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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

Prof.Dr.Ismail Demir and Philippine Defense Minister Delfin N. Lorenzana met at Vilamor Air Base in Manila and signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Defense Industry Cooperation.

Başkanımız Prof.Dr.Ismail Demir ile Filipinler Savunma Bakanı Delfin N. Lorenzana, Manila'da Vilamor Hava üssünde biraraya gelerek, Savunma Sanayii işbirliğine yönelik bir Mutabakat Muhtırası imzaladı.



Very interesting news so I think TR should really speed up the dev. of bigger, heavier and more powerfull Atak2 as well. Bravo
There are some new developments in ATAK export. A new country was added to ATAK export opportunities known to the public: Italy. Italy wants to acquire TAI production with the reason that it will be supplied more rapidly and economically instead of the advanced A-129 Mangusta.

It's probably a B2 derivative with LHTEC engines.

The story of the T-129 is becoming increasingly interesting.:flame:
İsmail Demir: The countries want to join into Atak-2 programs are under consideration.
I hope among them are Pakistanis, and @Horus said that PA is looking for 60 Atak's in two part delivery, any word on increasing the actual deal ? Maybe a follow-up order is already been considered for possibly quick delivery ?
@Gryphon @Path-Finder @django I have a feeling that if engines for t-129 is released than so will the AH-Z1 . According to recent NY times on Military corporation between China and Pakistan had them worried and now they will try to bring Pakistan back in their fold by selling some weapons like in past ..aid is all gone , weapons are the only leverage USA has on Pakistan in future.
@Gryphon @Path-Finder @django I have a feeling that if engines for t-129 is released than so will the AH-Z1 . According to recent NY times on Military corporation between China and Pakistan had them worried and now they will try to bring Pakistan back in their fold by selling some weapons like in past ..aid is all gone , weapons are the only leverage USA has on Pakistan in future.

Pakistan is out of their clutches and that is great, If they wish to deteriorate things then so be it. Pakistan has alternatives to their blackmailing. :enjoy:

There are some new developments in ATAK export. A new country was added to ATAK export opportunities known to the public: Italy. Italy wants to acquire TAI production with the reason that it will be supplied more rapidly and economically instead of the advanced A-129 Mangusta.

It's probably a B2 derivative with LHTEC engines.

The story of the T-129 is becoming increasingly interesting.:flame:

I thought Philippines is in the line to purchase it too! So I guess Pakistani trials has been a path to wider success.
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