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Syrian victory to follow Iran nuclear deal: Halqi

Nov 24, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi says Iran’s success in working out a nuclear deal with the six world powers will be followed by the victory of the Syrian nation in the course of the crisis in the Arab country.

Speaking to reporters upon his arrival at Tehran Mehrabad International Airport on Friday afternoon, Halqi expressed confidence that Iran’s success in its nuclear dossier will lead to further victories in the region, including the triumph of the Syrian nation.

The Syrian prime minister noted that his trip to Tehran is mainly aimed at conveying Syria’s congratulations to Iran over the achievement of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear deal.

Iran and the six major world powers sealed an interim deal in Geneva on Sunday morning to pave the way for the full resolution of the West’s decade-old dispute with Iran over the country’s nuclear energy program.

In exchange for Iran agreeing to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities, the United States and its allies have agreed to lift some of the existing sanctions against the country.

Halqi expressed gratitude to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the Iranian nation over their support for Syria, and noted that the Syrian nation will soon celebrate its great victory in Damascus, representing the triumph of the resistance movement.

From the outset of the crisis in Syria in March 2011, Iran has been urging a diplomatic solution to the conflict and has strongly opposed any foreign intervention and the militancy in the Arab country.

Over the past months, the Syrian army has managed to inflict major losses on militant groups. The army has also conducted successful clean-up operations against the foreign-sponsored terrorists across the country.
Updates on the ground say their victory is impossible. They couldn't win when the FSA was in cradle when they were few, untrained and unarmed, and Bashar terror thugs were the strongest ever with hundreds of thousands of heavily armed and trained soldiers. Yet, they have no chance at all in being victorious. Syrian people have nothing to lose. The "SAA" with Shiite mercenaries are getting weaker and the FSA are geeting more trained and armed as well as getting greater in numbers.
Updates on the ground say their victory is impossible. They couldn't win when the FSA was in cradle when they were few, untrained and unarmed, and Bashar terror thugs were the strongest ever with hundreds of thousands of heavily armed and trained soldiers. Yet, they have no chance at all in being victorious. Syrian people have nothing to lose. The "SAA" with Shiite mercenaries are getting weaker and the FSA are geeting more trained and armed as well as getting greater in numbers.
Syrian people wants assad not takfiri killers.
So you are technically saying that Syrians want Russian, Iranian, Iraqi, Yemeni, Afghani, and Lebanese Shiite terror mercenaries to kill them rather than Sunni fighters to defend them? I don't think so.
Assad didn`t kill only a shia sunni man/woman but your vampires kill humans like killing cat.
Hurts me deeply to see the ahl e sunnah not united.Pakistan must change its stance on Syria,All Sunni countries need to be on one page.Believe me ,we dont need intervention,one squadron of our block 52's will take care of assad
Hurts me deeply to see the ahl e sunnah not united.Pakistan must change its stance on Syria,All Sunni countries need to be on one page.Believe me ,we dont need intervention,one squadron of our block 52's will take care of assad
I think making war will terminate wahabi( and even zionist ) like when pagans terminated in hijaz.GodWish
only pagans are you kafir shias.Your filthy face has been exposed in front of the entire muslim world.its a war you cant win,Sunni's now realize how much hate scum like you have for them in your hearts and believe me...Every Sunni killing in Syria shall be avenged.That is a promise.
They are sunni not wahabi.wahabis=bat worshiper pagan whose defeated by Prophet Muhammad [pbuh]in hijaz.Exactly the same!
Hurts me deeply to see the ahl e sunnah not united.Pakistan must change its stance on Syria,All Sunni countries need to be on one page.Believe me ,we dont need intervention,one squadron of our block 52's will take care of assad

you Pakistani should settle your score with India first before talking too much .... just a though .... and KSA F15 is far superior from your F16 ....
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