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Syria's FSA rebels are Cannibals!!

Yes, The crazy Mullahs are known for their terror plots ,if that's what they appreciate then we don't need them anymore.
I know how angry you really are at the House of Saud LoL. :rofl:

I don't give much about the House of Saud.
Well this is where the problem is, if you had been to Bahrain the shias are not in that bad a shape. But its the Iranian meddling where they want the Shias to follow them, and the shais following only them is the problem.

You argue about the Shias well that is one thing, are the Alawites shias as well, or is the shia block just desperate.

No in Bahrain there are two kind of citizens , being shia or not. shias are second class citizens.
Read HRW and many international human rights or reporters without borders about it.

They give more important to foreigner sunni than own citizens being shias.


So, your Mullah wants to set KSA on fire? :toast_sign:
is it possible to take it away Arabic so i could understand farsi i cannot hear anything
No in Bahrain there are two kind of citizens , being shia or not. shias are second class citizens.
Read HRW and many international human rights or reporters without borders about it.

They give more important to foreigner sunni than own citizens being shias.

is it possible to take it away Arabic so i could understand farsi i cannot hear anything

You think so dont you, have you seen how many of the businesses are owned by the Shias, how when the Gov allot houses they prefer to give the shias the houses and Sunnis the flats in colonies. The problem is not with the 3rd 4th or 5th class citizens. The problem is that the iranians dont wan the Bahraini Royals, who are Sunnis, and are allied with the Saudis.

But my question that no one seems to bother answering is that how come the alawite become shias, they were not classified as such for a long time if I am not mistaken.
do you have any dignity to support oppression just because these people are shias ???

again read hrw, reporters ithout borders , check my last link in the topic

about alawites it is just because you missed something important: Iran is able to finance Hamas
the people having the foreign affairs control in Iran they don't care they are shias or not, it is not the same than some mullahs , rare, who say stupid things on tv .. but mostly they are famous to say stupid things about women or whatever social matters
we laugh at them
but these people they are not the ones leading the army !! i hope one day you could understand it

if some sunni groups were not so much pushed by some countries to stop any relation with Iran (Hamas is one exemple)
then Iran would sponsor many sunni groups
^^ Iran and others have no right to poke a nose in the arab issues I hope you and the one you quoted get that. Bahrain is A arab country and a member of the Arab league as well as Syria. you don't call that a foreigner interference. Second GCC forces didn't engaging in any form or shape in cracking down the uprising in Bahrain unless you have a proof please bring it. What rights does Iran have in Bahrain or Syria, Iran is a Ajam country and has nothing whatsoever in Arab world.

Exactly. Let us see what the Persians will say if we interfere in their internal matters. Why don't we support the oppressed Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds, Baluch, Azeris etc. whose lands have been stolen and who are being oppressed. Whose languages are not recognized as official etc.

Bahrain is an Arab country, whether 50 percent are Shia or not does not matter, and a little island located 18km from KSA and the Arabian Peninsula. It will never become a Iranian colony as some deluded Mullah's dream about.

So we should let foreigners, in this case Iranians, interfere in the Eastern Province of KSA just because there are some Shias living there? LOL.

Let us Arabs deal with our own internal issues in the region. Nobody has called the Mullah's in Qom and Tehran for help.
Exactly. Let us see what the Persians will say if we interfere in their internal matters. Why don't we support the oppressed Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds, Baluch, Azeris etc. whose lands have been stolen and who are being oppressed. Whose languages are not recognized as official etc.

You guys couldn't achieve anything in Iran because you Arabs are incapable of setting up anything professionally.
We simply do not care about your failed country. It is completely foreign to us. We have enough of land and issues among ourselves to deal with than worrying about you. The interference of your Mullah's in Arab matters, although a fiasco, is the only reason you even have any interest among us. Just look at this forum. 1-2 Arabs, at most, are commenting in the Iranian section, while we regularly have hordes of Iranians commenting/meddling in Arab issues - many get banned in the process but that's another issue.

Also the Kurds, Baluch, Arabs, Turkmens, Azeri etc. already know that they are oppressed and that their lands have been stolen from them.

As a half Kurd you should know that Kurdistan will become a reality sooner rather than later.
Say that to the Pakistanis in this forum. Thanks for them ;)
Say that to the Turks in this forum. Thanks for them ;)

kurds don't have enough History of a land... it is like many many kind of population , much more than what you say in Iran: all living together, no reason why one category of people should lead the region or another.

Jundallah members were coming from emirates before being arrested. I wonder what they were doing there. ;)
No lands are stolen in Iran. It always belonged to Iranians, whether Persians, Medes or Parthians. All those ethnicities you mention migrated much later to the region. From all countries in the region, Iran is the most stable, so there goes your failed argument. Anyway, Iran keeps continuing to stick its nose in Arab affairs and there is nothing your incapable League can do about it. Why? Like I said; Arabs are incapable of setting up anything professionally. The days that you could grab lands as barbaric horsemen is long over.
Say that to the Pakistanis in this forum. Thanks for them ;)
Say that to the Turks in this forum. Thanks for them ;)


Are you talking about the Kurds and Baluch?

I support independence for any oppressed people that have a historical right to a country. The Kurdish regions in the Arab world, precisely the tiny Northeastern corner of Syria and parts of Northern Iraq were never part of the Arab world anyway. Nor are they that today. Just on paper.

Also what I support or not is completely irrelevant. The fact is that the Kurds will get their country sooner rather than latter or at least autonomy which they de facto already have anyway.

Why should they not get their own country if other people in the region can?
see Surenas comment and get some knowledge about our country ;)
see Surenas comment and get some knowledge about our country ;)

Don't expect an Arab to have or gain knowledge of Iran anyway. They are growing up with lies and propaganda about Iran and Persians, to such extent that they even believe that Iranians really never converted to Islam, but stayed Zoroastrians. From all countries in the region, Iran is the most natural, stable and the one with the highest national identity among its citizens. Those Arab countries gained nationalism due to western influence, and their borders have been drawn on European tables. Everything about them is artificially created thus fake. No wonder Iran finds it easy to gain influence in their countries.
Keep dreaming.

All those people I have mentioned have a separate language, culture, history, customs and traditions. They live in their lands and none of them regard themselves as Persians. They don't even speak Persian as their first language unless they have been Persianized recently. I bet you and your family are included too.

Have you suddenly forgot that Persians did not originally belong to the Iranian plateau? You immigrated from the Kazakh Steppes/Central Asian steppes 3000 years ago and settled.

You mean most stable in terms of sanctions and being a failed economy? I will give you that.

Should you not worry about the oppressed Kurds in Iran and the ME as a half Kurd?

I have seen enough of comments from Baluch and their opinion about Iran. It's not pretty that's for sure. No wonder when your Mullah's have stolen their lands.
All those people I have mentioned have a separate language, culture, history, customs and traditions. They live in their lands and none of them regard themselves as Persians. They don't even speak Persian as their first language unless they have been Persianized recently. I bet you and your family are included too.

Kurdish langue belongs to the Iranian language. Kurds also are classified among the Iranian people. Azeris are genetically Iranian, and their history is interrelated to Iran's history. Arabs don't really play a role in Iran, and don't expect anything from them. Visit Iran once and you would know what I am talking about.

Have you suddenly forgot that Persians did not originally belong to the Iranian plateau? You immigrated from the Kazakh Steppes/Central Asian steppes 3000 years ago and settled.

Arabs didn't originally belong to the Levantine, Egypt or other regions in the MENA too. Remember?

You mean most stable in terms of sanctions and being a failed economy? I will give you that.

What has sanctions to do with being stable? Arab logic? And Iran's economy is not failed. Find me one economic expert which claims that.

I have seen enough of comments from Baluch and their opinion about Iran. It's not pretty that's for sure. No wonder when your Mullah's have stolen their lands.

Balochis do not want separation. Even their most extremist terrorist organization, Jundullah, said that they are not after independence. They only want more economic opportunities. The same counts for Kurdish terrorist organization PJAK. You wouldn't find one organization in Iran which is after separation. There you go.

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