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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

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july 2017

'You destroy, we rebuild': a builder's life in war-torn Syria

By Lisa Barrington
Reuters•July 4, 2017


Members of "You Destroy and We Rebuild Brigade" work at a construction site, in the rebel-held town of Saida, in Deraa province, Syria May 24, 2017. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Faqir
By Lisa Barrington

BEIRUT (Reuters) - When builder Abu Salem repairs a shell hole in a house in rebel-held southern Syria, he knows it might not be the last job he does on the structure.

"There is a chance the buildings will be hit again," he told Reuters. "But in the short term people should be able to take refuge in their homes."

Abu Salem heads a group of 12 construction workers who rebuild and patch up buildings damaged by barrel bombs, air strikes and shelling in and around Syria's Deraa city.

With no access to modern tools, and materials made expensive by the war, Abu Salem's men break up buildings, mix concrete and carry loads by hand. Despite the difficulties, they have kept their sense of humor.

Three months ago a video circulated widely on Syrian social media showing masked men kneeling in formation, brandishing staffs and rising to shouts of "God is Great".

At first glance it looks like a typical example of the belligerent propaganda footage often posted by armed groups in the Syrian conflict. But it isn't what it seems.

"In the name of God, I am Abu Salem al-Muhameed and I announce the formation of a Concrete Pouring Brigade in the free areas!" Salem shouts into the camera in an unmistakable parody of fired-up rebel leaders fighting President Bashar al-Assad.

"If you destroy, by God we will rebuild!" he cries as his men wave pickaxes and shovels and then descend into laughter.

After the You Destroy and We Rebuild Brigade's video appeared, people began stopping Abu Salem in the street.

"They said: you are the best brigade formed since the start of the Syrian crisis," he told Reuters by phone.


Syria's war has destroyed the national economy and fractured the country into a patchwork of areas of control which bisect trading routes, raising prices and causing local shortages of vital commodities.

But money can sometimes talk louder than political loyalty, and across Syria goods still find their way across front lines, with heavy bribes and taxes paid at checkpoints.

Abu Salem lives in a rebel-held area but sources his building materials from government-controlled zones.

Cement secured from Damascus may cost about 30,000 Syrian pounds a ton at source, he said, but arrives in Deraa at a price of 50,000 to 55,000 pounds after passing through all the checkpoints.

"By the time they get to us the price has become 50, 60 or sometimes 100 percent more than their real price," said Abu Salem, a 39-year-old father of five who was a builder before the war.

Abu Salem is passionate about his mission to reverse the destruction, but laments he can't do as good a job as he'd like.

There are no engineers, modern construction techniques or cement mixers. He and his colleagues reuse rubble and steel from destroyed buildings and do everything by hand.

"The quality of building has changed significantly ... If there was equipment we would be able to build faster and better. But these are war conditions," said Abu Salem, who has had to vacate and repair his own house because of air attacks.

Brigade members are paid in accordance with what customers can afford, averaging the equivalent of a mere four or five U.S. dollars a day.

"It's always just (enough for) food and water. There are no savings because of the high prices," Abu Salem said.

Abu Salem said he and his men stood ready to help whichever parties eventually agree to rebuild Syria. "But if someone comes with a rocket or a weapon and says 'fight', I won't," he said.

(Editing by Andrew Roche)
Russia has accomplished two tasks by its strikes with newest Kh-101 cruise missiles, military experts told Sputnik.

Earlier in the day, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that Tu-95MS long-range bombers struck Daesh targets in Syria with brand new Kh-101 cruise missiles, destroying three large terrorist arms and ammunition depots, as well as a terrorist command center near the city of Uqayribat in the Hama province.

According to Viktor Murakhovsky, the launch of the Kh-101 missiles in Syria helped Russia achieve two main goals: the real combat task in destroying Daesh targets and the test of military equipment.

"Instead of launching the missiles somewhere on the Novaya Zemlya or at the Kura [a missile test range in Kamchatka], it is better to destroy the real terrorists' targets. This is a real combat experience and the tests of weapons and military equipment," Murakhovsky told Sputnik.

At the same time, President of the Academy of geopolitical issues Konstantin Sivkov told Sputnik that this is not the first time the Kh-101 missiles had been used in Syria. While the previous launches were conducted from much bigger ranges, while the latest strike from a range of some 1,000 kilometers.

"At the moment, there are no problems in the Homs area that our air groupat the Hmeymim [Russian airbase in the Latakia province] cannot solve, so I believe that in this case it is simply the development of the use of these missiles on real targets," Sivkov said.

The cruise missile strikes were made from a range of about 1,000 kilometers using the newest high-precision Kh-101 missiles. This strike marked the sixth time that Russia has used the Kh-101 in combat.

The Kh-101 (in Russian: X-101) is a strategic, air-launched Russian cruise missile, manufactured using modern technology to reduce radar visibility. It can destroy a target up to 4,500 kilometers away. This type of missiles could be equipped with a nuclear warhead. The Kh-101 uses GLONASS, the Russian satellite navigation system, for trajectory correction and is reported to have an accuracy of five to six meters.

Up to 12 Kh-101s can be equipped onto the Tupolev Tu-160 (Blackjack), while the Tupolev Tu-95 (Bear) is capable of carrying a maximum of eight of these missiles.

Previously, the Russian aviation launched Kh-101 missile strikes on Daesh targets in February 2017, destroying several terrorist camps, training centers and a command post of one of the major terrorists' units near Raqqa.

The cruise missile strikes were made from a range of about 1,000 kilometers using the newest high-precision Kh-101 missiles. This strike marked the sixth time that Russia has used the Kh-101 in combat.
They were fired from 270 km according to geolocaton. Many missiles failed.

Another 5 hezbie terrorists turned to fertilized, including 2 child soldiers:

They were fired from 270 km according to geolocaton. Many missiles failed.

Another 5 hezbie terrorists turned to fertilized, including 2 child soldiers:

No one here is interested in your delusions, moron. Thank you.
No one here is interested in your delusions, moron. Thank you.






Russian MoD does not realize that its not easy to lie when u have satellite maps and internet all over.

Meanwhile Assadists broke Putin-Trump cease fire next day after signing. They dont even hide it.


The only cease fire Assadists respect is cease fire with Israel.
View attachment 410245





Russian MoD does not realize that its not easy to lie when u have satellite maps and internet all over.

Meanwhile Assadists broke Putin-Trump cease fire next day after signing. They dont even hide it.


The only cease fire Assadists respect is cease fire with Israel.

Moron, i said no one is interested in your delusions. No need to spam me with random irrelevant photoshopped pictures.
View attachment 410245





Russian MoD does not realize that its not easy to lie when u have satellite maps and internet all over.

Meanwhile Assadists broke Putin-Trump cease fire next day after signing. They dont even hide it.


The only cease fire Assadists respect is cease fire with Israel.

Take your medicine.
Moron, i said no one is interested in your delusions. No need to spam me with random irrelevant photoshopped pictures.
Source of my "photoshopped" pictures:

You guys still stuck in 1970-es with ur silly lies.
Moron, i didnt ask you for source. I said no need to spam me with random irrelevant photoshopped pictures. Got it?
I proved u are a liar and/or idiot. Pics are grabbed from official Russian MoD videos.
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