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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I proved u are a liar and/or idiot. Pics are grabbed from official Russian MoD videos.

Please, Please show us more pictures, we are all here for your pictures and isareli news agency, tell us more about you firebombing palestenians and killing arabs. lol/

Your delusions and pictures are of no interest to anyone. How many times should i repeat you this, poor shizophrenic?

Why not? Speak for your self, most of us come here only to see him support ISIS and Isarel and all that, I have been coming here for years only to listen to the hogwash 500 puts up.
Please, Please show us more pictures, we are all here for your pictures and isareli news agency, tell us more about you firebombing palestenians and killing arabs. lol/

Hell on Earth

By Jack Cohen
Posted on July 12, 2017

Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS” is the title of a documentary film made by Sebastian Junger and Nick Quested in 2017. From many media sources it shows the start of the Syrian Civil War, the development of ISIS, the extension of the war to Iraq and then the gradual defeat of IS. Here is some analysis:

  1. The initial demonstrations against the Assad regime were met with such brutal suppression that there was bound to be an organized reaction. Young people were being systematically shot down in the streets. One man said that he personally witnessed 80 people tortured to death and murdered in a prison. This prompted many Syrian soldiers to defect and join the burgeoning resistance, that cohered to some extent into the Free Syrian Army. They captured some Army barracks and distributed arms to many local militias.
  2. At the same time the Assad regime released some high level Al Qaeda operatives, the tactic being that they could then label all the resistance as terrorists. No-one foresaw that Al Qaeda would start to control territory and that this would then metastasize into the so-called Islamic State.
  3. At first the Islamists took over bakeries and food depots and then banks and gas stations and then they attacked and took over villages and towns. They were more intent on killing the secular anti-Assad forces than the pro-Assad forces, and in effect they took over eastern Syria while leaving Assad in control of the west. It was only when the Kurds with US support counter-attacked after IS took over Sinjar that IS started to spread into Iraq.
  4. The weakness and indecisiveness of Pres. Obama was intimately connected to the expansion of the fighting in Syria and Iraq. Not only did he take no effective action against Assad, but he failed to support the FSA (in case guns fell into the hands of the Islamists) and he declared a “red-line” against the use of chemical weapons, then failed to act on it. Not only that, later,when IS was making significant gains, he declared that the US would not stand for it, and he called in Senators to brief them and arranged with allies to start military action and then at the last moment went on TV and declared that he would take no action because he didn’t want to get the US involved. At the same time he withdrew all US forces from Iraq, and this was seen by IS as a signal for them to go ahead.
  5. The film documents the lives of a family that fled Aleppo after the Assad regime bombed it indiscriminately and went into the countryside. But, then IS came and took over the area and started murdering people and extorting money, just like a gang of criminals, and so they fled again, this time to Turkey. They tried to cross the straits to Greece, but were intercepted and returned to Turkey.
  6. The downfall of IS was presaged when they started to threaten Baghdad. Then the Iraqi Army with US support counter-attacked and drove them back and this process has been continuing. The loss of Mosul and other cities and oil facilities means a loss of revenue for IS and so their finances and influence are waning.
  7. Meanwhile under the Trump Administration, more support has been given to the Kurdish forces allied with several Sunni Arab forces in the north and they are currently besieging Raqqa.
  8. The downfall of the so-called Caliphate will lead to more “lone-wolf” attacks as a means of bringing the war home to the countries that IS see as their enemies, including Britain, France and the US.
  9. Note that Israel is not mentioned in this documentary, thus adding to the contention that the Israel-Arab conflict is not basic to the issues of war and peace in the Middle East, as many so-called pundits proclaim.
There is no doubt that Syria has become a “hell on earth,” with terrible human suffering. Around 500,000 Syrians have been killed and about half the country (ca. 10 million people) have been displaced and/or have become refugees. Attempts to compare this suffering with other situations are futile.
The Syrian tapestry
It is funny enough that any referring to the crisis in Syria today's political analytics resembles the parable of the three blind wise men trying to describe an elephant. One of them felt a trunk, another felt a leg, and the third one characterized a tail. But folklore wise men were earnest and honest researchers, despite their delusions caused by their incapacity of making the right inductive conclusion due to physical affliction, which is more than it could be said for partisan talking heads on TV screens.
These people aren't able to understand what's going on in Syria and push the truth into the Procrustean bed of pathetic movie cliché of "revolutionary struggle of national rebels against bloody oppressive regime." The only mitigating factor for them is that Syria indeed is an ethnic and confessional crazy quilt owing to the Great Britain, the good old colonialist eternally poaching the Roman principle of divide and conquer. Then again about 70 per cent of the target audience wouldn't conceive any patterns trickier than good guys vs. bad guys. That is why let them go on watching the Syrian Dune series. All familiar roles have been given out. Here is an evil Emperor Asshaddam with his devoted elite Sardaukar troops supported by the Iranian House Hesbalonnen. And these are wonderful freedom-loving Fremen stoned with the spice mélange till they're blue in their eyes. Although, it is hard to tell the earlier "good" Fremen from the "bad" ones, who joined the jihad of bearded Muad'Dib, the Khalif from Raqqah. It happens for the reason that all of them have been cutting off infidels' heads with identical "Allah Akbar."
In sober fact, the situation in Syrian cannot be fit in the simple schemes fed to American and European common audience, for it is rather difficult to understand and explain the ethnic and religious war. Syrian Alawis (Shiahs) have been national and faith based minority. They resist losing ground since reluctance to die knelt with a Sunni knife in their neck. The Sunni oppositionists concur in their unwillingness to tolerate the Alawis' rule only. But they aren't able to agree about degree of secularity of the Syrian community after the speculative end of the conflict. There is no need in hopeless delusions, however. There are much more bearded followers of bin Laden than sensible men, who would allow their daughters to choose a fiancée herself. Another problem is that all these Sunni cutthroats have been in disagreement with the Daesh followers about ways of building their Islamic State; for the last ones are going to enter the Judgement day fighting the Crusaders on the dusty Syrian plains. Fraternal Islamic disputes have a horrible mutual massacre format. This is the way the things are done among the Muslim brothers. However Syrian Kurds have no place in this bloody tapestry. What is at issue of separation in Iraq here is not. While being stuck between Turkish devil and Arabian deep blue sea they've been looking wistfully in the direction of that very Damask "evil Emperor". It was the only ruler who didn't consider them to be lambs to the public slaughter even if he didn't grant autonomy to them either.
You must admit that this pattern has been wide off those everyday parrot cries we hear from mass media. There are no clear courses and slick solutions in the Syrian game. The white whale of the mere elimination (political or even physical) of the president Bashar Assad won't have the desired effect. "Sad But True." The most pressing acute question is if American and European political elite has any sensible and realistic plans regarding the Syrian conflict. In all appearances the next thing on the agenda is an installment of the "liberation struggle" series. It will come in monochrome "good guys vs. bad guys." We kind of deserved this. But the long-suffering Syrian people didn't.
As isis is getting defeated but Syrian army is gaining more positions at the same time without overreacting to usa attempts to escalate the conflict there can be several things Usa will possibly do to reverse its recent setbacks in Syria.

-As battle against isis gains momentum and isis is finally getting weaker then
Usa will use this and say that Syrian govt must step down. putins main argument
was not "Syrian people only should choose whom they will" but "there will be chaos and terrorism
if Syrian govt is toppled mainly the rise of isis" excuse. After isis is gone this excuse of putin
will be gone as well so usa will have better options for removal of the Syrian govt by negotiating with putin.
-In order to do this usa needs to isolate Syria. the border pass with Iraq is open right now
and bombing Syrian forces will turn out to a larger unmanagable conflict. They will
now possibly focus on controlling the Iraqi side of the border zone with Syria. Latest possible false flag
videos of pmu units executing isis captives can be the beginning of this scenario. They will try to make Iraq disband pmu forces and then usa can take control of the border zone with Syria from Iraq.
- After Syria is isolated then putin and usa will play the good cop bad cop drama
raising pressure over Syrian govt to step down. usa can bomb here an there with generated
excuses and putin telling Syria the demands. I trust Russians in general but after the alleged assasination of mr. vitaly churkin and little response from putins side I have some doubts about mr. putin. I hope investigations are going on to find the culprits and putin had to also remove and punish the ones responsibles about the ministers security.

The latest incident kiling isis captives is possibly a false flag to defame pmu and generate
excuses to disband pmu. This can be searched throughly. Also
currently since Syrian issue is not solved nusra and similar elements having large sarin chlorine
wmds reserves it would be foolish to give up Iraqi security immedately as fire burning in the next house can spread again.
For security concerns it would result in disaster until Syrian terrorism issue is solved which does not consist
only of isis but wmd equipped nusra-hts and some fsa elements as well. Also usa uses pyd which is an offshoot of terror organization pkk with some heavy make up to look pretty and usa bombs Syrian forces from time to time with false flag excuses which can turn out to be a much larger conflict if Syria is isolated from its borders making it a much easier target for destabilization.
So border zone needs to be controlled by Iraqi forces and no concessions should be given about it since it is
the umblical cord for Syria like humanitarian supplies as well as equipment(also includes protective equipment against chemical wmds) to fight against isis and possible nusra-hts-fsa attacks. Also If there are responsibles in the pmu units and this issue happened legal action needs to be taken for those.

As these happen ofcourse getting angry and reacting foolishly because of that will ruin
everything. Solutions will also not come from outside. So having selfcontrol proactively resisting anger and similar reactions and thinking clearly will generate the solutions. Previously in ahmedinejad era Iranians were reacting and getting angry pretty easily which costed them a lot. Also it is not a single player game as terrorism is the common threat for all of us so instead of taking immediate individual action continious negotiations with every actor like Turkey, Pakistan is a necessity for Iran as well as for each mentioned country. In that case pmu units can be transformed for the better separating bad apples from good ones and as the Syrian issue gets more stabilized(not only isis elimination but hts-fsa issues and the problem of usa presence-threats-strikes) which appears to be on the right track then there would be no security issues left for pmu to stay as it is now in my opinion.

Another child soldier sent by criminal Khamenai regime was killed in Syria.
The Syrian tapestry
It is funny enough that any referring to the crisis in Syria today's political analytics resembles the parable of the three blind wise men trying to describe an elephant. One of them felt a trunk, another felt a leg, and the third one characterized a tail. But folklore wise men were earnest and honest researchers, despite their delusions caused by their incapacity of making the right inductive conclusion due to physical affliction, which is more than it could be said for partisan talking heads on TV screens.
These people aren't able to understand what's going on in Syria and push the truth into the Procrustean bed of pathetic movie cliché of "revolutionary struggle of national rebels against bloody oppressive regime." The only mitigating factor for them is that Syria indeed is an ethnic and confessional crazy quilt owing to the Great Britain, the good old colonialist eternally poaching the Roman principle of divide and conquer. Then again about 70 per cent of the target audience wouldn't conceive any patterns trickier than good guys vs. bad guys. That is why let them go on watching the Syrian Dune series. All familiar roles have been given out. Here is an evil Emperor Asshaddam with his devoted elite Sardaukar troops supported by the Iranian House Hesbalonnen. And these are wonderful freedom-loving Fremen stoned with the spice mélange till they're blue in their eyes. Although, it is hard to tell the earlier "good" Fremen from the "bad" ones, who joined the jihad of bearded Muad'Dib, the Khalif from Raqqah. It happens for the reason that all of them have been cutting off infidels' heads with identical "Allah Akbar."
In sober fact, the situation in Syrian cannot be fit in the simple schemes fed to American and European common audience, for it is rather difficult to understand and explain the ethnic and religious war. Syrian Alawis (Shiahs) have been national and faith based minority. They resist losing ground since reluctance to die knelt with a Sunni knife in their neck. The Sunni oppositionists concur in their unwillingness to tolerate the Alawis' rule only. But they aren't able to agree about degree of secularity of the Syrian community after the speculative end of the conflict. There is no need in hopeless delusions, however. There are much more bearded followers of bin Laden than sensible men, who would allow their daughters to choose a fiancée herself. Another problem is that all these Sunni cutthroats have been in disagreement with the Daesh followers about ways of building their Islamic State; for the last ones are going to enter the Judgement day fighting the Crusaders on the dusty Syrian plains. Fraternal Islamic disputes have a horrible mutual massacre format. This is the way the things are done among the Muslim brothers. However Syrian Kurds have no place in this bloody tapestry. What is at issue of separation in Iraq here is not. While being stuck between Turkish devil and Arabian deep blue sea they've been looking wistfully in the direction of that very Damask "evil Emperor". It was the only ruler who didn't consider them to be lambs to the public slaughter even if he didn't grant autonomy to them either.
You must admit that this pattern has been wide off those everyday parrot cries we hear from mass media. There are no clear courses and slick solutions in the Syrian game. The white whale of the mere elimination (political or even physical) of the president Bashar Assad won't have the desired effect. "Sad But True." The most pressing acute question is if American and European political elite has any sensible and realistic plans regarding the Syrian conflict. In all appearances the next thing on the agenda is an installment of the "liberation struggle" series. It will come in monochrome "good guys vs. bad guys." We kind of deserved this. But the long-suffering Syrian people didn't.
Great first post,I especially loved the Dune references,keep it up:yahoo:
Elite Republican guards, virtually all Alawites:

No helmets, no bulletproof wests, no training, no planning.
Note that Israel is not mentioned in this documentary, thus adding to the contention that the Israel-Arab conflict is not basic to the issues of war and peace in the Middle East, as many so-called pundits proclaim.
Of course they don't, western organisations don't criticise Israel or they'll be labelled anti-semites, terrorists etc.
Elite Republican guards, virtually all Alawites:

No helmets, no bulletproof wests, no training, no planning.

Do YOU have any idea how hot it is there? No need to wear armor. A bullet has enough kinetic energy to kill if it does not penetrate. No armor means quicker feet. Quicker feet means survival.
Do YOU have any idea how hot it is there?
I live south to that area.

No need to wear armor.
You must wear it.

A bullet has enough kinetic energy to kill if it does not penetrate.
No. Plus there are also many fragments which kill.

No armor means quicker feet. Quicker feet means survival.
1) U cant escape from bullet or RPG anyway.
2) U dont make 100 km marches in urban warfare.
I live south to that area.

Israel is next to the sea. Not as hot as inland.

SAA T-72 fitted with Viper thermal sight.


SAA snipers armed with AM50 sniper rifles and Dragunov sniper rifles




Syrian people suffered, is suffering and will suffer...


President Trump has ended the clandestine American program to provide arms and supplies to Syrian rebel groups, American officials said, a recognition that the effort was failing and that the administration has given up hope of helping to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

The decision came more than a month ago, the officials said, by which time the effort to deliver the arms had slowed to a trickle.

It was never publicly announced, just as the beginnings of the program four years ago were officially a secret, authorized by President Barack Obama through a “finding” that permitted the C.I.A. to conduct a deniable program. News of the troublesome program soon leaked out.

It joins similar failed efforts to deliver arms and money to groups seeking to overthrow governments that Washington found noxious, most famously the Kennedy administration’s disastrous effort to do away with the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba.

The White House had no comment. But the decision is bound to be welcomed by the Russians, whose military has backed Mr. Assad’s government and relentlessly attacked some of the rebel groups that the United States was supplying, under the guise of helping to eradicate terrorists.

On Tuesday, Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, charged that the United States had helped destabilize the region, and portrayed Iran as merely defending its interests. Washington, instead, views Iran’s aid to the Assad government as part of an effort to restore itself as a major regional power.

From the start, there were doubts that arming disorganized, often internally fractious forces would succeed. Officials in the Obama administration conceded that there was no way to predict the future loyalties of those who received American arms, despite a lengthy vetting process. That problem — getting the weapons into the right hands and assuring they were not passed on to others and used against American troops or allies — plagued the effort soon after it was proposed by Hillary Clinton, who was then secretary of state, and David H. Petraeus, the C.I.A. director at the time.

Mr. Trump’s decision was first reported by The Washington Post. But it was foreshadowed as early as April, when the Trump administration said that ousting Mr. Assad, whose government has fought a civil war that has taken roughly half a million lives, was no longer a priority. Instead, the United States and Russia have been discussing cease-fire zones in the country, the first of which went into effect this month.

Those discussions have been possible because Mr. Assad, secure in his support from Moscow and Tehran, no longer sees a fundamental threat to his ability to remain in power. And Mr. Trump’s decisions amounted to an acknowledgment that no escalation of the program, which began in 2013 in concert with the C.I.A.’s counterparts in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan, was likely to yield a different result.

When it began, the initial objective was to force Mr. Assad to the bargaining table, in a series of negotiations that the secretary of state at the time, John Kerry, took up in earnest in late 2015. But each agreement — for cease-fires, and deadlines for a political “road map” for elections in the country — fizzled. Mr. Kerry fumed that Mr. Obama was not willing to provide the kind of military pressure on Mr. Assad that might bolster the diplomacy. Mr. Obama, for his part, was leery of entering another Middle East war whose outcome he could neither control nor predict.

The program became less relevant as the Russians increased their presence in Syria, targeting and badly weakening the C.I.A.-backed rebels, who were the most capable of the opposition fighters. That helped the Assad government claw back and consolidate territorial gains.

“This is a big deal, but it’s been a long time coming,” Charles Lister, a Syria analyst for the Middle East Institute in Washington, said. “It’s the biggest indication so far of the administration’s having given up on the opposition.”

“After all, the Southern Front has consistently been our most reliable anti-Assad partner,” Mr. Lister said, referring to opposition forces fighting Mr. Assad in the southern part of the country. “It’s also the result of strong Jordanian pressure, as Amman has been pushing a freeze for a long time. So it was probably inevitable, but it’s nonetheless very significant.’’

He added that it was “a big mistake in my mind.”

Other independent experts said it was unclear whether Mr. Trump’s decision would have an impact on fighters defending areas held by the opposition.

At its height, the program was run through operations rooms in Jordan and Turkey, supporting rebel groups fighting under the banner of the Free Syrian Army who were deemed not to be extremists.

But the pressure on Mr. Assad was not great enough to force him to enter negotiations to end the civil war. Nor was it sufficient to clear the way for the rebel groups to take over major cities or approach the capital, Damascus. The program also sought to bolster so-called moderate rebels against extremist factions like the Syrian affiliate of Al Qaeda.

When the history of the effort is written — and the documents surrounding it are declassified — historians will doubtless seek to learn why the rebels lost ground for years, to Syrian government forces and their Russian and Iranian allies, and to extremists.

After the rebels’ expulsion from the eastern half of the city of Aleppo last year, it became clear that they no longer posed a serious threat to Mr. Assad’s rule.

But stopping the covert program, which mainly helped rebels near the Turkish border in northwestern Syrian and along the Jordanian border in the south, will not affect the fight against the jihadists of the Islamic State in the east. A different program there run by the Pentagon is supporting a Kurdish-Arab militia known as the Syrian Democratic Forces.
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