng's body to Kaohsiung for an autopsy, given that Siaoliouciou lacked the facilities.

The move angered the dead sailor's family. Hung's daughter cited their religious belief that a corpse should remain intact.

The family ultimately acquiesced after investigators explained to them the importance of an autopsy."
The Philippine government is hiding video footage of their murder of Taiwanese fisherman

The Philippine government is withholding the video footage of their massacre of the unarmed elderly Taiwanese fisherman until they can delete the incriminating scenes.

Something very fishy here. If you look at the way Pinoys handle the media, they have a propensity to talk a lot and they have a no holds bar when reporting. For example the fiasco that led to the death of those HK tourist was broadcast live, their newspapers are littered with actual and grisly pictures of dead people. Yet, here the Pinoys are purposely withholding a key piece of evidence which could vindicate their position or otherwise. I find it very interesting they are not parroting this videotape if it exist.
Something very fishy here. If you look at the way Pinoys handle the media, they have a propensity to talk a lot and they have a no holds bar when reporting. For example the fiasco that led to the death of those HK tourist was broadcast live, their newspapers are littered with actual and grisly pictures of dead people. Yet, here the Pinoys are purposely withholding a key piece of evidence which could vindicate their position or otherwise. I find it very interesting they are not parroting this videotape if it exist.

They just lied and caught. This guys have no shame. Its time to do more than stop the hiring of maids. Its time to send in the ships and do a blockade. No ships would be allowed to enter or leave Luzon unless an official apology is made and the compensation is accepted.
I guess, someone was instructed by their suzerain to cause some trouble between Taiwan and the Philippine. Just like what happened to those HK travelers in 2010. These are all about causing conflicts in East/ East South Asia.

Or someone is simply too stupid and playing too much Call of Duty.

Besides their president seems quite happy after the tragedy happened (look at his lovely smiling face)
And now we have another happy face here, a lovely spokesperson.

Filipino are surely the happiest people in the world, especially when they smell a tragedy.



Expert: Against international law for Philippines vessel to shoot on an unarmed boat

Ma hands out 72-hour ultimatum to Manila - The China Post

"Ma hands out 72-hour ultimatum to Manila
By Joseph Yeh and Adam Tyrsett Kuo ,The China Post
May 12, 2013, 12:02 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The president has given the Philippines 72 hours to respond to demands regarding the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman or face the consequences, Presidential Office spokeswoman Garfie Li said yesterday.

The retaliation would include a freeze on all applications of Philippine laborers, the recalling of Taiwan's envoy in Manila and the expulsion of the Philippine envoy in Taipei, Li said.

President Ma Ying-jeou yesterday called a national security meeting over the recent shooting of a Taiwan fishing boat by the Philippine coast guard.

The meeting, attended by Foreign Minister David Lin, Defense Minister Kao Hua-chu and other officials, signified an official upgrade of the case.

Chen Li-tung, a professor at National Taiwan Ocean University's Institute of the Law of the Sea, said that under international law it was illegal for the Philippines vessel to shoot on an unarmed boat.

Meanwhile, Hu Nien-tsu, director of National Sun Yat-sen University's Center for Marine Policy Studies, said according to a 1982 U.N. convention, the Philippines must accept the traditional right of fishermen from neighboring countries to fish “in certain areas falling within archipelagic waters.”

“The Philippines must apologize, find and prosecute those responsible for the brutal killing, and offer compensation for the fisherman's death,” Ma said earlier yesterday.

If the Philippines fails to do this and does not provide assurance that similar incidents will not happen again, Taiwan will consider imposing sanctions against the country, Ma said. A former high-ranking security official reportedly said that sanctions against the Philippines would not have a great effect.

The president should set up a task force and bring the Philippine suspects to Taiwan for trial on murder charges, the official said, adding that in the event of an arrest at sea, if the suspects resist, the Taiwanese Navy and Coast Guard should open fire and shoot to kill."
Major Philippine newspaper admits killing unarmed Taiwanese fisherman in DISPUTED waters

Palace hopes shooting incident in disputed waters won’t hurt PHL-Taiwan ties | News | GMA News Online

"Palace hopes shooting incident in disputed waters won’t hurt PHL-Taiwan ties
May 11, 2013 2:10pm
Malacañang on Saturday expressed hopes that the shooting incident in disputed waters that killed a Taiwanese fisherman last Thursday will not hurt Philippine-Taiwan ties. (article continues)"
More details of MCS 3001 patrol boart, what's the weapon, M2 machinegun? ths.

It's not the Ma Deuce, M2 is 50 Cal, the boat armed with a 30 cal machine gun, it's either a 7.62 GPMG or M60.

They also said they have a M14 and a M16 on board

Did I spell Philippinos wrong or the word maid wrong? Your gov need to apologize and compensate. Otherwise, Taiwan will definitely do something. As the current Ma regime is weak, he might go after your maids and street girls.

actually you did spell Filipino wrong, Philippinos does not exist as a word....
BBC News reports that unarmed Taiwanese fisherman was killed in DISPUTED waters

BBC News - Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot

"Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot
10 May 2013 Last updated at 01:59 ET

Taiwan has demanded an explanation and apology from the Philippines after a fisherman was shot and killed in disputed waters. (article continues)"
Taiwanese fisherman (170 miles south of Taiwan) was killed within Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ

BBC News - Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot

"Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot
10 May 2013 Last updated at 01:59 ET

Taiwan has demanded an explanation and apology from the Philippines after a fisherman was shot and killed in disputed waters.

The Philippine coastguard acknowledged that it had fired at the boat to "disable" its machinery.

"If somebody died, they deserve our sympathy but not an apology," AFP quoted a spokesman as saying.

The incident occurred early on Thursday 170 miles (315 km) south of Taiwan, killing 65-year-old Hung Shih-cheng.

Taiwan's coast guard sent vessels to the area - in waters both sides say lie within their 200-nautical-mile from shore exclusive economic zone
- to aid the fishing crew.

Taiwan's Foreign Minister David Lin urged the Philippine government to "open a full investigation" into the shooting, which he condemned "strongly".

Philippine coastguard spokesman Commander Armand Balilo said that the incident occurred within Philippine territory and that the officers had a duty to stop illegal fishing.

Taiwanese fishermen have been arrested in the area and detained by the Philippine authorities in the past, but there have not been incidents of shootings before, the BBC's Cindy Sui reports from Taipei.

Competing territorial claims in the South China Sea have raised regional tensions in recent months. China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei all have overlapping claims.

These disputes have existed for years but in recent months China has been taking a more assertive stance, leading to tensions with neighbours.

Last year, the Philippines and China became embroiled in a lengthy stand-off at the Scarborough shoal, which both claim. The stand-off ended after several weeks but ties between the two sides chilled significantly over the incident.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman also condemned the shooting and called for an investigation, a Xinhua news agency report said."



At WuMao, Wikipedia is not an acceptable citation. Anyone can change its contents at any time.

Until UNCLOS hands down a ruling stating otherwise, Taiwan is entitled to claim a 200-mile EEZ (ie. exclusive economic zone).

The fact remains the Taiwanese fisherman, killed by Philippine government thugs, was only 170 miles south of Taiwan and well within Taiwan's EEZ.
Taiwanese fisherman (170 miles south of Taiwan) was killed within Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ

BBC News - Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot

"Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot
10 May 2013 Last updated at 01:59 ET

Taiwan has demanded an explanation and apology from the Philippines after a fisherman was shot and killed in disputed waters.

The Philippine coastguard acknowledged that it had fired at the boat to "disable" its machinery.

"If somebody died, they deserve our sympathy but not an apology," AFP quoted a spokesman as saying.

The incident occurred early on Thursday 170 miles (315 km) south of Taiwan, killing 65-year-old Hung Shih-cheng.

Taiwan's coast guard sent vessels to the area - in waters both sides say lie within their 200-nautical-mile from shore exclusive economic zone
- to aid the fishing crew.

Taiwan's Foreign Minister David Lin urged the Philippine government to "open a full investigation" into the shooting, which he condemned "strongly".

Philippine coastguard spokesman Commander Armand Balilo said that the incident occurred within Philippine territory and that the officers had a duty to stop illegal fishing.

Taiwanese fishermen have been arrested in the area and detained by the Philippine authorities in the past, but there have not been incidents of shootings before, the BBC's Cindy Sui reports from Taipei.

Competing territorial claims in the South China Sea have raised regional tensions in recent months. China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei all have overlapping claims.

These disputes have existed for years but in recent months China has been taking a more assertive stance, leading to tensions with neighbours.

Last year, the Philippines and China became embroiled in a lengthy stand-off at the Scarborough shoal, which both claim. The stand-off ended after several weeks but ties between the two sides chilled significantly over the incident.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman also condemned the shooting and called for an investigation, a Xinhua news agency report said."



At WuMao, Wikipedia is not an acceptable citation. Anyone can change its contents at any time.

Until UNCLOS hands down a ruling stating otherwise, Taiwan is entitled to claim a 200-mile EEZ (ie. exclusive economic zone).

The fact remains the Taiwanese fisherman, killed by Philippine government thugs, was only 170 miles south of Taiwan and well within Taiwan's EEZ.

EEZ of Taiwan


Marine Regions

EEZ of the Philippines



Merely a PROPOSED standard

Did you bother reading your own citation? It said "proposed standard."

A proposal is a mere suggestion. There are many different proposals by many different parties. They have no legal effect.

I want you to show me a legally binding document signed by Taiwan where it agreed to curtail the 200-mile EEZ granted under UNCLOS. If you can't, you Philippine scumbags have intruded into Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ to kill an unarmed Taiwanese fisherman.

Alternatively, I am willing to accept a final UNCLOS ruling that specifies Taiwan's EEZ. If you can't produce an EEZ determined by an UNCLOS tribunal then Taiwan will continue to claim the 200-mile EEZ under UNCLOS.

You Philippine thugs killed an unarmed Taiwanese within Taiwan's own EEZ!

EEZ of Taiwan


Marine Regions

EEZ of the Philippines


EEZ Waters Of Philippines

How can you make that assertion when your own freaking White House is saying its disputed waters. Are you people so freaking incompetent that your own executive department does not know your own territory. ROFLMAO

Why can't you fools shut your mouths for a change.

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