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Syrian government no longer controls 83% of the country

To brought asad's regime on knees . to make stronger economical ties with Arab countries and specially with new Syrian government .

cmon dude do you really believe that syria after the war is going to become a great nation ? in my opinion its gonna be hell like iraq, libya or afganistan..with no future.
cmon dude do you really believe that syria after the war is going to become a great nation ? in my opinion its gonna be hell like iraq, libya or afganistan..with no future.
Thats what am saying .Pakistan should eliminate the 1 party for Syrian peace. Asad have no future . he dnt have mandate his supporter is in minority + he kill lots of innocent .
Go Assad, kill the western-sponsored terrorists.
Interesting.........the country/man who openly nurtured and sponsored terrorists groups in Iraq against british and U.S forces is now having a good taste of his own medecine. Karma indeed. :lol:

Looking forward to the day he is dragged off the streets like Gaddaffi. :pop:
As a leader of a secular country this idiot should have allied with tge west, turkey and israel. Instead he allied with islamist iran and supported its suicide policies of supporting sunnis while being shia assuming that it would win them influence from the islamic world. Now he is being destroyed by the same cause he nurtured and by the same people he supported. What an irony. A good lesson for anyone who think there is any good outcome by supporting the rapid dogs called islamists.
Never understood how a conventional military force like Syrian army lost to rag-tag militias

I thought the Syrians were powerful military given their conflicts with Israel.
As a leader of a secular country this idiot should have allied with tge west, turkey and israel. Instead he allied with islamist iran and supported its suicide policies of supporting sunnis while being shia assuming that it would win them influence from the islamic world. Now he is being destroyed by the same cause he nurtured and by the same people he supported. What an irony. A good lesson for anyone who think there is any good outcome by supporting the rapid dogs called islamists.

True bro.

But then again, maybe he thought his country was a 'big power' ,so he overplayed his hands against us and got burnt(well, still burning).:lol:

let this be a good lesson to others as you said. :enjoy:
All these people that want Assad to fall clearly don't understand what they're wishing for?

If Assad is is gone, who will fill the power vacuum? Islamic State or equally radical and Al-Qaeda associates Al-Nusra? Everyone saw what happened in Iraq post Saddam and NATO, What happened in Libya post Gaddafi,What happened in Egypt post Mubarak?

Assad is necessary evil. Even US and UK have understood that. Hence, they're unofficially supporting him now.
All these people that want Assad to fall clearly don't understand what they're wishing for?

If Assad is is gone, who will fill the power vacuum? Islamic State or equally radical and Al-Qaeda associates Al-Nusra? Everyone saw what happened in Iraq post Saddam and NATO, What happened in Libya post Gaddafi,What happened in Egypt post Mubarak?

Assad is necessary evil. Even US and UK have understood that. Hence, they're unofficially supporting him now.

Doesn't matter, we can intervene in that case after he is gone. Intervening now will not only help him, but also make him start blaming the evil imperialstic west and whatever.
Moreover as i said he and his Iranian/Hezbollah stooges supported terrorists groups against our troops who were trying to stabilize Iraq back then. So i will say we shouldnt help them one bit. Let them bleed to the last drop for all i care.

We should just enjoy the game with our typhoons in the sky like we are already doing. Im shedding no tears for him and his Iranian buddies AT ALL. Let them keep up with their usual empty radical anti western rhetoric, lets see where it leads them. :pop:
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Doesn't matter, we can intervene in that case after he is gone. Intervening now will not only help him, but also make him start blaming the evil west and whatever. Moreover as i said he and his Iranian/Hezbollah stooges supported terrorists groups against our troops eho were trying to stabilize Iraq back then. So i will say we shouldnt help them one bit. let them bleed to the last drop for i care.

We should just enjoy the game with our typhoons in the sky like we are already doing. Im shedding no tears for him and his Iranian buddies AT ALL. let them keep up with their usual empty radical anti western rhetoric, lets see where it leads them. :pop:

You are right. He's a total goon and should be tried for war crimes in Iraq and Syria but, who is going to replace him? IS? Are they more pro west? Let's be honest. They all hate us and our way of life.

But, if Assad was to fall right now, IS would have a field day. Neither us or Americans have any appetite for yet another 'boots on the ground' invasion. I was reading it in the Times the other day that group of SAS were using for American uniforms and arms to carry out special ops. in Syria. Because they feared Cameron might shut them down if he knew.
Thats what am saying .Pakistan should eliminate the 1 party for Syrian peace. Asad have no future . he dnt have mandate his supporter is in minority + he kill lots of innocent .

Yes, i agree with you, he Bashar al-Assad continues to kill innocent Terrorist.
You are right. He's a total goon and should be tried for war crimes in Iraq and Syria but, who is going to replace him? IS? Are they more pro west? Let's be honest. They all hate us and our way of life.

But, if Assad was to fall right now, IS would have a field day. Neither us or Americans have any appetite for yet another 'boots on the ground' invasion. I was reading it in the Times the other day that group of SAS were using for American uniforms and arms to carry out special ops. in Syria. Because they feared Cameron might shut them down if he knew.

Yes i also red that. I also know from a cousib who is has an important rank in the army that our special forces are already operating under cover(sometimes in U.S uniform to avoid public knowing.lol) on the ground in Syria and Iraq for a long time now.
SAS troops 'dressed in US uniforms and joined special forces on Isis Abu Sayyaf overnight raid in Syria' - Home News - UK - The Independent

But yes its mostly hidden due to public opposition to any foreign conflict. However we also have to protect/look after our interests. So being proactive rather than reactive is a must. something some of our naive citizens dont understand. Anyway, im ok with the current situation , i dont want a full scale ground invasion .
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Doesn't matter, we can intervene in that case after he is gone. Intervening now will not only help him, but also make him start blaming the evil imperialstic west and whatever.
Moreover as i said he and his Iranian/Hezbollah stooges supported terrorists groups against our troops who were trying to stabilize Iraq back then. So i will say we shouldnt help them one bit. Let them bleed to the last drop for all i care.

We should just enjoy the game with our typhoons in the sky like we are already doing. Im shedding no tears for him and his Iranian buddies AT ALL. Let them keep up with their usual empty radical anti western rhetoric, lets see where it leads them. :pop:

Your troops didn't want to stabilize Iraq, just like British and Americans fucked up every place they touched and caused death of millions of people. If you didn't want your troops to come back in body bags, you shouldn't have sent them to Iraq to topple the same dictator you supported few years back.

One of the most stupid thing I've ever heard people saying is that U.S or UK or other countries actually give a fu** about people of the countries they invade and destroy.
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