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Syrian tanks amass near Turkish border-FSA general says


May 11, 2012
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United States
A general in the rebel Free Syria Army said on Friday that Syrian government forces had amassed around 170 tanks north of the city Aleppo, near the Turkish border, but there was no independent confirmation of the report.

General Mustafa al-Sheikh, head of the Higher Military Council, an association of senior officers who defected from President Bashar al-Assad's forces, said the tanks had assembled at the Infantry School near the village of Musalmieh northeast of the city of Aleppo, 30 kms (19 miles) from the Turkish border.

"The tanks are now at the Infantry School. They're either preparing to move to the border to counter the Turkish deployment or attack the rebellious (Syrian) towns and villages in and around the border zone north of Aleppo," Sheikh told Reuters by telephone from the border.

He said the tanks were mostly from the 17th Mechanised Division. Turkey deployed air defence weaponry along its border with Syria on Thursday, following Syria's downing of a Turkish warlplane over the Mediterranean on Friday.

Syrian tanks amass near Turkish border-FSA general


If it is true than some serious business will take place soon. Turkiye cannot get her words back this time. Normally I do not expect any serious contact with turkish and syrian troops unless Syria do something stupid. Turkiye will escalate the tension day by day and wait for the US election in November. Until that time I do not think Turkiye will do something but prepare for the contact. Normally Turkiye is strong and capable of taking care of Syria but there are other players in Syria. That is why Turkiye has to move with NATO. We will see...

May Allah protect our country and innocent brothers in Syria.

I don't trust this so-called "Free Syrian Army". And up until the Jet crisis, i was against the Turkey's support to them. But still, i have a very bad feeling about FSA and i have doubts about if they would be better than Assad both for Syria and Turkey.
I don’t think that they are that stupid to do so.. Plus, the free Syrian army is keeping them super busy.
Yes.... mass of old Soviet junk sure can do damage to Turkish Army like how Saddam tried to do... But wait it didn't work :D

I don't trust this so-called "Free Syrian Army". And up until the Jet crisis, i was against the Turkey's support to them. But still, i have a very bad feeling about FSA and i have doubts about if they would be better than Assad both for Syria and Turkey.

FSA = KSA ;)
I think the Turkish ploy is well thought after; the Syrian Army deployment will definitely open the loopholes for FSA and other fighters and we will witness more intensive attacks inside Damascus and other major military installation in big cities.
Never underestimate the potential enemy.
It won't be an under estimation after two squadrons F4s fly over them :) Since we have air superiority whatever they can bring to border won't mean more than metal and flesh.

I think only this beauty is enough to send hell those junkyards...:rofl:
The title of this thread is so ****** funny. It's like sheep gathering to be slaughtered by the Turks :D BAHAHAHA... My Turk brothers, guess what? We shall soon have a feast :D LMAO
It won't be an under estimation after two squadrons F4s fly over them :) Since we have air superiority whatever they can bring to border won't mean more than metal and flesh.


I think only this beauty is enough to send hell those junkyards...:rofl:

I think you may want to revisit some of the official NATO estimates on the Syrian army strength.

it is not to be taken lightly.
We love the way Syrian meat tastes. If you'd like we can send couple kilos of 'smoked Syrians' to you guys in Athens as well!
I think you may want to revisit some of the official NATO estimates on the Syrian army strength.

it is not to be taken lightly.
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