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T-80 and T-84 Main Battle Tanks Information pool

Having trouble with this link in Chrome.

The link seems to have broken down recently.But it's working for me.. so Im taking a snapshot for you.

There were all the entries for T-80 from Years 2007-2012 (technically taken at end of fiscal year)


So this was 2008-2009, so FCS is quite likely Fire control .. the rest I did not tag per year so I am not sure when.




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WOrks today. Funny, how that pub cover (year book index) is showing an Indian Delhi class destroyer...

Lol, The guys who do these things are robots for word. They search pakistani navy ship on google.. and photoshop the first picture they get without caring into the cover. But then again, they are essentially word doc clerks
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The T-80UD MBT standard equipment also includes an NBC system, provision for deep fording, fire detection/suppression system, radiation shielding and a dozer blade mounted under the front of the hull.

The NBC protection system protects the crew and inner equipment of the tank against the effects of nuclear explosions, radioactive dust, toxic agents and bacteriological materials.

The deep fording equipment enables the tank to cross water obstacles to a water depth of 5 m (1.8 m deep water obstacles can be crossed without preparation).

The fire detection/suppression system enables internal fires to be detected and suppressed in both crew compartment and power pack compartment.

The radiation shielding is designed in the form of liner fixed on both internal and external surfaces of the tank.

The dozer blade enables the tank to dig up a tank caponier within 15-40 minutes depending on the type of ground.

The T-80UD can be fitted with various types of mine-clearing system at the front of the hull including KMT-6 plough-type system and KMT-7 roller-type system. Two long-range fuel tanks and an unditching beam can be mounted at the rear of the hull.

The T-80UD MBT design and configuration can be changed to suit foreign customers' specific requirements.

KMDB - T80UD Main Battle Tank 
1V528-1 ballistic computer – uses inputs from the sensors measuring tank speed, crosswind speed, target range, and course angle, will other information has to be manually inputted such as ambient air temperature, charge temperature, barrel wear, ambient air pressure. It is also able to calculate when the high-explosive fragmentation projectile with controlled detonation should be detonated over the target. It also has fire gating capability. This means the main cannon will only fire when the misalignment between the line of sight and the gun bore axis is within pre-determined limits, after the gun firing button has been pushed. The fire gate size is adjusted when calibrating the fire control system after installing it in the tank.
The Ukrainian T-80UD Main Battle Tank | TankNutDave
Army Guide - T-80UD, Main battle tank
KMT-7 Plough & roller mineclearing combination
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Son Zamanlarda, doğalgazın girmiş meydana geldiği anında her hanede kendinebir koltuk edinen kombi sistemleri, gelişmiş düzenekleri ve donanımları sayesindetek bir tuş ile tüm hanesi ısıtma ve ateş gibi su ihtiyacını karşılama özelliklerinigöstermekte olup, milyonlarca kullanıcıya erişmekte ve istek toplamaya da devametmektedir. Bu düzeneklerin emniyetli ve uzunca yıllar performansını ..
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t-80ud armour protection estimated...

May be interesting for Pakistaniu users

T-80UD hull composition and assumed protection:

hull composition:
(for 0. degree)
66mm RHA
gap for ERA on hull
135mm RHA
80mm ceramics
135mm HHS
gap whit distanser
80mm ceramics
135mm RHA.

Protection is at least:
630-640mm vs APFSDS without ERA
750mm vs HEAT without ERA

Turret composition for 30 degre (perpendicular to the surface):

98mm cast steel (HB270)
30mm air gap whit holders
25mm SHS or RHA plate
40mm ceramics
25mm SHS or RHA plate
40mm ceramics
50mm SHS or RHA plate
50mm HHS plate
190mm cast steel (HB270)

This layout give protection (for 30. degree):
~500mm vs APFSDS(!) without ERA
~550mm vs HEAT without ERA
Those valuesa are for smaller LOS in turret front (550mm LOS) for 0. degree when LOS is the biggest (circa 700mm LOS) we had much greater protection:
~630mm vs APFSDS, without ERA
~700-750mm vs HEAT without ERA

For this values shoud be added protection given by ERA (Kontakt-5 and it's Ukrainian clone)
+120mm RHA vs APFSDS in style like M829
+500-600mm RHA aginst HEAT warhed
Of course ERA shoud not be count as main armour for sevral obious resons:
1) HEAT warhed (SC) whit precursor will canceled ERA so it will be main armour vs main SC warhed
2) difrent APFSDS and HEAT warhed will be response in difrent way. In reaction whit ERA - for one (example: 3BM42,M829A1, or MILAN) ERA casette can reduce penetration abilities a lot , but for other cases (DM53, DM63) ERA will not reduce penetration at all. In other way ERA will help but whit marginal effect. So it's really fluent factor - depend on type of At-weapons.
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