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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

How can you make that assertion when your own freaking White House is saying its disputed waters. Are you people so freaking incompetent that your own executive department does not know your own territory. ROFLMAO

Why can't you fools shut your mouths for a change.

The BLUE colored one is our UNDISPUTED EEZ, the GREEN one is the disputed area.
The BLUE colored one is our UNDISPUTED EEZ, the GREEN one is the disputed area.

Taiwan is entitled to 200-mile EEZ unless there is a binding legal agreement or ruling

You have no reputable citation (e.g. Taiwan-Philippine sea border agreement or finalized UNCLOS ruling) to back your claim.

Taiwan is entitled to a 200-mile EEZ under UNCLOS. The unarmed Taiwanese fisherman was killed by Philippine government thugs 170 miles south of Taiwan (according to BBC News), which is within Taiwan's EEZ.

Your Philippine government thugs invaded Taiwan's EEZ and killed an unarmed Taiwanese fisherman. You Philippine scum.
Every time when I read Philippine talking about international law and US talking up freedom of navigation in SCS, I feel kind of funny.

Has anyone bother to check the meaning of Philippine claim of archipelagic waters to UNCLOS?
The Taiwan fishing boat Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 (廣大興28號) supposedly rammed the PCG boat:




No marks on the bow that shows any ramming actions. Not much signs of the 52 bullet holes either so the holes must be on the stern of the boat which means it was running away when she was shot. Clearly the PCG didn't shoot out of self defense but rather cold blooded murder by shooting from behind.
GREEN color is the DISPUTED area.





Two lessons for the stupid Taiwanese:

1) Keep off Philippine territory
2) Don’t use your vessel to ram a Philippine coast guard or any other Philippine civilian boats.

Taiwan must be responsible with their actions to prevent things happening like this.

Two lessons for the stupid Taiwanese:

1) Keep off Philippine territory
2) Don’t use your vessel to ram a Philippine coast guard or any other Philippine civilian boats.

Taiwan must be responsible with their actions to prevent things happening like this.

LOL you must be kidding me, ramming a coastguard cutter with a plastic boat? How come I never thought of that?

BTW there's clearly no ramming marks on the bow of the said fishing boat.
LOL you must be kidding me, ramming a coastguard cutter with a plastic boat? How come I never thought of that?

BTW there's clearly no ramming marks on the bow of the said fishing boat.
Ok then let's wait for investigation to come out. Actually the Philippine coast guard was guarding the Philippine waters when they spotted this Taiwanese fishing boat. We should instead be demanding an explanation from Taiwan or why their ships were in the Balintang channel which is north of Babuyan and South of Batanes?

BBC News reports that unarmed Taiwanese fisherman was killed in DISPUTED waters

BBC News - Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot

"Taiwan protests to Philippines after fisherman shot
10 May 2013 Last updated at 01:59 ET

Taiwan has demanded an explanation and apology from the Philippines after a fisherman was shot and killed in disputed waters. (article continues)"

Now, It's not Western's propaganda anymore, huh!? Chinese ... hehe
LOL you must be kidding me, ramming a coastguard cutter with a plastic boat? How come I never thought of that?

BTW there's clearly no ramming marks on the bow of the said fishing boat.

Yes there seems to be no marks visible from the bow. But ramming is not always bow inflicted. But in this case and from the looks of it, the Philippine version is starting to look iffy.
Now, It's not Western's propaganda anymore, huh!? Chinese ... hehe

BBC is always one of the biggest western propaganda machine, especially when something happens with China.

But this is between Taiwan and Philippines, if they are making everything too biased against Taiwan, they may ultimately push Taiwan towards China.

Pinoy is simply retarded, they have caused more troubles than helps to their master's Pivot to Asia. :coffee:
Death on the High Seas: US refuses to condemn shooting of fisherman
Sun, May 12, 2013
By William Lowther / Staff reporter in WASHINGTON

The US has refused to condemn the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard.
Asked directly during the US Department of State’s daily press briefing if the US condemned “this brutal attack,” acting deputy spokesman Patrick Ventrell would not.

“The United States is aware of the incident between a Philippine law enforcement vessel and one or more Taiwan fishing boats that resulted in the death of one Taiwan fisherman,” he said. “We welcome the Philippine government’s pledge to conduct a full and transparent investigation into the incident and to work with the Taiwan authorities to establish what transpired.”

He said that Washington urged all parties to ensure maritime safety and to refrain from actions that could escalate tensions in the region and undermine the prospects for a diplomatic or other peaceful resolution of differences.

A journalist then pressed Ventrell, asking: “So, you’re not condemning the Filipino government for this attack?”
Ventrell replied: “Well, we said that they’re going to conduct an investigation, and what we want is a full and transparent investigation into the specifics of the incident.”

The acting deputy spokesman was asked if the Philippines should apologize.
“Well, again, let’s see what the investigation says before we make a further judgement,” Ventrell said.

Asked if the incident had occurred in Philippine waters or in disputed waters, Ventrell said that he was “not aware” where the incident actually occurred.

“I don’t know if we have a definitive understanding — this is, again, one of the things we hope that the investigation can clarify,” he said.

Ventrell said that he was “not aware” that either Taiwan or the Philippines had been in contact with the US about the shooting.
“We maintain contact with both parties,” he said

Death on the High Seas: US refuses to condemn shooting of fisherman - Taipei Times


Published on May 10, 2013

U.S. Department of State Deputy Spokesperson Patrick Ventrell leads the Daily Press Briefing at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on May 10, 2013. [Go to http://video.state.gov for more video and text transcript.]

Fast forward to 16:04
I don't think that is going to happen.

Actually, we are in the lost side if Taiwan and Luzon became one country.

There are reason why, we, Han Chinese reject expansionism policy and xenophobic.
Agree with you. Nowadays lands and population are not that important to a country, but a heavy burden sometimes. Specially, is there any rare sources in Luzon? If Taiwan really wanna take charge of Luzon, it is absolutely necessary to expel all Filipinos which is unfeasible.
Death on the High Seas: US refuses to condemn shooting of fisherman
Sun, May 12, 2013
By William Lowther / Staff reporter in WASHINGTON

The US has refused to condemn the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard.
Asked directly during the US Department of State’s daily press briefing if the US condemned “this brutal attack,” acting deputy spokesman Patrick Ventrell would not.

“The United States is aware of the incident between a Philippine law enforcement vessel and one or more Taiwan fishing boats that resulted in the death of one Taiwan fisherman,” he said. “We welcome the Philippine government’s pledge to conduct a full and transparent investigation into the incident and to work with the Taiwan authorities to establish what transpired.”

He said that Washington urged all parties to ensure maritime safety and to refrain from actions that could escalate tensions in the region and undermine the prospects for a diplomatic or other peaceful resolution of differences.

A journalist then pressed Ventrell, asking: “So, you’re not condemning the Filipino government for this attack?”
Ventrell replied: “Well, we said that they’re going to conduct an investigation, and what we want is a full and transparent investigation into the specifics of the incident.”

The acting deputy spokesman was asked if the Philippines should apologize.
“Well, again, let’s see what the investigation says before we make a further judgement,” Ventrell said.

Asked if the incident had occurred in Philippine waters or in disputed waters, Ventrell said that he was “not aware” where the incident actually occurred.

“I don’t know if we have a definitive understanding — this is, again, one of the things we hope that the investigation can clarify,” he said.

Ventrell said that he was “not aware” that either Taiwan or the Philippines had been in contact with the US about the shooting.
“We maintain contact with both parties,” he said

Death on the High Seas: US refuses to condemn shooting of fisherman - Taipei Times

Daily Press Briefing: May 10, 2013 - YouTube

Published on May 10, 2013

U.S. Department of State Deputy Spokesperson Patrick Ventrell leads the Daily Press Briefing at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on May 10, 2013. [Go to U.S. Department of State for more video and text transcript.]

Fast forward to 16:04

LOL. You know why? Your American dad are making use of you puppy and hope you die as early as possible. They incite you to bark and bite without solid support like advanced weapons. What does it mean then? Never see more stupid people than Filipinos who are so pleased to be cannon fodder.

Now, It's not Western's propaganda anymore, huh!? Chinese ... hehe

Really looking forward to seeing what would happen when Filipinos kill Viets fishermen. Monkey fighting? Must be interesting!
The Philippines will conduct a transparent investigation into the events that transpired, and thus, we see no need to condemn our Philippine allies. They have always followed the legalistic method in their foreign policy. And we admire them for their continuity in these matters.
Come out you Philippine cowards. The Taiwan Navy is waiting for you. They shoot back.


Taiwan beefs up patrols in waters near Philippines - Channel NewsAsia

"Taiwan beefs up patrols in waters near Philippines
12 May 2013 2:11 PM

Taiwan Sunday dispatched four coastguard and naval vessels to beef up patrols in waters near the Philippines following public outrage over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Filipino coastguards.


Taiwan policemen inspect bullet holes on the damaged "Guang Ta Hsin 28" fishing boat (C) at Liuqiu harbour, southern Pingtung county on 11 May. (AFP PHOTO)

TAIPEI: Taiwan Sunday dispatched four coastguard and naval vessels to beef up patrols in waters near the Philippines following public outrage over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Filipino coastguards.

"The government is determined to protect our fishermen," cabinet spokeswoman Cheng Li-wen said in a statement as a Lafayette-class naval frigate and coastguard vessels set sail for the area where the 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman was killed Thursday.

The move came shortly after authorities issued a strongly-worded statement late Saturday night demanding Manila apologise to Taiwan and compensate the family of the dead man.

In its statement, Taiwan also asked the Philippine authorities to bring to justice the coastguards responsible and start negotiating with Taipei on a proposed fishery agreement.

"If the Filipino government fails to respond in a positive manner within 72 hours, the hiring of Philippine workers will be frozen," presidential office spokeswoman Lee Chia-fei warned.

Hung Shih-cheng, the skipper of the 15-tonne "Kuang Ta Hsin No 28", was killed during the incident, which also left the boat riddled with more than 50 bullet holes.

"This is nothing but a slaughter," prosecutor Liu Chia-kai told reporters after examining the ship.

In Manila, Abigail Valte, a spokeswoman for Philippine President Benigno Aquino, told a government radio station Saturday that authorities had launched a "transparent and impartial investigation" into the incident.

She expressed hopes that economic ties with Taipei would not be affected and added that the coastguard crew involved in the incident had been temporarily suspended to ensure a fair probe.

Taiwan's government has come under pressure from the opposition and the media to take action, with the Philippines refusing to apologise and saying the coastguard was tackling illegal fishing.

Philippine coastguard spokesman Commander Armand Balilo said Friday the incident took place in Philippine waters and the crew had been carrying out their duties to stop illegal fishing.

"If somebody died, they deserve our sympathy but not an apology," Balilo told reporters.

The victim's son, who was with his father and two other sailors on the boat when the shooting took place, has insisted they did not cross into Philippine waters.

- AFP/xq"

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