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Taimur SLV - Pakistan


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of




Pakistan successfully test-fired in four times a Shaheen-2 surface-to-surface ballistic missile. It has a range of 2,700 kilometres. It were the first test flights of the two stage solid-fuel Shaheen-2. The Shaheen-2 is the longest-range missile tested by Pakistan so far. Shaheen-2 is not an advanced version of Shaheen-1, which has a range of 700 kilometres.
All the planned technical parameters were successfully validated during the tests. The tests demonstrates Pakistan’s advanced scientific capability in the strategic field.
It is reported that the Shaheen 1 and 2 missiles have been developed by the Pakistan National Defence Complex (PNDC) with assistance from SUPARCO, the Pakistan space research organisation, and from the Atomic Energy Commission.

The Shaheen-1 (Hatf-4) is probably a copy of China's M-9 missile. The Shaheen-2 (Haft-6) is probably a copy of China's two-stage missile M-18.
The Shaheen-2 uses like the M-18, two aerospace solid rocket motors developed by China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company. A relevant motor for the first stage is the L-SpaB-140B with diameter of 1.40 m.


The future Space launch vehicle Taimur (three stage solid-fuel, diam. 1.40 m, length ~25 m) can transport a little scientific payload in a Low Earth Orbit. For the Taimur SLV is doubled the first stage of the Shaheen-2.
During the IDEAS 2002 defense exhibition Pakdef spotted two similar models of Pakistani Satellite Launch Vehicles. The first model points out a possible three stage SLV. Judging from other similar SLV's, it is estimated that it can place a payload weighing less than 80 kilogram to an orbit 450 kilometers above Earth's surface. The second model of the SLV seems similar to the first model however, with four extra boosters ( ? Abdali). Exact data are still unknown.

Indeed! I'm expecting that response , Well ! Leave it just stick with topic, I were bit careless, :whistle:

Its fine. Lets get back to the topic.
In my opinion,considering the missiles Pak has in its arsenal,it should be a piece of cake for suparco to develop a slv. I wonder why haven't they tried it yet.
That was a credible piece of an information suggesting the existance of an icbm in pak arsenal.thank you.

there is no info sir because we get it on rent from India and can,t figure out how to test it so when we found the start button we will surely give official statement as far as now plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz spare us plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
is it allowed to post without link??....luk it really doesnt matter whether pak has an ICBM...its never gonna be used...all i wanna know is about the slv...

do u have more info??...
We have ICBM, but we can't test it. Because we will get sanction. We can't afford sanction

And we have a magic ring to control all the rings in the universe but we can't use it cause J.R.R Tolkien might press copyright charges on us :lol:

ontopic : SLV is the first baby step in space arena..I hope pakistan will be successful in this field.. $ for rapid development will be hard for them though..
Both the same bro

yeah!! yeah!!! then since u are so close to us..u must be Chimpangees :azn:

@offtopic- From where did u pick up the quote u used in ur signature? As far as i know there was no Spanish army or Spanish colonization in India..
Land matters or People?

what matters is the thing which that person stood for or is an epitome of.. doesn't matter wether it's mythical or real or which place..

fact is Taimur was a dacoit and looter... how can his personality be a symbol pak's new launch vehicle is out of comprehension..
what matters is the thing which that person stood for or is an epitome of.. doesn't matter wether it's mythical or real or which place..

fact is Taimur was a dacoit and looter... how can his personality be a symbol pak's new launch vehicle is out of comprehension..
Because they have exhausted the list. Have they used Abdali already?
what matters is the thing which that person stood for or is an epitome of.. doesn't matter wether it's mythical or real or which place..

fact is Taimur was a dacoit and looter... how can his personality be a symbol pak's new launch vehicle is out of comprehension..

So was Ghaznavi and Ghauri..that did not stop them from naming their missiles after them

So why to worry? they can name their missiles or slvs Pratibha Patil for all i care.. ;)
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