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Taipei insists on ROC sovereignty despite Beijing claim


May 29, 2014
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United States
Joseph Yeh

The China Post

Publication Date : 18-06-2014

Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mofa) yesterday reiterated the Republic of China's sovereignty in an attempt to dismiss a document the Chinese government reportedly sent to the United Nations recently that claims it owns Taiwan proper and its outlying islands.

“It has been our long-standing stance that the Chinese document is deviant from the truth and we do not accept the claim it made,” Perry Shen, head of Mofa's Department of Treaty and Legal Affairs, said at a news briefing yesterday.

The Mofa official made the comments in response to an article China reportedly delivered to the U.N. and all its members recently that has seriously infringed on Taiwan's sovereignty.

According to the Chinese-language Liberty Times, the appended document: “Declaration on China's Territorial Sea” in the “HYSY 981 Drilling Rig: Vietnam's Provocation and China's Position” article delivered by Beijing to all U.N. members, infringed on Taiwan's sovereign status.

The appended document, first declared in 1958, claims the maritime area within 12 nautical miles of China as its territorial waters, which applies to Penghu and Taiwan proper as well.

“The government of the People's Republic of China has the right to recover these areas by all suitable means at a suitable time. This is China's internal affair, in which no foreign interference is tolerated,” it said.

Citing the report, opposition lawmakers yesterday urged Mofa to make a clarification to refute the Chinese claim and urge the U.N. not to accept such documents.

Asked to comment, Shen yesterday said that the Chinese statement was first released in 1958 following the Aug. 23 Artillery Bombardment at Taiwan's offshore island of Kinmen in the same year.

“We (the R.O.C. government) protested the statement back then,” he noted.

Speaking during the same news briefing yesterday, Tom Chou, director general of Mofa's Department of International Organizations, said the R.O.C. Government has dismissed China's claim that Taiwan belongs to China back in 1958, and this stance has not changed.

Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu were returned to the R.O.C. after 1945 and it is clear the R.O.C. has sovereignty over the islands, he added.

According to Chou, the U.N. has so far not made any comment over the reported Chinese statement and the U.N. website also has not made public whether it has received the document, but he stressed that no unilateral statement by another country would affect Taiwan's sovereign status.

He said once the U.N. has released information regarding the Chinese statement, Mofa would ask its diplomatic allies to stress Taiwan's sovereignty to the international body if necessary.

On Aug. 23, 1958, Chinese forces launched a bombardment of Kinmen in a failed attempt to soften the R.O.C. forces prior to a communist invasion.

Taipei insists on ROC sovereignty despite Beijing claim - ANN
Fun fact, Taiwan's official stance still claims all of China as it's own territory. This is simply a dick measuring contest by both sides, but considering that Taiwan isn't recognized as a sovereign nation by the vast majority of the world, I'd say that China is winning.
Taiwan is a category of its own. It is not exactly a country (lacks international recognition) but not exactly part of PRC either (PRC laws has no jurisdiction in Taiwan).
Taiwan should just surrender and move on with life, like Hong Kong.

That's a good suggestion. Culturally and ethnically speaking, China and Taiwan is together, but the political system is a problem, it's hard for both sides to reach the consensus. Taiwan can't survive without China mainland‘s 1.3 trillion people market, Taiwan's international position is a barrier for Taiwan to further ties with other countries. China to Taiwan is more useful than Taiwan is to China, so let's wait a peaceful unification.

Hong Kong should be a model for Taiwan
That's a good suggestion. Culturally and ethnically speaking, China and Taiwan is together, but the political system is a problem, it's hard for both sides to reach the consensus. Taiwan can't survive without China mainland‘s 1.3 trillion people market, Taiwan's international position is a barrier for Taiwan to further ties with other countries. China to Taiwan is more useful than Taiwan is to China, so let's wait a peaceful unification.

Hong Kong should be a model for Taiwan
Realistically speaking Taiwan does not have a chance in hell, that it can stop a Chinese invasion, so why waste precious human lives? A simple reunification along the lines of Hong Kong, turning Taiwan into a S.A.R. would solve a lot of their problems. The Taiwanese could most probably extract a lot of the Chinese in terms of investment in infrastructure, education and healthcare, if they play it right!
China has already relaxed its treatment against taiwan. China has rejected a few diplomatic requests from a few countries who still recognizing taiwan. Otherwise, there won't be any country left recognizing taiwan.

In current situation, there won't be urgency for China to reclaim taiwan by force unless taiwan dare to declare independence.

We would rather to reunite peacefully than using force. However, I am pessimistic about that since historically, reunification of China has always been the result of using force.
China has already relaxed its treatment against taiwan. China has rejected a few diplomatic requests from a few countries who still recognizing taiwan. Otherwise, there won't be any country left recognizing taiwan.

In current situation, there won't be urgency for China to reclaim taiwan by force unless taiwan dare to declare independence.

We would rather to reunite peacefully than using force. However, I am pessimistic about that since historically, reunification of China has always been the result of using force.
In the face of overwhelming superiority, it would be sheer stupidity to resist. A peaceful solution should be seriously explored.
Realistically speaking Taiwan does not have a chance in hell, that it can stop a Chinese invasion, so why waste precious human lives? A simple reunification along the lines of Hong Kong, turning Taiwan into a S.A.R. would solve a lot of their problems. The Taiwanese could most probably extract a lot of the Chinese in terms of investment in infrastructure, education and healthcare, if they play it right!

Yeah, technically, it's true, they don't stand any chance, but most Taiwanese hope to maintain the status quo, we should respect this, or this is another Crimea, the western will place sanction on China, VN, PH and JP will jump out.

I think you mean, 1.3 billion.

lol, yes, thanks for pointing out, I get the wrong number, what can you expect from a math loser like me?
Yeah, technically, it's true, they don't stand any chance, but most Taiwanese hope to maintain the status quo, we should respect this, or this is another Crimea, the western will place sanction on China, VN, PH and JP will jump out.

lol, yes, thanks for pointing out, I get the wrong number, what can you expect from a math loser like me?
Having dealt withe the Chinese I personally think it will be a very amicable solution!
No sane Taiwanese would even think they stand a chance against the PLA, that's the reality. But if one day Beijing's patience is running out and Taiwan is still stubborn, be prepared for an invasion. I think this message is very clear to TW's military leaders.
No sane Taiwanese would even think they stand a chance against the PLA, that's the reality. But if one day Beijing's patience is running out and Taiwan is still stubborn, be prepared for an invasion. I think this message is very clear to TW's military leaders.
Well when it comes to patriotism, sanity becomes a relative term, and people stop using their brains, and start using their hearts, which usually is counterproductive! Lets hope sanity prevails and a peaceful solution can be implemented.
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