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Some documents and books about Viet admit that nansha and xisha islands is Chinese territory

Pretending that you didn't understand is the mask that a coward often used to conceal inner cowardice:crazy_pilot:
Is your government south Vietnam or north Vietnam at present?

United Vietnam after 1976 has right over Islands of South Vietnam, what north Vietnam regime didn't had when North Vietnam and China PRC signed in to Geneva Accords 1954.

Understand ?
I repeat again here North Vietnam govt, regime in Hanoi did not have right to say about Islands belong to South Vietnam.
North Korean can not say that Dokdo Island belong to Japan. Dokdo is Island of South Korean.

Look at the sea border on map in atlas printed in China, Island on the map belong belong to Japan, kid.
For the Senkaku dispute, we are third party.
China and Japan have to apply rules of international law to solve the dispute.

South Vietnam have perished, Vietnam is now the north Vietnamese government, the north Vietnamese communist government unified Vietnam, is a representative of the Vietnam, do you want to deny?
A written statement to the Chinese Vietnamese government, and it is now the Vietnamese communist government, do you want to deny?
And the Korean peninsula, until now has always been the two governments.
In addition, you give me the map, there is no clear boundary indicate the diaoyu islands belong to Japan, and you can't get any written document of the Chinese government.
You can see on the map ,diaoyu islands钓鱼岛, 赤尾屿,and so on,the Chinese name.

In addition, you prove the Diaoyu Islands, and can not be used as evidence Xisha Islands.
blah blah blah ...
Seem like I was right, Chinese pathetic as always ... :lol::lol::lol:
So!??? :lol:
Any respond from anybody to your crap document !? :lol:
And can you provide some source about this "China has delivered to every single member in UN all offical documents of Vietnam about Xisha and Nansha islands in or Before 1970s"

P/S: don't get lost or pretend you can't understand what human saying to you as always ... :coffee:
South Vietnam have perished, Vietnam is now the north Vietnamese government, the north Vietnamese communist government unified Vietnam, is a representative of the Vietnam, do you want to deny?
A written statement to the Chinese Vietnamese government, and it is now the Vietnamese communist government, do you want to deny?
And the Korean peninsula, until now has always been the two governments.
In addition, you give me the map, there is no clear boundary indicate the diaoyu islands belong to Japan, and you can't get any written document of the Chinese government.
You can see on the map ,diaoyu islands钓鱼岛, 赤尾屿,and so on,the Chinese name.

In addition, you prove the Diaoyu Islands, and can not be used as evidence Xisha Islands.

United Vietnam after 1976 has right over Islands of South Vietnam, what north Vietnam regime didn't had when North Vietnam and China PRC signed in to Geneva Accords 1954.:coffee:

Understand ?

China signed in Geneva Accords 1954, agreed that Islands bong to Soth Vietnam. 1958 China swallowed her signature.:haha:

study more,kid.

The People's Daily, a daily newspaper, which is the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), referred to the Senkaku Islands by the Japanese name "Senkaku Shotō" and described the islands were a part of (then) U.S.-occupied Ryukyu Islands. The article published on January 8, 1953 titled "Battle of people in the Ryukyu Islands against the U.S. occupation"[22] wrote "The Ryukyu Islands lie scattered on the sea between the Northeast of Taiwan of China and the Southwest of Kyushu, Japan. They consist of 7 groups of islands; the Senkaku Islands, the Sakishima Islands, the Daito Islands, the Okinawa Islands, the Oshima Islands, the Tokara Islands and the Osumi Islands.
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United Vietnam after 1976 has right over Islands of South Vietnam, what north Vietnam regime didn't had when North Vietnam and China PRC signed in to Geneva Accords 1954.:coffee:

Understand ?

China signed in Geneva Accords 1954, agreed that Islands bong to Soth Vietnam. 1958 China swallowed her signature.:haha:

study more,kid.

The People's Daily, a daily newspaper, which is the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), referred to the Senkaku Islands by the Japanese name "Senkaku Shotō" and described the islands were a part of (then) U.S.-occupied Ryukyu Islands. The article published on January 8, 1953 titled "Battle of people in the Ryukyu Islands against the U.S. occupation"[22] wrote "The Ryukyu Islands lie scattered on the sea between the Northeast of Taiwan of China and the Southwest of Kyushu, Japan. They consist of 7 groups of islands; the Senkaku Islands, the Sakishima Islands, the Daito Islands, the Okinawa Islands, the Oshima Islands, the Tokara Islands and the Osumi Islands.
Funny , China give the islands to Vietnam is

Controversial,浮水洲岛(Fushuizhou Island)or 白龙尾岛(BechLongVi), what is the matter with XIsha insland,

In 1954, the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu battle, on the restoration of peace in Indochina signed an agreement in Geneva, including the withdrawal of the more northern regions, including the 浮水洲岛(Fushuizhou Island)/白龙尾岛(BechLongVi),In 1955, the PLA garrison in the island.
In 1957, the Chinese government send this island to Vietnam.
From today's point of view, China gave the Vietnamese territory, in return for hatred.Vietnamese ungrateful.

As you posted that time the People's Daily article, did you see that China supports the Ryukyu independence?
Then you should clearly are not to be Japan's ryukyu, besides the diaoyu islands?

So to say, from the point of view of this newspaper, not just the Diaoyu Islands, even the Ryukyu should be independent from Japan.
After that, China should talk with Ryukyu Diaoyu Islands.
@Rechoice In addition, if you don't recognize your government to sign the agreement now, so I think you should pour the 浮水洲岛(Fushuizhou Island)or 白龙尾岛(BechLongVi)first returned to China, abolition of the agreement. Do not double standards.
Everyone knows the Vietnamese are delusion. They don't accept our teaching and continue to be stupid. This, I don't understand their logic.
Funny , China give the islands to Vietnam is

Controversial,浮水洲岛(Fushuizhou Island)or 白龙尾岛(BechLongVi), what is the matter with XIsha insland,

In 1954, the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu battle, on the restoration of peace in Indochina signed an agreement in Geneva, including the withdrawal of the more northern regions, including the 浮水洲岛(Fushuizhou Island)/白龙尾岛(BechLongVi),In 1955, the PLA garrison in the island.
In 1957, the Chinese government send this island to Vietnam.
From today's point of view, China gave the Vietnamese territory, in return for hatred.Vietnamese ungrateful.

As you posted that time the People's Daily article, did you see that China supports the Ryukyu independence?
Then you should clearly are not to be Japan's ryukyu, besides the diaoyu islands?

So to say, from the point of view of this newspaper, not just the Diaoyu Islands, even the Ryukyu should be independent from Japan.
After that, China should talk with Ryukyu Diaoyu Islands.

Bach Long Vy is Island of North Vietnam. PLA is illegally occupied. The disputed island Bach Long Yy was solved.

@@Rechoice In addition, if you don't recognize your government to sign the agreement now, so I think you should pour the 浮水洲岛(Fushuizhou Island)or 白龙尾岛(BechLongVi)first returned to China, abolition of the agreement. Do not double standards.

North Vietnam after 1954 didn't have right over Islands of South Vietnam.

United Vietnam Govt does not have right over Island too. The right over sovereignty of country belong to National Assembly. It is law here in Vietnam.

Everyone knows the Vietnamese are delusion. They don't accept our teaching and continue to be stupid. This, I don't understand their logic.

China have to read Geneva Accords 1954 and UNCLOS 1982 before China could sign in. China swallowed already her signature.:close_tema:
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