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Taimur: Pakistan's ICBM?

Does Pakistan posses MIRV technology, it's a doubtful case, because, the Shaheen which was launched was from the arsenal wht they already have, just a user trial.
Pakistan is believed to have compact bomb designs but this doesnt conclude that missile is MIRVed. Lesser the mass is more the instability and hence more betterment needed.
meanwhile the warheads used in your missiles are similar to what Pershing 2 IRBM has w50 type warhead. and it is not Mirved.
If you have developed the space capsule, you would have experienced such scenarios. India has done it.

how do you know if we haven't developed MIRV tech??? just because we didn't launch a space capsule doesn't mean we don't have MIRV!

the Shaheen which was launched was from the arsenal wht they already have, just a user trial.

and user trial for what? The missile was already tested before induction and its pointless to test something who's capabilities you already know unless of course you upgrade it!
I think one of the respected members of the forum said this to me a few days back that our achilles heel is the delivery systems of our nukes (the nukes themselves are secure)... so I think a ICBM program is of extreme importance to Pakistan... and we have a valid reason also because India has been working on this program for a long time...
Actually I ll support you on this one... but with a little twist...

PAF will only go in action against say... England... AFTER we are done and dusted with the failed experiment called Bharat...

Dude are you really on crack or you just like to pretend that way ? Please be REALISTIC ! This is a defence forum not a fantasy forum lol ! :hitwall:
Now this is very good news i have no doubt in the capabilities of our engineers this project is indeed under process and Inshallah in near future pakistan will have this teleology Ameen:pakistan:
If that were to happen, the insecure Israel would be shitting purple twinkies.........
they tend to do that a lot.
This picture is of IDEAS.... So there is something going on just not coming on the front because of political reasons.


Peceptions Perceptions and Perceptions!!! If wishes were horses...
okay guys, heres another one, i have copied it from another blog.... the newspaper is more authentic (buissness recorder)

An ICBM with 7,000-km range on its way?
ISLAMABAD (August 13 2009): Pakistan is contemplating developing an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) with a 7,000 km range to make the country's defence impregnable and strengthen the armed forces of the country against any offence. The plan was evolved after successful test fire of Agni IV, the Indian ICBM system with a target range of 6000 km, which caused an imbalance of power in South Asia, extremely well informed defence sources told Business Recorder here on Wednesday.

Sources maintained that preparations are underway for the development of this long range ballistic missile and very soon it would be test fired. It would have the capacity to carry conventional and nuclear war heads. This missile, if successfully test fired, will be a milestone in the history of the country and a major achievement of scientists and engineers of Pakistan.

The possession of this ICBM not only will make Pakistan's defence impregnable but will also help create a balance of power in the region, which defence analysts believe was disturbed by the Indian test firing of Agni IV missile with a range of 6000 kilometres.

This scribe contacted high officials of the Defence Ministry who claimed ignorance of this development and refused to comment on this matter. The Director General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), when contacted by this scribe also said that he was not aware of the development of the ICBM with a range of 7000 kilometre. It is pertinent to note that India recently test fired the 6000-kilometer Agni IV Missile with a capacity to hit and destroy targets deep in China.

but, there is a flaw, the following online link is no more active :(

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]

you can also check out this thread which has refered to aaj.tv, but again the page is no more there.


there is definitely something brewing :)
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Pakistan is also working on MIRV..
n I feel that it will be imtegrated with it. :)
i think a missile shield is more of a necessity rather than an ICBM!!! after all who are we trying to target with an ICBM? the bloody americans? our enemy is our neighbor!! let's just keep it simple!!

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