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Syrian opposition claims has evidence of chlorine gas attack


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

A woman, affected by what activists say was a gas attack, breathes through an oxygen mask inside a field hospital in Kfar Zeita village in the central province of Hama April 12, 2014. (Reuters)
Reuters, Beirut
Monday, 14 April 2014

Syrian opposition activists have posted photographs and video that they say shows an improvised chlorine bomb to back up claims that President Bashar al-Assad’s forces used chemical weapons in two attacks last week.

Rebels and the government have blamed each other for the alleged poison gasattacks on Friday and Saturday on rebel-held Kfar Zeita village in the central province of Hama, 125 miles(201 km) north of Damascus.

Both sides said chlorine gas - a deadly agent widely used in World War I - had been used. The gas, which has industrial uses, is not on a list of chemical weapons that Assad declared to the global chemical weapons watchdog last year for destruction.

It is a so-called dual-use chemical, which would have to be declared to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a spokesman said.

State-run television on Saturday accused the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front of carrying out the attacks, which it said wounded dozens.

On Sunday, activists from the “Syrian Revolution in Kfar Zeita” posted video footage and pictures of an unexploded canister with the chemical symbol for chlorine, Cl2, on its side which they said was found in the village.

Reuters could not verify the authenticity of the video or pictures.

Eliot Higgins, a respected UK-based researcher who trawls daily through online videos of Syria’s civil war to verify weapons in them, could not verify the opposition’s claims but said the videos did appear to show an industrial chlorine cylinder.

“It looks like they (the government) have taken an industrial chlorine cylinder, put it in an improvised barrel bomb and dropped it out of a helicopter,” he told Reuters.

The yellow paint on the cylinder complies with international standards on industrial gas color codes indicating it contains chlorine, he said.

Behind schedule
A U.N. inquiry found in December that sarin gas had likely been used in the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Ghouta, where hundreds of people were killed.

The inquiry only looked at whether chemical weapons had been used, not who used them. The Syrian government and the opposition have each accused the other of using chemical weapons on several occasions, and both have denied it.

The Ghouta attack sparked global outrage and a U.S. threat of military strikes, which was dropped after Assad pledged to destroy his chemical weapons.

Syria has destroyed or surrendered 65.1 percent of the 1,300 metric tonnes of chemical weapons it reported possessing but must increase the pace if it is to meet deadlines it agreed to, the global chemical weapons watchdog said on Monday.

A 13th shipment was loaded onto cargo ships in the port town of Latakia on Monday to be destroyed abroad, it said.

OPCW head Ahmet Uzumcu said while the latest handover was encouraging, “both the frequency and volumes of deliveries have to increase significantly to restore alignment of actual movements against the projected time frame.”

Syria has until June 30 to completely abandon its program but is running several weeks behind schedule.

Syria’s three-year civil war has killed more than 150,000 people, a third of them civilians, and caused millions to flee.

Last Update: Monday, 14 April 2014 KSA 14:42 - GMT 11:42


This is getting insane. Time to end this conflict.
And Al Arabiya

Useless thread

You must be blind.

Reuters, Beirut

Besides the war criminal regime of Al-Asshead has been killing thousands of civilians for 3 years now and daily killing civilians. They have used chemical weapons in the past as well. Even the UN has long ago recognized Al-Asshead as nothing more than a war criminal and the UN lately stated that he is to blame for most of the conflict.


You probably did not even read the article.
Like Syrian rebels made fake videos and photos of false flag chemical attack last year. These rebels kill civilians, make their snuff film and claim Assad did it.

Inshaallah Syrian Army will put these dog rebels in body bags.

You must be blind.

Besides the war criminal regime of Al-Asshead has been killing thousands of civilians for 3 years now and daily killing civilians. They have used chemical weapons in the past as well. Even the UN has long ago recognized Al-Asshead as nothing more than a war criminal and the UN lately stated that he is to blame for most of the conflict.


You probably did not even read the article.

This human right boss Navi Pillay is a Lap dog of US & NATO. She has no credibility whatsoever.

Anyway, since you wanna believe United Nations.

UN investigators said Syrian rebels used Chemical weapons.

BBC News - UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'
I honestly dont see why chemical weapons should raise "red flags" if comparing to conventional weapons.
Conventional weapons kill more people and are more effective.

I dont distinguish between conventional weapons or chemical. Both are weapons of mass death and indiscriminate use of any of them are equally bad and terrible.

Yeah the US agreed to Russia proposal to ship the chemical weapons out, and backed out of bombing Syria.
Since then another 60.000 people have died by conventional means.
The focus on chemical weapons and seeing it as some red flag is very misleading.

The red flag is to let this conflict go on for another 3,4,5 or 10 years, that will only end up in more bloodshed and loss of life.
The red flag is to let this conflict go on for another 3,4,5 or 10 years, that will only end up in more bloodshed and loss of life.

Foreign fighters are the vast majority of the rebel force. Syrian conflict will end overnight if foreign fighters go back to their homes. They should return to Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, Jordan, Somalia, Chechnya, Europe etc
Foreign fighters are the vast majority of the rebel force. Syrian conflict will end overnight if foreign fighters go back to their homes. They should return to Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, Jordan, Somalia, Chechnya, Europe etc

Agree with you there.
Foreign fighters are the vast majority of the rebel force. Syrian conflict will end overnight if foreign fighters go back to their homes. They should return to Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, Jordan, Somalia, Chechnya, Europe etc

LOL. 50% of Al-Asshead's fighting force is foreign. Thousands of Iraqis, Lebanese and hundreds of Iranians, Afghans, Pakistanis, Yemenis and other mercenaries.

ISIS is the only group dominated by foreigners. And even those retards have a lot of Syrians but what to expect in such a climate?

It's funny. Us people, Muslims and Arabs that wants to see the war criminal and Child-Murderer ousted have no problem with describing ISIS as what they are (lunatics) but the other side will defend everything Al-Asshead does and his terrorist groups working for him no matter what they do.

Daily indiscriminate killings of civilians in the dozens is not enough apparently.
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We muslims keep fighting with ourselves :( "Protect our Islam from muslims"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's funny. Us people, Muslims and Arabs that wants to see the war criminal and Child-Murderer ousted have no problem with describing ISIS as what they are (lunatics) but the other side will defend everything Al-Asshead does and his terrorist groups working for him no matter what they do.

Daily indiscriminate killings of civilians in the dozens is not enough apparently.

That's only because they started killing the other opposition, no such thing seen from any of you before that started.
That's only because they started killing the other opposition, no such thing seen from any of you before that started.

No, because they were not killing civilians or the Syrian opposition back then where they? Besides everyone knew that they would not be accepted by anyone and who and what they were. Back then they were just the lesser evil. Now they have proven that they are not any better than the Child-Murderer that your likes cheer for.

Nothing strange or hypocritical about that.

None here shares the ideology of the ISIS and never did anyway. So we got nothing to prove to anyone. Otherwise we would join.
No, because they were not killing civilians or the Syrian opposition back then where they? Besides everyone knew that they would not be accepted by anyone and who and what they were. Back then they were just the lesser evil. Now they have proven that they are not any better than the Child-Murderer that your likes cheer for.

They were killing civillians all along, but they were killing the right civillians, the rafida and other non Muslims therefor they were accepted.

Nusra fighters are just like ISIS, many Chechens in Nusra like this commander don't differ from ISIS fighters. At one point Nusra will start the same.
They were killing civillians all along, but they were killing the right civillians, the rafida and other non Muslims therefor they were accepted.

Nusra fighters are just like ISIS, many Chechens in Nusra like this commander don't differ from ISIS fighters. At one point Nusra will start the same.

Which civilians where they killing back then in Syria? No reports of any massacres. They first joined the fight in 2012 or so from Iraq. Their leadership is entirely Iraqi.
Those are the words of the Deputy Minister of Iraq's Interior Ministry Adnan al-Asadi. Not those of Al-Arabiya or me.

Why are you talking about Al-Nusra here? Who is really supporting them and their ideology outside of @islamrules ? All the rest of us support the FSA and the legitimate Syrian Opposition that 95% of all Arab countries support and most of the remaining world.

So what are we supposed to do? Support Al-Asshead over Al-Nusra that are only striking the enemy as of now? He is to blame for them even being able to set foot in Syria.

Don't give me this bullshit about civilians or some imaginary massacres when Al-Asshead is killing civilians in the dozens each day and has been doing that for 3 years or the Shabiha or the Shia terrorist groups.

Who made all those massacres on Sunni Muslim Arabs in Latakia Province 1 year ago or other massacres?

Nice reddish beard btw.
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They were killing civillians all along, but they were killing the right civillians, the rafida and other non Muslims therefor they were accepted.

Nusra fighters are just like ISIS, many Chechens in Nusra like this commander don't differ from ISIS fighters. At one point Nusra will start the same.

Thts one happy militant.. :lol:
ISIS is the only group dominated by foreigners. And even those retards have a lot of Syrians but what to expect in such a climate?

Assad says 80-90% of rebels are foreign fighters. But even western think tanks say that more than 50% of rebel fighters are foreign.

Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane's report - Telegraph

They're coming from gutters of all around the world. Fanatics brainwashed dupes serving as army for Saudis and NATO.

Foreign rebel fighters in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you say 50% of Assad's Army is foreign? Got any proof that back it up? There is none. Sure Hezbollah is there on the borders with Lebanon because the Takfiri filth of Syrian rebels is flowing into Lebanon through borders as well which is a concern for Hezbollah. And there are no Iranian fighters in Syria. There maybe some Iranian advisers but they are not fighting on the ground.
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