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Syrian jihadis preach global holy war

Even the animal is frozen with fear and WTF with the smoking?

touching an animal, smoking while doing takbeer; throwing helpless animals to the ground as if they have no feelings while having tasbi in hand and doing takbeer

what great examples -- great revolutionaries, nation-builders!
touching an animal, smoking while doing takbeer; throwing helpless animals to the ground as if they have no feelings while having taasbi in hind and doing takbeer

what great examples -- great revolutionaries, nation-builders!

I doubt anyone has set these examples during the Bashar Al Assad rule

Saudi Arabia and Syrian Uprising - Why Saudi Arabia supports the Syrian opposition

The origins of Saudi-Syrian crisis:

King's visit signals Saudi-Syria thaw - The National

touching an animal, smoking while doing takbeer; throwing helpless animals to the ground as if they have no feelings while having tasbi in hand and doing takbeer what great examples -- great revolutionaries, nation-builders!
Feelings ? Dude, we also kill Cows and Goats ? What's so special about dogs ?
and the wests support them... now the UK wants to arm them with heave weapons...
western governments = alqaeda
Feelings ? Dude, you also kill Cows and Goats ? What's so special about dogs ?

it's done in a humane fashion, Krait.

what is shown in that video is beyond inhumane

as for dogs -- well i do have a confession here. If it was a weasel, a hedgehog or a platypus i wouldnt be as emotional. But I like dogs a hell of a lot more than i like human beings, so now you know where i'm coming from.
plus he the guy in the video is not Syria... i'm pretty sure... because terrorism ideology came from abroad.. from Libya, Tunisia, and etc...

sorry for poor quality!

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Syrian army found these with terrorists...

this is jihad????

dont watch this video if you get angry very quickly


If those terrorists have no emotions for an animal, how do they have a feeling for humans? they behead humans on daily basis...
those western backed terrorists...
plus he the guy in the video is not Syria... i'm pretty sure... because terrorism ideology came from abroad.. from Libya, Tunisia, and etc...

i can speak some conversational Egyptian dialect of Arabic; which dialect are these guys speaking?

to call Bashar a "dog" they said "chalb" instead of Kaalb which leads me to believe they could be Iraqi/khaleejy

but believe me im no linguistic expert on this; and it doesnt matter WHO they are. These guys are out of control now.
i can speak some conversational Egyptian dialect of Arabic; which dialect are these guys speaking?

to call Bashar a "dog" they said "chalb" instead of Kaalb which leads me to believe they could be Iraqi/khaleejy

but believe me im no linguistic expert on this; and it doesnt matter WHO they are. These guys are out of control now.

"Chalb" would be in French-North African dialect as many French-Algerians have joined the FSA ranks!
"Chalb" would be in French-North African dialect as many French-Algerians have joined the FSA ranks!

acha so they also use the "ch" sound

but the French-N African walas hardly speak using vowels;

from the face these guys look more khaleejy but AGAIN - all just mere speculation. I dont know nothing about nothing.
it's done in a humane fashion, Krait. what is shown in that video is beyond inhumane
as for dogs -- well i do have a confession here. If it was a weasel, a hedgehog or a platypus i wouldnt be as emotional. But I like dogs a hell of a lot more than i like human beings, so now you know where i'm coming from.
Hehehehe......buddy definition of humane varies. In a tribe in India, they kill a dog by poking spears and burning it alive to eat.

So what you call humane fashion, a vegetarian feels same as you feel for dogs. :D
i used to have hourly cigarette breaks with diplomats from the "new" Libyan mission in Washington DC (their office is in the Watergate building). They were hard to miss because of the new Libyan flags on their suits. Pretty friendly people.

just a few days after the fall of Qaddafi (when the Syrian revolt was picking up steam) i remember we were talking about military stuff and operations in Syria...i dont remember exactly what we were talking about but he was beaming at me and openly told me that "yes, now that we have achieve freedom we are now sending many freedom fighter to help our brothers of Syrian resistance"

i didnt ask which resistance groups specifically just because the conversation was getting too political

but basically, many of these fringe groups are definitely al-qaeda sympathetic and i think arms falling in their hands is a terrifying prospect for every country between Morocco and Indonesia

Eventually what started on 9/11 has to become christians VS. muslim and this can only happen if you deploy "Al-Qieda" in all muslim countries and create a situation for Global War against muslims.
Hehehehe......buddy definition of humane varies. In a tribe in India, they kill a dog by poking spears and burning it alive to eat.

So what you call humane fashion, a vegetarian feels same as you feel for dogs. :D

the nerve that delivers pain impulses is severed when the throat is slit....they bleed so rapidly. Im not the goat or cow being slaughtered so it's very difficult for me to say for sure

but i've seen it done almost every year during Eid and from the time they are alive to the time their head is off is shorter than the time it took in that video for that poor dog to be yelping in pain. Trust me.

in Syria -- these ****** groups seem to become so battle-hardened and so full of hatred that they are forgetting the basic tenets of Islam during times of war.

and it's videos like the one i posted (which i cant open again because if i watch it again i'll do something stupid) or videos like this that have me convinced that this is no jihad; this civil war is a brutal one in which there's total break-down of humanity and decency

i dont even know if i should be posting this....it's way too graphic. Watch at your own risk.


this is NOT jihad!!!
@Abu Zolfiqar Buddy, we are at different plane. For a Jain, a killing of an animal, by any method is a sin. No matter whatever reasons you give, they can't accept it.

Similarly, for these people, like TTP beheading, this is normal for them. Its for psychological purpose.

What if I say I can throw a dog like that but can't slit a throat of a goat in so called humane way ? At least dog will be hurt, not dead.

I hate these people for their violence ideology alone.
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