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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

If bush and obama couldn't do shit, then this new idiot has no hope. He's fulla shit. In a way everyone is glad that he won. He's not interested in the ME, we can see this already. Makes life easier for the troika with his dumb asss incompetence.
The biggest problem is the retarded US administration see's all solution in the donkeys. And now even Russia is working with US to create a Donkeystan. This is not in favor for our Turkish interests as these donkeys will be our biggest borders. As well as, it's not good for the entire region of Middle East. Only 9% are Kurdish in Syria, but look how much land mass they already gave them and they are steadily expanding it.

Can you believe that two greatest powers of the world even united against Turkish interest? How afraid are they of Turkey? Let me tell you, shitless.

I hope Turkish administration has a cunning plan to counter this inhumanity and terrorism that happens in Syria. I know Turkey alone can't play all cards, especially not now that all great powers of the world is involved in this conflict, and two strongest powers keeps side by side, training, arming and supporting donkeys till the end.

Soon US/Russia will make a joint strike with PKK/PYD in ar-Raqqah. LOL, as if ar-Raqqah ever was a Kurdish city. There are plenty of reports from UN and Amnesty that donkeys pillaged and destroyed many arab and Türkmen villages in Nothern Syria. And they settled new donkeys to grow their numbers.
I agree selim.......an azad kurdistan (if it becomes a reality) is a knife aimed at the neck of both Turkey and Iran. No doubt. However, I seriously doubt if Russia is on board with this fantasy........no way. SDF is being used by Putin to knock out ISIS. Putin's aim is the same as Iran's.........maintain the Syrian state, as it was. No Kurdistan.
I agree selim.......an azad kurdistan (if it becomes a reality) is a knife aimed at the neck of both Turkey and Iran. No doubt. However, I seriously doubt if Russia is on board with this fantasy........no way. SDF is being used by Putin to knock out ISIS. Putin's aim is the same as Iran's.........maintain the Syrian state, as it was. No Kurdistan.
Man , who is ISIS. They are gone, they already lost the war. We don't need more superpowers to remove ISIS, lol.

The plan is clear, Russia will also benefit from this Donkeystan. Because these donkeys obeys whoever supports them. As I said, if Turkey today gave them a candy, they'd lick us from head to toe, these are honorless filthy scums. You can't work together with them.

And besides, as I explained many times. We can't just call everybody a terrorist in Syria. Mullah's game is dirty, and not beneficial. As I showed in my previous post, it's not right to give power to Assad after all this. Another solution should be worked on to be fair. Nobody besides Alawites and Shias which is 12% of Syria wants Assad. That's why this war has lasted so long - even though Assad got all the support he needed.

We need to be fair.
If Assad goes, Iran's bridge to Hezb goes with it. This is a sensitive issue for Iran. Nothing to do with Turkey bro.

And the one's who replace Assad will sing the wahabbi-yahudia and hillbilly tune, because they are being financed by them. Also the Alevi and Shia's will be killed by these takfiri mercenaries. Iran did not start this mess in Syria! same as Iraq. Iran is only reacting.

Man , who is ISIS. They are gone, they already lost the war. We don't need more superpowers to remove ISIS, lol.

The plan is clear, Russia will also benefit from this Donkeystan. Because these donkeys obeys whoever supports them. As I said, if Turkey today gave them a candy, they'd lick us from head to toe, these are honorless filthy scums. You can't work together with them.

And besides, as I explained many times. We can't just call everybody a terrorist in Syria. Mullah's game is dirty, and not beneficial. As I showed in my previous post, it's not right to give power to Assad after all this. Another solution should be worked on to be fair. Nobody besides Alawites and Shias which is 12% of Syria wants Assad. That's why this war has lasted so long - even though Assad got all the support he needed.

We need to be fair.
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If Assad goes, Iran's bridge to Hezb goes with it. This is a sensitive issue for Iran. Nothing to do with Turkey bro.

And the one's who replace Assad will sing the wahabbi-yahudia and hillbilly tune. Iran did not start this mess in Syria!
Assad aka Iran arrested kids for grafity. Assad aka Iran started shooting protestors. Assad aka Iran started shelling neighborhoods with artillery, Assad aka Iran started massacring kids in their beds (Houla, Qubair, Bayda, Baniyas), Assad aka Iran started barrel bombing towns, Assad aka Iran started starving towns, Assad aka Iran started ethnic cleansing of millions, Assad aka Iran gassed..
Assad aka Iran arrested kids for grafity. Assad aka Iran started shooting protestors. Assad aka Iran started shelling neighborhoods with artillery, Assad aka Iran started massacring kids in their beds (Houla, Qubair, Bayda, Baniyas), Assad aka Iran started barrel bombing towns, Assad aka Iran started starving towns, Assad aka Iran started ethnic cleansing of millions, Assad aka Iran gassed..

I am 100% with you... ASSad is a cancer, same as Iran regime ( not iranians), same for any jihadist terro groups around the globe (AQ/Hezb/ISIS).


What you said right know is what Israeli army has done to Palestinians... and mostly those from GAZA...
Here some exemple: The boys on the beach... 2000 Death in last Gaza massacre 2 yearsago, and so on... ( Not even speaking about all the intifada's casualities and killing around throu all those years. ) Just a reminder.

Have Fun
Thanks for the JP and NYT narrative 500.......don't hold your breath though. Check out the Iranian forum.........Putin and Rouhani are deploying the big boy Tu-22M3's and Tu-160's now at Hamadan for a final clean up.

You will lose again.

Assad aka Iran arrested kids for grafity. Assad aka Iran started shooting protestors. Assad aka Iran started shelling neighborhoods with artillery, Assad aka Iran started massacring kids in their beds (Houla, Qubair, Bayda, Baniyas), Assad aka Iran started barrel bombing towns, Assad aka Iran started starving towns, Assad aka Iran started ethnic cleansing of millions, Assad aka Iran gassed..
I am 100% with you... ASSad is a cancer, same as Iran regime ( not iranians), same for any jihadist terro groups around the globe (AQ/Hezb/ISIS).


What you said right know is what Israeli army has done to Palestinians... and mostly those from GAZA...
Here some exemple: The boys on the beach... 2000 Death in last Gaza massacre 2 yearsago, and so on... ( Not even speaking about all the intifada's casualities and killing around throu all those years. ) Just a reminder.

Have Fun
1) During 6 years of war in Syria were killed over 400 thousands people directly.
2) Nearly a million people were killed indirectly as result of humanitarian disaster caused by Assad army.
3) Were displaced 12 million people, hundreds of villages and towns destroyed and ethnically cleansed.

Nothing like that happened in 30 years of Intifada (which started in 1987).

1) Number of killed Palestinians in 30 years is about 10 thousands.
2) No any humanitarian disaster, on contrary life expectancy keeps growing.
3) Not a single village was destroyed or cleansed.

Thanks for the JP and NYT narrative 500.......
These are facts.

don't hold your breath though. Check out the Iranian forum.........Putin and Rouhani are deploying the big boy Tu-22M3's and Tu-160's now at Hamadan for a final clean up.

You will lose again.
Let me teach u a history lesson. In 1987 when it was clear that USSR is losing war in Afghanistan (although they controlled much more territory than Assad today), they started employing Tu-22 bombers, wiping out entire villages. And u know how it ended.
1) During 6 years of war in Syria were killed over 400 thousands people directly.
2) Nearly a million people were killed indirectly as result of humanitarian disaster caused by Assad army.
3) Were displaced 12 million people, hundreds of villages and towns destroyed and ethnically cleansed.

Nothing like that happened in 30 years of Intifada (which started in 1987).

1) Number of killed Palestinians in 30 years is about 10 thousands.
2) No any humanitarian disaster, on contrary life expectancy keeps growing.
3) Not a single village was destroyed or cleansed.

So Gaza is not an humanitarian disaster? few hours electricity per day? few hours running water? no suitable healthcare and so on thanks to Israeli blockade???

No village destroyed by Israel?? FOR F*CK sake how the f*ck you think you are giving "colons" houses ??? Nearest REMINENDER... what happen in south Israel few month back??? forgotten already??

The second intifada is alone nearly 10thousand casualities....
ADD few thousand for the first intifada and the 2K from Gaza op... with only 3 major conflict you get yourself nearly 15K... BTW this year 250+ palestinians death... yes just this year and 34 isralis...

In the ENd Israel is a colonial state who put Palestine unde rmilitary rule.. See it as you wish and if you think I'm wrong then Don't need to jump on your "Hero monologue " about other conflicts...

From a great man... Human can smell his own shit and won't bulge, but when it's not his own... well...
So Gaza is not an humanitarian disaster? few hours electricity per day? few hours running water? no suitable healthcare and so on thanks to Israeli blockade???
There is no any humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Blockade was about concrete and metal materials which could be used for rockets and tunnels.

No village destroyed by Israel?? FOR F*CK sake how the f*ck you think you are giving "colons" houses ??? Nearest REMINENDER... what happen in south Israel few month back??? forgotten already??
Israeli settlements are built on empty lands.

The second intifada is alone nearly 10thousand casualities....
ADD few thousand for the first intifada and the 2K from Gaza op... with only 3 major conflict you get yourself nearly 15K... BTW this year 250+ palestinians death... yes just this year and 34 isralis...
Ur numbers are largely exaggerated. First Intifada - about 1.1 K Palestinians, Second - 3.3 K.
There is no any humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Blockade was about concrete and metal materials which could be used for rockets and tunnels.

Israeli settlements are built on empty lands.

Ur numbers are largely exaggerated. First Intifada - about 1.1 K Palestinians, Second - 3.3 K.

Well even your Gov give 4 times that number you just gave .... keep it straight...

Anyway it's not like a I care if you admit that your Gov is doing wrong... Just gave you a reminder of your "good faith speech" that apply only to others.

Anyway Have fun Bye

Ps: admiting a wrongdoing will not make you a less of a man... but not doing so... will just label you as uneducated m*ron. :) bye
Hey, Mr satanyahoo junior

Iran beat the U.S. in Iraq.
Iran beat you in Lebanon with Hezb. Lebanon is now under our control.
You are losing in Syria too. Soon it will be all over.
Same in Yemen, after 2 years of round the clock bombings, the Houthi's have beaten your sawdi toadies.

Iran has created an alternate reality. In case you haven't noticed. What scares you boys is not Iran's military power, but what's in this link below. There is no shortage of volunteers. The power comes from them:


22 million attend this event, dwarfing the 2 million who attend hajj in sawdi. You understand, you can't fight the Shia? You are nothing!

1) During 6 years of war in Syria were killed over 400 thousands people directly.
2) Nearly a million people were killed indirectly as result of humanitarian disaster caused by Assad army.
3) Were displaced 12 million people, hundreds of villages and towns destroyed and ethnically cleansed.

Nothing like that happened in 30 years of Intifada (which started in 1987).

1) Number of killed Palestinians in 30 years is about 10 thousands.
2) No any humanitarian disaster, on contrary life expectancy keeps growing.
3) Not a single village was destroyed or cleansed.

These are facts.

Let me teach u a history lesson. In 1987 when it was clear that USSR is losing war in Afghanistan (although they controlled much more territory than Assad today), they started employing Tu-22 bombers, wiping out entire villages. And u know how it ended.
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Iran beat the U.S. in Iraq.
* For 8 years Iran was storming Basra. Lost half million people. Could not take one inch.
* US took Basra in one week with minimal loses.

Iran beat you in Lebanon with Hezb. Lebanon is now under our control.
* Israel never was interested in Lebanon. Our aim was safe border and it was achieved after Hezbollah was beaten hard in 2006.
* Currently Iran spends billions on corrupted mafia state Lebanon while tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty.

You are losing in Syria too. Soon it will be all over.
* For 6 years Iran is murdering Syrian Muslims and claims it fights Israel by murdering Muslims.
* Despite murdering 1 million people and displacing 12 millions it barely controls 1/3 of destroyed Syria.
* War in Syria costs billions to Iran while tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty.

Same in Yemen, after 2 years of round the clock bombings, the Houthi's have beaten your sawdi toadies.
* Iranian led North Yemen invaded South Yemen. Thanks to Saudi intervention invasion failed.
* Now Iran spends billions on failed Houthi regime while tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty.
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