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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

It is again Burak Bekdil, no surprise! When it comes to US or Israel or Germany interests just Dogan Media is right there! We do not need any other foreign media to defend them! This is the original article of the news Turkey Pushes T-129 Gunships for Pakistan, but US Could Scupper Deal | Defense News | defensenews.com

Just one thing worries me that although we produce most parts of the heli, we advertise (at least to the public) as %100 yerli! and when it comes to a critical point we face the reality. I do not know if this news is true or not, but we must realize that we need to make high tech equipments/products. Same thing goes for MILGEM. I know we make most parts of the MILGEM but one of the most important parts we import from a French company (I remember I read a news quoting from a French company and the guy said "the most critical part of MILGEM is provided by our company"). So this shows we must invest especially in universities to develop and produce high tech equipments/products. As our proverb says "kirk firin ekmek yememiz lazim".


TAI plans design/modification of a new variant of T-129 Atak called B2 to be manufactured in 2016 (Latest 21 T-129 Atak will be manufactured B2 variant). The take-off weight of B2 is planned to be increased between %5-%10 (max. 500kg), While new generation avionic systems/hardwares will be connected(!) to gain aprox. %50 lighter weight of current A version's avionics. Such efforts will make B2 to be able to carry more weapon payload and gained increased range. The Nose section will be re-designed/quite longer than standart A and B1 versions for Meteksan developed MMW radar integration.

T-129A COIN attack helicopter(10)
T-129B1 Anti-Tank/Air Model (29)
T-129B2 Radar integrated,longer nose, Increased range, bigger payload variant (21)

TAI manager Muharrem DortKasli stated all those. A Forumer drawed a concept in parralel with those speeches and I think He did a perfect work...

-Meteksan MMW radar integrated at the top of rotor.
-The munition section is covered with a box like Apache.
-Nose section is longer and Flir integrated reverse.

"-Nose section is longer and Flir integrated reverse."

Actuall i was waiting for this kind of a move. Now our pilots will have much better line of sight with naked eye so they will have much more opportunity to observe what the hell is going on around and they will zoom their FLIRs to the right area in a very short time, and they will BURN that place !!!
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"-Nose section is longer and Flir integrated reverse."

Actuall i was waiting for this kind of a move. Now our pilots will have much better line of sight with naked eye so they will have much more opportunity to observe what the hell is going on around and they will zoom their FLIRs to the right area in a very short time, and they will BURN that place !!!

Well actually when i made this reply i couldn't see the concept design of T-129... Now i see the picture and unfortunately i still see that the gunner has no good sight with naked eye, even worse then current T-129s sight... :(
"-Nose section is longer and Flir integrated reverse."

Actuall i was waiting for this kind of a move. Now our pilots will have much better line of sight with naked eye so they will have much more opportunity to observe what the hell is going on around and they will zoom their FLIRs to the right area in a very short time, and they will BURN that place !!!

Well actually when i made this reply i couldn't see the concept design of T-129... Now i see the picture and unfortunately i still see that the gunner has no good sight with naked eye, even worse then current T-129s sight... :(

I wouldn't mind if they would opt for enclosing the gunners canopy in something more protective and thus skipping the glass altogether. I don't think there is much to see from the gunner's point of view as he - regardless of the AselFlir's placement - would not be able to watch below 0 degrees when watching his 12 o'clock. The only time he would be able to actually see the ground in front of him would be during a dive/attack run when it's probably better to use the cameras for target designation.
Well actually when i made this reply i couldn't see the concept design of T-129... Now i see the picture and unfortunately i still see that the gunner has no good sight with naked eye, even worse then current T-129s sight... :(

One of the important differences between T129 and any other helicopter is that there is no such a division gunner and pilot seats. Both of them can use piloting and warfare engagement tools.
If our economy gets improves this weapon can be good choice for our Navy because we need much bigger navy to counter our enemies and if we have to do it we need ships like these
you dont need a gunship helo for the PN.. However you can utilize the same chopper and modify it for a naval role. however you maybe better suited to keep on using the Z9 which you already have.

Azerbaijan closely interested in Turkish T-129 attack helicopter


[ 18 November 2013 10:46 ]

Dubai. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. Azerbaijan is closely interested in Turkish T-129 attack helicopter, Turkish helicopter producer TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries) company told APA.

According to officials of the company, Azerbaijani side was informed about the price of helicopter from Turkish National Defense Ministry: “Firstly, we were wanted to inform about prices of 2 attack helicopters. Turkish Ministry of National Defense submitted prices of helicopters determined for Turkish Armed Forces”.

APA reports that Turkish side intends to demonstrate T-129 attack helicopter in the International arms exhibition ADEX to be held in September, 2014 in Baku.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev visited TAI and closely familiarized with attack helicopters some days ago.

APA - Azerbaijan closely interested in Turkish T-129 attack helicopter
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Erken duhul’a 35 kg ayarı

Milli saldırı helikopteri ATAK’ın geçmişte yaşadığı denge sorununun nasıl çözüldüğü ortaya çıktı.
Mühendisler, 5 ton ağırlığındaki helikoptere 35 kiloluk eklemeyle denge sorununu çözdü. Yetkililer, “TSK, ATAK’ı almayı reddetti” iddialarına da yalanladı. Test aşamasında olduğu için ATAK’lara ‘Erken Duhul Helikopteri’ deniyor. Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı’na bağlı bir ekip, 4 ‘Erken Duhul Helikopteri’ni inceledi. ATAK helikopterinin atış sahasında yaktığı mühimmatın ağırlık olarak üzerinden azalmasıyla denge sorunu yaşadı. Sorunu fark eden mühendisler de helikopterin arka kısmına denge amacıyla 35 kilogramlık ek koyarak bu problemi çözdü. Savunma bürokratları, bu durumun projede herhangi bir olumsuzluk meydana getirmeyeceğini yapılan işlemin ‘Arabaların jantlarına takılan çok ufak ağırlıklar’ ile benzer olduğunu söylediler. ATAK helikopteri, TSK için Türkiye’nin coğrafi ve iklim koşulları göz önüne alınarak tasarlandı. Yaklaşık 3 milyar dolar tutarındaki projede sona gelindi. Saatte 300 kilometre hızla gidebilen ATAK, 6 bin metreye kadar yükselebiliyor. ATAK, yakıt ikmali olmadan 3 saat havada kalarak yaklaşık 1000 kilometre uçabiliyor.

‘Erken duhul’a 35 kg ayarı - Hürriyet GÜNDEM
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