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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)



AMMAN: Jets believed to be Russian hit an outpost run by moderate Syrian fighters forces in northwestern Syria near a major border crossing with Turkey, killing at least one fighter and wounding several people, two Syrian fighters sources said on Sunday.

They said several raids overnight hit Babeska, a village in Idlib province that has become a haven for several moderate Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups, mainly Jaish al Islam, a major insurgent group that controls the last major Syrian fighters stronghold on the doorstep of the Syrian capital.

Jaish al Islam is a signatory to a fragile cease-fire brokered by Russia and Turkey at the end of last year. Syrian fighters say Russia has failed to put pressure on the Syrian government to ensure the cease-fire holds.

The Syrian government considers Jaish al Islam a terrorist group and blames it alongside other insurgents for waging recent attacks on the government-held areas in the capital.

The village also houses hundreds of families and fighters from the Damascus suburb of Daraya which was evacuated by Syrian fighters and surrendered to government control last year.

War jets also believed to be Russian also struck Urum al Kubra town in fighters-held western Aleppo countryside where five civilians were killed, in an area that witnessed fighting between Syrian fighters and the Syrian army, Syrian fighters said.
Yesterday Assad aka Putin aka Khamenai terrorirsts destroyed hospital in Maarat an Numan,


today they gassed kids in Khan Sheikhoun.


I don't post pics of dead kids. All far from frontlines. So thats Putin aka Khamenai plan: first displace people to Idlib, they slaughter them there from the air. I was wrong when I said that Assadist and ISIS are same shit. They are far worse scum.

P.S. Now Assad trolls will say that rebels again gassed own kids to blame Assad.
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Today's chemical massacre in idlib only confirmed a few things.

Arab leaders are the most cowardly leaders on earth
Muslims burned embassies over a cartoon but watch children get murdered and do nothing. They are nothing but hypocrites.
You can murder a muslim child if you wear a suit
There is no such as thing as the civilised west.
Alawites have surpassed mongols in depravity and brutality over their reign in syria
I see ISIS official spokesperson @500 is desperately busy on this Topic

ISIS is khawarji... and I out Prophet Pbuh may have said... "You will see them as being more muslim than you are, and yet their tongue is pure evil/arrogance" Therefore Destroy them till your last breath, they are the DOgs of Hell and the corrupt among us.

Khawarji are not your friends neither your allies, bc the moment you disobey or seen less "muslim" than they are, they will give you the Kuffar cards and therefore you blood is Halal...

And that's what make them Evil and corrupted... Why? simple... In what right do they have to throw out your forgiveness when ALLAH himself will give you every forgiveness you will ask, and whatever sins you may have done, He is the most mercifull...
I see ISIS official spokesperson @500 is desperately busy on this Topic
I never supported ISIS. You support Assad which is far bigger scum than ISIS.

Beside chemical massacre in Khan Sheikhun, non stop terror goes on. Douma:

it's obviously the saudi supported so called rebels who did the chemical attack, all to try and gain some international sympathy.

big test for Trump, I think he's too smart to fall for this sallafist false flag taqiya garbage to try and bury the jihadi suicide bombing in St. Petersburg.

loser scumbag wahabis gassing themselves, SAD !

Security forces have detained 18 people attempting to illegally cross to Turkey from its Syrian border, including a Chechen man suspected of planning an attack, the military said on on April 4.

Security forces found 1.5 kg (3.3 pounds) of explosives and two grenades in the Chechen man's bag, a military statement said.

The group was made up of nine other men, four women and four children.

Russia has been on alert against Russian-speaking rebels returning from Syria, where they have fought alongside Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and is wary of any attempts to resume attacks that dogged the country several years ago.

On April 4, a blast in a St. Petersburg train carriage killed 11 people and wounded 45. It was carried out by a suspected suicide bomber with ties to radical Islamists, Russia's Interfax news agency said.

Kyrgyzstan's security service said on April 4 the likely suspect in the blast was a Kyrgyz-born Russian citizen.

Kyrgyzstan, a predominantly Muslim Central Asian nation, is Russia's close political ally and hosts a Russian military airbase.c
I posted this in another section... just thought it would be relevant to leave it here as well...

being a victim of divide and conquer imperialist strategies.... I cant help but see the exact same thing playing out here..

divide and conquer...

the age old imperialist tactic of dividing local people against each other.... picking and supporting a (winning) side. and having that faction be reliant on you for their power, survival and status...

the white man successfully used this tactic to easily enslave both Africa and india for centuries....

now we are seeing that same playbook in the middleeast today against the muslims...

this really heated up around 2005-2006 if you remember.. at that time the US was in serious trouble in Iraq.. the entire islamist (especially sunni jihadis) cause was fighting an insurgency against American occupiers...

the US was taking heavy casualties daily, the public were really fed up, Bush was tanking, and their military was getting demoralised.. the US was in serious trouble at that junction... Enter a new band of Al Qaeda leaders, whos entire new goal became an all out war against shias...

overnight the war went from Islamism vs the americans, to shia's vs. sunnis.. with murican strategically picking sides... easing pressure on them, and giving them a face saving way out....

Now that same playbook is being used in the region....

Biggest winner in this is going to be Zionist Israel... an artificial state where some polish dude with a grandmother who may or may not have been a jew on paper.. Has the "right of return" to come to lands inhabited for centuries by muslim arabs.. take them over forcibly, kick that arab out.. and kill and slaughter his family and call them terrorists if they resist...

the artificial imperialist project state would fail if muslims united against her.... muslims are over 1.2b~ people and hold a huge chunk of the worlds crucial energy supplies, and completely surround Israel... Strategically, Israel is hopeless long term...

UNLESS, she can pit the muslims against each other, ANd try to portray islam as a violent/barbaric religion in the west to get their support. (help out your fellow civilized jews against these barbaric muslims!!!!!)

a dual strategy that's working wonders today..

is it any coincidence that Israel decided to make peace with Egypt immidiatly after irans revolution where a game changing geopolitical event had taken place. where a strong US puppet suddenly turned into an anti-US/anti-Israel state...

instead of muslims (arabs) seizing that opportunity... some made peace with Israel, some joined together to attack iran.... while Israel wished both sides "good luck" and the west just laughed......

Muslims need to smarten up if they want to stop being slaves of the white man...
As usual always liitle children becomes of victim while jihadis gangsters women man elderly people all escapes unharmed ...all grown up people escapes. Unharmex . stupid terrorist needs proper script director. Stunt director because next time they won't be able to grab best acting award
In some news channels the info is that the target was an ammunitions depot used by nusra-fsa groups.

Two scenarios are very possible. Either the destroyed ammo depot stored chlorine that was used many times before by nusra and fsa. Or similar stunt is made by fsa as in 2013 by poisoning hostages and bringing them to scene. Another possibility is Syrian govt after winning against isis in east and repulsing fsa attack in hama went crazy and started dropping chlorine which they were accused previously by usa without proof.Take your pick.

Think about this way. Before jumping into quick conclusion that Syrian planes did it as many were thinking in 2013 what would those terrorists which are now capable of procuring producing and using chems would do when they return back to their home countries. There is this security risk and every sane person needs to think about it before listening to mainstream media or dancing politicians. Yes this move would pressure Syria to scumb down for another desperate ceasefire but the danger is there and growing fully chem armed nusra and fsa and using them wherever and whenever required by their controllers.
Today's chemical massacre in idlib only confirmed a few things.

Arab leaders are the most cowardly leaders on earth
Muslims burned embassies over a cartoon but watch children get murdered and do nothing. They are nothing but hypocrites.
You can murder a muslim child if you wear a suit
There is no such as thing as the civilised west.
Alawites have surpassed mongols in depravity and brutality over their reign in syria

They are not anymore cowardly than those around them and in the world. They do not have power of certain Western or Eastern states, that can deploy offensive fire power + defensive deterrent measures. Arab states can't compete with Russia or US in Syria. Turkey can on very limited scale and done in cooperation with the US. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to. Of course that is hypothetically assuming Arab states are interested in intervening.

They, however, are not. No armed revolution has succeeded in the Arab world. In Libya, Arab states did not support the government formed shortly after Gaddafi's death and government collapse. They are not going to support the Syrian one which they see as more Islamist. They won't let armed militias run a country. The Arab populace know that, but are afraid to come out in protest. Not just for repercussions, but what can evolve out of internal instability.

Muslim life isn't cheap, depending where you go it varies. Middle Eastern/African life appears to be cheap. Some of whom happen to be Muslim. Humans are to blame for that dehumanization. Many factors play a role, besides the obvious politics and ideologies, so does Capitalism. Pro-Syrian government lives are also cheap, they are dying as well but no one cares.

I don't think Assad committed this, it may have been a depot of some sort. Who knows. If his army did, it just highlights the desperation by everyone involved in the conflict. It's a stressful situation when your country is destroyed, you can't provide services to people or barely provide security. People are anxious. It's easy for those living in the West to go on about 'coward this that', but let an Westerner step foot in a war zone or war torn city, they will have panic attacks/major nausea and think they are dying. Let alone be able to 'toughen up and fight'.

The opposition was abandoned by its sponsors who in the beginning had a different gameplay which went somewhat wrong. Their sponsors are careless to the lives of the people. So are some sponsors of the other side, conscripting certain men to fight on front lines. That is human nature when you are weak. I feel for all people involved and there needs to be a solution. But, the sponsors don't want that and are happy to continue playing their cards, each holding a chunk/third of Syria.
As usual always liitle children becomes of victim while jihadis gangsters women man elderly people all escapes unharmed ...all grown up people escapes. Unharmex . stupid terrorist needs proper script director. Stunt director because next time they won't be able to grab best acting award
Because your Assad scum bombed town which is far from frontlines.

He cant drop chemicals on frontline since khamenai thugs will be harmed too.

The blood of these kids is on your hands. Thanks to your support and justification assad can continue the slaughter. And thats only the beginning. Cant you just keep quiet?

I don't think Assad committed this
Yeah yeah as usual rebels stope Su-22 and bombed themselves. Every day they steal aicraft and drop barrel bombs on their towns to blame Assad. Yick

Only thing more low than Assad are those who justify him.
today they gassed kids in Khan Sheikhoun.
Assad gains absolutely nothing by gassing some random children, rebels or terrorists on the other hand, stand to gain everything. Even the most stupid person in the world would know that killing a few children with gas bombs hurts Assad while it helps the terrorists' cause. When rebels launched a huuuuge attack on Damascus a few weeks ago, he didn't gas them, when they launched huge Hama battle, he didn't gas them, then suddenly he decides to randomly gas a city far from front lines? Only a fool believes that. The very fact that a large number of pics from children corpses came out shows that rebels are begging for world's sympathy even if they have to kill a few civilians in their own cities.

The amount of coverage by western media also confirms who is actually behind this attack like previous one: Terrorists and their supporters.
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