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Syrian government no longer controls 83% of the country


Syria lands control excluding the deserts.
Thats what am saying .Pakistan should eliminate the 1 party for Syrian peace. Asad have no future . he dnt have mandate his supporter is in minority + he kill lots of innocent .

Pakistan has no stakes in the game.

And i am not sure how do you think Pakistan can get involved??

We are not the USA....even Turkey next door and a more powerful conventional military power is sitting on the sidelines.

Plus this is not Afghanistan where we can change the situation to our liking using proxies.

First we have to clear out terrorists from our country.

What we could do is help the Syrian refugees through the UNHCR.

Our involvement should only be for humanitarian basis.
Firstly many people forget that more than 8 million are internally misplaced and over 4 million are refugees so the mass population are trapped they are not living in government controlled area for the love of it but mainly to escape the barrel bombs assad keeps throwing in civilian areas.

secondly there is no Assad army anymore 70% of his fighting troops are militia from lebanon, iraq etc he is only able to defend territory now he can't launch attacks and re-capture any of the lost territory.

Third and most having a vast territory are a military advantage those who fought in wars knows what i am talking about, Assad forces has all but lost the last defensive lines into the coastal region now (Ghaab area), Homs strategically is useless for military importance for the government and Hama is all but surrounded by the opposition forces, Damascus is the prize in military aspect a trophy if you like, if Dar'aa falls + the northern front extends into the coast cities like latkia and tartous and aleppo falls fully under opposition hands then the war is over and anything else would be a waste of lives and effort.

The opposition is still under surface to air missile embargo, the americans has made it clear it's a red line for opposition to be supplied with any missiles that knocks assad planes off the sky, they know so as everyone else if the acquire them then this war would've ended in 2013.
First biggest city Damascus, half of the second biggest city Aleppo, third biggest city Homs, fourth biggest city Hama and the vital coastal area are all under bad Assadists control.
Many suburbs of Damascus and some districts are under rebel control.
Aleppo is almost besieged and surrounded.
Homs is not under full Assadist control, Wa'ar.
Hama is very, very near to the fighting, and if you knew anything about it's residents, they hate the Assad family.

Population wise, more than two thirds of the population live in Assad place.
That doesn't mean he controls them, not in the slightest.

Never understood how a conventional military force like Syrian army lost to rag-tag militias

I thought the Syrians were powerful military given their conflicts with Israel.
SAA is barely an army, they have crap training, crap equipment, crap leaders. This has been the norm ever since ba'athists took power. I would know because my grandfather served as an ATGM gunner in the 70s. He knows how the army works.
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