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Syria's FSA rebels are Cannibals!!

Kurdish langue belongs to the Iranian language. Kurds also are classified among the Iranian people. Azeris are genetically Iranian, and their history is interrelated to Iran's history. Arabs don't really play a role in Iran, and don't expect anything from them. Visit Iran once and you would know what I am talking about.

Arabs didn't originally belong to the Levantine, Egypt or other regions in the MENA too? Remember?

What has sanctions to do with being stable? Arab logic? And Iran's economy is not failed. Find me one economic expert which claims that.

So what? Jews are Semitic as well and so are many other people. We don't steal their lands due to that. If so we can claim Ethiopia - one of the world's oldest countries and civilizations and the only African country that was not colonized by Europeans.

Kurds are not Persians and they speak Kurdish and are Kurds. 99 percent of all Kurds want their own country. You are not fooling anybody here. At least not me.

Last time I checked the Arabs in Iran rule you. The majority of the clerics are Arabs. That's pretty successful. Especially considering that Arabs form less than 5 percent of Iran's population.

These guys seem rather successful to me.

Jawad Salehi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mohammad Khazaee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is your foreign minister:

Ali Akbar Salehi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All people from Levant and Egypt were Semitic. Arabs had already a presence in Syria 3000 years ago. Before anyone had heard about Persians. Palmyra, a World UNESCO Heritage Site was built by ancient Arabs.

Your country is pretty much a failure in terms of economics. Does not take a genius to figure that out. Just look at the numbers. All this despite being heavily reliant on oil and especially gas.
Salehi is not an Arab, so as many other Iranians who have born in Iraq. Iraq is home to a quite large Iranian diaspora, especially Najaf and Karbala. Khamenei is not an Arab too, despite of his black turban, which is historical nonsense to begin with. Iranian Kurds don't want separation. Period. Assyrians spoke more earlier about Persians than about Arabs, so there you go. Fact is that Persians and Medes, which belong to the Iranian people, didn't occupy lands of other ethnicities. There were no significant amount of people living in those areas when the Iranian tribes migrated to it. Unlike Arabs, who occupied and conquered lands of people with a completely different (and richer) history.
Secondly the Arabs conquered Iran. Your Persian language is heavily influenced by Arabic. Your alphabet is a copy and slight modification of the Arab one. Not to say Islam.

The Arabs founded several of your cities.

Qom, Mashhad etc. long away from any areas of Iran that were traditionally inhabited by Arabs. Not to mention all the cities which have Arab names.

Hell, the most popular names in Iran today are all of Arabic origin.

Your friend Hussein, even claims to be a Sayyid (Arab).

Also unlike you I don't care about internal Iranian matters. For all I care the people in your country can stay oppressed until the end of times if they don't take actions in their own hands.

I mean you Iranians have not even been able to topple a bunch of Shia Twelver Arabs that have ruled you for 34 years. There are not even any protests despite your country getting worse and worse for each day.

Really says a lot.

Regarding the persons you talk about.


Lastly Arabs only inhabit countries with a Semitic history as fellow Semites. Only exception are the Kurds who are a mixed people anyway.

Aside from the 50-60 million Arabs in the diaspora from South America in the West to Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore in the East.

LOL, at the Kurds not wanting independence. That was a good joke.
1) Most cities in Iran have not been founded by Arabs. Both Qom and Mashhad were inhabited by Iranians before Arab started their conquest.
2) Language evolves, and I am pretty sure that one day the Arabic influence will be gone. Just like Ataturk Turkified his language.
3) Arabs in Iran become eventually Persians (Iranians), and not like in other countries, forced their own culture on the society.
4) Islam claims to be an religion, not an Arabic product.
5) My name is not Arabic, and my ancestors aren't either. I don't really care about others. Fact is that Persian names have increased ever since the revolution, and it will rise even more in the future.
6) Many Arabic cities have Persian names too. Hell, even Baghdad is an Persian name.
7) Sibawiyah and other Persians developed Persian language, and many Hadiths were written by Persians too. Influence goes both ways.

1) Most cities in Iran have not been founded by Arabs. Both Qom and Mashhad were inhabited by Iranians before Arab started their conquest.
2) Language evolves, and I am pretty sure that one day the Arabic influence will be gone. Just like Ataturk Turkified his language.
3) Arabs in Iran become eventually Persians (Iranians), and not like in other countries, forced their own culture on the society.
4) Islam claims to be an religion, not an Arabic product.
5) My name is not Arabic, and my ancestors aren't either. I don't really care about others. Fact is that Persian names have increased ever since the revolution, and it will rise even more in the future.
6) Many Arabic cities have Persian names too. Hell, even Baghdad is an Persian name.
7) Sibawiyah and other Persians developed Persian language, and many Hadiths were written by Persians too. Influence goes both ways.


Who are you fooling? You admitted yourself that Qom was founded by Arabs. Which it is. Same with Mashhad. Anybody can google such facts. People are not dumb, I assume. Even the names of those two cities are of Arabic origin. Same with many other major Iranian cities.

What will happen in the future in Iran is frankly not something I care about nor my business but I just stated some facts that are undeniable. I forgot to mention the Kurds who use an Arabic inspired alphabet and have many Arabic words just as Farsi and Urdu btw. and countless of other languages.

Spanish and Portuguese have 20 percent words of Arabic origin. Thousands of cities in both countries have an Arabic origin. From provinces to even the capital (Madrid). Those influences have come to stay much like in Iran. Unless you want to invent a new language.

Arabs in Iran are still Arabs. Many still speak Arabic. Arabic is widely taught in Iran and encouraged by the Mullah's.

Sure, but you know where it was developed and which culture it come from. It's moreover a Abrahamic religion much like Judaism and Christianity. All of whom originate in Semitic lands hence all the similarities, especially between Islam and Judaism.

Are you sure about that one? That might be because you are a Kurd. Most Iranians here and elsewhere have Arabic names. Just look at all your officials. Not that hard. I bet that Ali and Hussein are the most popular names in Iran. In fact I am 100 % sure of that.

Baghdad was founded by Arabs in the year 750. The origin of the name is unknown. Which are those "many"? Only in Iraq if anything. Nowhere else.

The name Baghdad is pre-Islamic and its origins are under some dispute. Some say it comes from an Aramaic phrase that means "sheep enclosure". Others contend that the word comes from ancient Persian: "bagh" meaning God, and "dad" meaning gift. "The gift of God...." During at least one point in history, it certainly seemed so. The name has been found as Baghdadu on Assyrian cuneiform records of the 9th century BC, and on Babylonian bricks bearing the Royal Seal of King Nebuchadnezzar (6th century BC).[7]. However it is related to previous settlements, which did not have any political or commercial power.

Hadiths could be written by anyone. Does not matter. At that time Arabic, it is still, the clerical language of Islam and at that time the Abbasid Caliphate was the greatest empire in the world and Arabic was spoken all over the Islamic world from Spain in the West to Indonesia in the East.

Iranians are not an ethnic group btw. It's only a nationality. Saudi is not a ethnic group either. Nor Omani, Yemeni, Iraqi, Syrian etc.

Semitic - Iranic

Arab - Persian

Saudi - Iranian

Another example:

Indo-European - Altaic

Slavic - Turkic

Russian - Turk
Only thing I want to say. Iranians are an ethnic group. Persians aren't, but Iranian are.

Oh, and Bagh doesn't mean God. It means garden in Persian. Your source fails.
there is a selective and minimal concept of conscience and honour in pursuit of empire and domination.

the western press does not care that it is flagrantly hypocritical, nay outrageous, that they can support medieval militants in one nation, yet chastise another nation for not doing enough.

in both cases nations are asked to destroy themselves, either to pursue these militants they call enemies who may or may not organically exist, or support these militants who will ruin societies.....
Only thing I want to say. Iranians are an ethnic group. Persians aren't, but Iranian are.

How is that even possible? Iranians look different depending on the region and the genetics confirm that the population of Iran is very mixed which is not a surprise since there are so many different ethnic groups. Not to mention that you have been ruled by non-Persians for centuries and have been invaded by non-Persians too. Turkey is very mixed genetically too.

In fact Iran is probably the most mixed country in the Middle East in terms of genetics.

Anyway nobody considers "Iranians" (the nationals of Iran) to be anything more than a nationality. You must refer to Iranian peoples. Two completely different things.

Persians are a separate group of people inside Iran.

Kurds, Baluch, Lurs are different people compared to Persians which their own separate language, culture, customs and lands. All are Iranic/Iranian peoples though.

Just like Arabs, Assyrians, Jews etc. are different people but part of the same Semitic family.

Same with Poles, Belorussians, Ukrainians, Russians, Croats, Serbs, etc. who are different people but all Slavic people.

Regarding your last sentence in your last comment, even if that was in fact truth, then it does not matter or change anything:

The name has been found as Baghdadu on Assyrian cuneiform records of the 9th century BC, and on Babylonian bricks bearing the Royal Seal of King Nebuchadnezzar (6th century BC).[7].

Persian did not even exist as a language at that time.

Confirmation of that fact:
Old Persian evolved from Proto-Iranian as it evolved in the Iranian plateau's southwest. The earliest dateable example of the language is the Behistun Inscription of the Achaemenid Darius I (r. 522 BC–ca. 486 BC).

Anyway no Arab will invade Iran again or conquer it. We have no interest in that. Nor will anybody kill you. Relax. We take good care of the Iranian refugees in the Arab world and we even have a Iranian/Baluch cleric that is pretty popular that appears on Arab shows often.

Just look at how Kurds are being treated in Iraq an Arab and Semitic country and then compare it with Iran.
Ive heard the human butt is the safest part to eat but it might not be halal for those eating the heart.
Ive heard the human butt is the safest part to eat but it might not be halal for those eating the heart.

(thanks for the amazing gif, Blackeagle, LOL)

How is that even possible? Iranians look different depending on the region and the genetics confirm that the population of Iran is very mixed which is not a surprise since there are so many different ethnic groups. Not to mention that you have been ruled by non-Persians for centuries and have been invaded by non-Persians too. Turkey is very mixed genetically too.

Genetics confirm that Iranians have a common root.

Anyway nobody considers "Iranians" (the nationals of Iran) to be anything more than a nationality. You must refer to Iranian peoples. Two completely different things.

No, not two completely different things. Iranians means the same 'Aryans', and they have called themselves this way for more than 3000 years.

Kurds, Baluch, Lurs are different people compared to Persians which their own separate language, culture, customs and lands. All are Iranic/Iranian peoples though.

Lurs consider themselves to be Persian-related. Same as Gilanis, Mazandaranis, etc. The difference in culture is extremely limited. We both share the same customs, festivities, language (Iranic) and names.

Anyway no Arab will invade Iran again or conquer it. We have no interest in that. Nor will anybody kill you. Relax. We take good care of the Iranian refugees in the Arab world and we even have a Iranian/Baluch cleric that is pretty popular that appears on Arab shows often.

Iranian refugees in the Arab world? You probably mean the fact that we are one of the richest immigrants in UAE (Dubai) and have been responsible for development of that city.

Just look at how Kurds are being treated in Iraq an Arab and Semitic country and then compare it with Iran.

Funny bro. You guys have gassed thousands of Kurds, and have killed even more of them. Hell, you Arabs (Nasser) even used chemical weapons on your fellow people in Yemen. Arabs and Turks have been responsible for the most barbaric atrocities in the 20st century. Besides some small incidents, Iranians have never conducted such barbaric acts. Not in 3000 years of history.
You could have asked me that with some respect, common joe talk right. But then its too hard for you to do I guess.

If the Bahrainis protest against their rulers, staying with in them selves its their God given right, and no one should interfere. As far as the Saudis are concerned, they have as much right to interfere as much as the Iranians do. Now you have my answer. And oh I am sure that you have not an iota of idea about the ground realities in Bahrain I am sure of that. Why dont you come to Kuwait, I will personally take you there. Give you a grand tour. Also show you how Pakistani security personnel have ended up in jail for self defense in some cases.

And I do condemn interference of outside forces in Bahraini affairs.

Now let me ask you this, do you have the courage to say the right thing, keeping your love for khomainie on the side for 5 mins.

well as far as my perception of respect is concerned, then it is not given to those GCC steel spoon "labours" whom Kuwaiti dinar can buy, so sorry rafiq you cant have that

now Iranian influence has much more right to interfere in Bahrain, then the Saudis considering the fact that @ least Iran does not props up savage terrorists with cannibalistic tendencies (side effects of "khabsa" may be :undecided:) like the FSA in neighboring countries like the Saudis/Kuwaitis/Qataris do
& as far as the grand tours are concerned, then sorry but I don't ride in reconditioned second hand labour class cars, you know Achmad as a Canadian we have some standards
Kurds, Baluch, Lurs are different people compared to Persians which their own separate language, culture, customs and lands. All are Iranic/Iranian peoples though.

I dont know why we baluch and kurds are considered "Iranic" when we dont share the same culture or language with iran..

On topic... what do u think about the recent desecration of the shrine of Hazrat Hujr Ibn Adi by FSA?

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