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Taipei insists on ROC sovereignty despite Beijing claim

Well when it comes to patriotism, sanity becomes a relative term, and people stop using their brains, and start using their hearts, which usually is counterproductive! Lets hope sanity prevails and a peaceful solution can be implemented.

It's getting boring discussing about Taiwan's sovereignty, we all know the fate that's waiting for those people. It's only a matter of time, a decade? two decades? 3 decades? It does not matter. When PLAN and PLAAF's modernization is ready it's showtime.
I hope so.

However, if you check China's history, divide and reunite is the main theme and China always gravitate to reunification. The reality is that the stronger side always has to use force to reunite the country.

I hope it can break this tradition and make it peaceful in the near future.

In addition, China will not tolerate the so-called status quo forever. She will run out of her patience soon.

In the face of overwhelming superiority, it would be sheer stupidity to resist. A peaceful solution should be seriously explored.
China's interests have moved beyond Taiwan. We control the Taiwanese economy to a large extent.
As long as TW does not claim de jure independence and pose geostrategic threat to China by inviting unwanted trouble-makers on the island, China can tolerate them for another decade.

But in reality, TW has zero chance for any sort of independence. Besides, the people-to-people relationship is extremely developed.
It's getting boring discussing about Taiwan's sovereignty, we all know the fate that's waiting for those people. It's only a matter of time, a decade? two decades? 3 decades? It does not matter. When PLAN and PLAAF's modernization is ready it's showtime.

After 2020, the ROC is backed by the US which gives them some hope(delusion) but some hope. China threats during the third strait crises were hollow US sent it's aircraft carriers to scare China away, we can be back these threats up now and fully after 2020.
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