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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

mate, the U.S. has destabilized the entire ME. This was a calculated and deliberate act, mind you. After the feto coup, erdogan seemed to have gotten a reality check, but it looks like he's not made up his mind about which side to throw his lot with. It is my understanding that his failure to produce results in Syria and refusal to back off from opposing the U.S. sponsored new donkeystan might cost him his life this time around. Turkey will descend into civil war if erdogan is taken out. Also as the pace of OBOR and EEAU intensify, the pressure will grow on erdogan to pick sides. This is inevitable! You guys have some tough days ahead.

Rather I prefer Turkey Iran Saudi Iraq Syria to become friends and work for the same goal. A stable middle east with strong economy. Make a union like EU and NATO as a means of defensive security against any intruders such that attacks from outside can be minimized. And make alot of joint military research, programs, technology, training. But this flow in middle east is against all of this.

I know saudi and iran would never colaborate, but this is my dream because we have much more in common than we have with Europe or Usa or Russia or China in the future. Because we are all neighbors and we all share the same religion and have similar culture food and music. We have similar view to life and hereafter.


But I would prefer alliance with Russia, China and Iran any day than EU and USA. As you described. But what I mentioned up there would be best. And ofcourse Pakistan, Azerbaijan and other good countries could be included.
mate, the U.S. has destabilized the entire ME. This was a calculated and deliberate act, mind you. After the feto coup, erdogan seemed to have gotten a reality check, but it looks like he's not made up his mind about which side to throw his lot with. It is my understanding that his failure to produce results in Syria and refusal to back off from opposing the U.S. sponsored new donkeystan might cost him his life this time around. Turkey will descend into civil war if erdogan is taken out. Also as the pace of OBOR and EEAU intensify, the pressure will grow on erdogan to pick sides. This is inevitable! You guys have some tough days ahead.

Frankly, Turkey cut its chains from EU/USA (west) and that is very well demonstrated in Syria. And I think, against all countries the accomplishment Turkey has portrayed is a great success - especially if we look back and see what kind of pile of trash Turkey was before Erdogan. Now Turkey matters, and in fact, it matters a lot in Middle East. It matters so much that even Russia and USA are allying in certain areas to stop Turkey from further growth - as trying to create a Donkeystan (more than 600 km with Turkey I guess?). This will be a huge headache, not just for Turkey, but also for Iran, trust me.
Iran should grow up and look at Middle East as a whole, and help Turkey out with destroying these donkeys from Middle East. PKK is an organization that will be whores of anyone that supports it, let it be USA, Russia, Israel, Greece, EU, or whoever. We need to get rid of this virus in order to stabilize the region. Because no USA, no EU, no Russia is seeking a stable Middle East, and if we as countries in Middle East doesn't care about Middle East - then we are all doomed.
We can't just think short sighted, and support anything that comes from Russian agenda, or western agenda as Turkey or Iran, we have our own concerns in our borders and inside. We must learn to work, and stay side by side - also with Saudi Arabia. I know that's a no go for Iran, but it's a truth we must acknowledge.
Because as I said, not even Russia's interest is beneficial for Middle East.

About Erdogan, the guy gotten stronger after the coup. Fortunately the coup failed and he didn't get killed. Now, actually Turkey is prone to more growth, because before in time the the FETO generals and before that the kemalist generals were working together with PKK. Many F-16 bombardments were made on empty ground in Turkey and was portrayed as if it was hitting PKK. We had alot of internal issues. But now when you look at it, most FETO generals are gone, and PKK is almost wiped out from Turkey. For 45 years we couldn't wipe them out, but after dealing with our own corrupt generals for roughly 3 years PKK is weakened as never before inside Turkey. Now they mostly escaped to Rojova Syria.
My point is, acatually bright days is ahead of Turkey - except for the surprises that may come from Kemalists (24% of Turkey) and EU/US may cause more trouble. But besides that, people are very happy for Turkey's current situation (inside Turkey).

And thanks to our military capabilities, we are no easy target for any power in the world. And it is steadily growing, and growing quite scary compared to European and Middle Eastern countries.
The Syrian Army, Tuchkov recalled, has an undisclosed number of T-90As, the first version of the tank which saw mass production. "Since 2014, the Syrian Army has lost only one T-90 to an American TOW missile."

Just as significant, the observer suggested, was the fact that the loss occurred "not due to the tank's weakness, but due to poor crew training, and their failure to follow safety instructions." Specifically, the onboard Shtora-1 infrared ATGM jamming system was switched off at the time of the militants' attack; the tank's hatches were also open. Abandoned by the Syrian Army, the T-90A has since been captured and used by the militants.

The one lost tank excepted, Syrian T-90s have been successfully used by the Syrian Army's 4th Mechanized Division, usually on the front lines of the Army's key offensives, including the recent offensive to liberate Aleppo.

As for Russia and its T-90, it has a lower profile, a higher top speed, a longer operational range, and at 46.5 tons, weighs a full 16.5 tons less than the 63 ton US behemoth.

Selim, if Gulen harami is still in Pennsylvania at his CIA ranch, this is a serious threat..........let's hope Turkish intelligence is on to this........something needs to be done. Iran/ Russia were the first to warn erdogan about this issue. Don't forget this.

Frankly, Turkey cut its chains from EU/USA (west) and that is very well demonstrated in Syria. And I think, against all countries the accomplishment Turkey has portrayed is a great success - especially if we look back and see what kind of pile of trash Turkey was before Erdogan. Now Turkey matters, and in fact, it matters a lot in Middle East. It matters so much that even Russia and USA are allying in certain areas to stop Turkey from further growth - as trying to create a Donkeystan (more than 600 km with Turkey I guess?). This will be a huge headache, not just for Turkey, but also for Iran, trust me.
Iran should grow up and look at Middle East as a whole, and help Turkey out with destroying these donkeys from Middle East. PKK is an organization that will be whores of anyone that supports it, let it be USA, Russia, Israel, Greece, EU, or whoever. We need to get rid of this virus in order to stabilize the region. Because no USA, no EU, no Russia is seeking a stable Middle East, and if we as countries in Middle East doesn't care about Middle East - then we are all doomed.
We can't just think short sighted, and support anything that comes from Russian agenda, or western agenda as Turkey or Iran, we have our own concerns in our borders and inside. We must learn to work, and stay side by side - also with Saudi Arabia. I know that's a no go for Iran, but it's a truth we must acknowledge.
Because as I said, not even Russia's interest is beneficial for Middle East.

About Erdogan, the guy gotten stronger after the coup. Fortunately the coup failed and he didn't get killed. Now, actually Turkey is prone to more growth, because before in time the the FETO generals and before that the kemalist generals were working together with PKK. Many F-16 bombardments were made on empty ground in Turkey and was portrayed as if it was hitting PKK. We had alot of internal issues. But now when you look at it, most FETO generals are gone, and PKK is almost wiped out from Turkey. For 45 years we couldn't wipe them out, but after dealing with our own corrupt generals for roughly 3 years PKK is weakened as never before inside Turkey. Now they mostly escaped to Rojova Syria.
My point is, acatually bright days is ahead of Turkey - except for the surprises that may come from Kemalists (24% of Turkey) and EU/US may cause more trouble. But besides that, people are very happy for Turkey's current situation (inside Turkey).

And thanks to our military capabilities, we are no easy target for any power in the world. And it is steadily growing, and growing quite scary compared to European and Middle Eastern countries.
Americans are increasing Their forces in North Syria rapidly and hopefully they cross the river as result ISIS call back all of their forces to Raqqa and Deirzorr.
Trump take his decision :police: let's see how his plan would end.
Selim, if Gulen harami is still in Pennsylvania at his CIA ranch, this is a serious threat..........let's hope Turkish intelligence is on to this........something needs to be done. Iran/ Russia were the first to warn erdogan about this issue. Don't forget this.

Yes indeed. And yes he is still in Pensylvenia, even though Turkey deliberately kindly asked both Obama and Trump administration to get him deported from US to Turkey, and provided all necessary information and documentation of Gulen activities are heavily involbed in criminality and terrorism and of course the coup d'tat July 15, 2016.
But Gulen is a very close partner of CIA. This was officially stated in CIA's home page, under "allied organizations" you would see: Gülen Movement.

I don't think US will deport the guy anywhere soon or ever actually. He plays a vital role in US and zionist agenda. He's the perfect material they need to make Islam as Christianity today, as in keeping it home and private and just as cultural value. That's his key ideology. And of course that Christians and Jews will also enter paradise with Muslims because they dont need to say Muhammad ar Rasool Allah.

All this is very needed for western agenda.

In order for Turkey to get this scum, more countries must be involved and help Turkey and Islam world out. Iran, Saudi, and maybe Russia and China should assist Tutkey in this. Then we may have a chance.
janam, this does not worry Iran, because Iran's plan is the same as in Iraq and Lebanon! Let things settle on their own, then Iran makes a move. In the meanwhile Iran backs, arms, trains and initiates local on the ground proxies. Organizes leads and calculates. Iran defeated the U.S. in Iraq...............with all the challenges. It took time, but Iran won.

Same here........only this time around, Iran has Russia/ China on it's side, and is far more confident. Rouhani is in Moscow discussing the end game (how not to embarrass Trump, if he behaves) Hillbilly and Zionists will be defeated! Only a matter of time now.

Americans are increasing Their forces in North Syria rapidly and hopefully they cross the river as result ISIS call back all of their forces to Raqqa and Deirzorr.
Trump take his decision :police: let's see how his plan would end.
janam, this does not worry Iran, because Iran's plan is the same as in Iraq and Lebanon! Let things settle on their own, then Iran makes a move. In the meanwhile Iran backs, arms, trains and initiates local on the ground proxies. Organizes leads and calculates. Iran defeated the U.S. in Iraq...............with all the challenges. It took time, but Iran won.

Same here........only this time around, Iran has Russia/ China on it's side, and is far more confident. Rouhani is in Moscow discussing the end game (how not to embarrass Trump, if he behaves) Hillbilly and Zionists will be defeated! Only a matter of time now.
I don't trust Russians ,but I think until they stay on their words we should stay on it.(I'm sure they would betray us sooner or later we can not change their nature.)

I'm agree in some cases that entering American in long term is in our behalf. The wise Chinese man said thousand years ago
«صدبار پیروزی با صد نبرد هنر نیست, مطیع و مقهور کردن ارتش دشمن بدون نبرد با آنها هنر اصلی است»
it seems that American are out of brains as usual specially when cross the river now they should create the border with thousands of troops while river was great border for them.
I really can say that I can't understand their strategy.(we just need to wait and see what would happen)
If bush and obama couldn't do shit, then this new idiot has no hope. He's fulla shit. In a way everyone is glad that he won. He's not interested in the ME, we can see this already. Makes life easier for the troika with his dumb asss incompetence.

I don't trust Russians ,but I think until they stay on their words we should stay on it.(I'm sure they would betray us sooner or later we can not change their nature.)

I'm agree in some cases that entering American in long term is in our behalf. The wise Chinese man said thousand years ago
«صدبار پیروزی با صد نبرد هنر نیست, مطیع و مقهور کردن ارتش دشمن بدون نبرد با آنها هنر اصلی است»
it seems that American are out of brains as usual specially when cross the river now they should create the border with thousands of troops while river was great border for them.
I really can say that I can't understand their strategy.(we just need to wait and see what would happen)
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