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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Yep Russia trains terrorists. They did it in Afghanistan, Chechnya and now Syria :lol:

How many Isis terrorists have said they got trained in Russia? Or that they have links to the Russian military? Zero, but the same can't be said for Turkey. Turkey doesn't even know what is going on in its military (many coupe attempts) let alone anything beyond so no one should be surprised when Isis fighters said they received support from the Turkish military.

Funny how no Turks ever come to this thread and now they are suddenly appearing from nowhere :lol:

Typical tactics, lose a debate call all your buddies.

Anyhow, I can pull videos up like this all day:

Like I said, Turkey has been victims of Terrorism for 40 years.
These Terrorists all came from Syria, Iraq and Iran. And some even from Russia.
Turkey has no business with terrorists. they're your games. we are just victims of it.
Like I said, Turkey has been victims of Terrorism for 40 years.
These Terrorists all came from Syria, Iraq and Iran. And some even from Russia.
Turkey has no business with terrorists. they're your games. we are just victims of it.

There are tens of thousands of foreign terrorists in Isis, Nusra, FSA and many other groups. How did they get into Syria, what country did they cross from? It's common knowledge by now they all crossed from Turkey.
@ptldM3 some honest questions, and no, i didn't come here to troll or support anyone.

1) How does Turkey benefit from isis by 'supporting' it?

2) Turkey openly supported and keeps supporting the fsa. Isis and fsa battle(d) and weakened each other in the face of Assad and ypg, all of which Turkey opposes. What do you make of that in light of the 'Turkey supports isis' accusation?

3) Turkey has been arresting and cracking down on isis for a long time and it has suffered from many isis (suicide) attacks. Isis has also threatened to conquer Istanbul from us. Are these actions not strange considering 'Turkey supports isis'? which brings me to the next point

4) What has Turkey historically done to isis to make it 'bite the hand that fed it' and thus force it to attack Turkey?

5) There are who knows how many Chechens and other Russian citizens fighting in isis (and maybe other groups too). How come the Russian govt couldn't prevent these from leaving Russia and join isis considering some/many of these Chechens must have been on a blacklist of the Russian intelligence i assume? Border negligence? Russian intelligence facilitating support to get them into Syria or turning a blind eye?

'Inaction' (till a few weeks back) as in not fighting isis in Syria doesnt mean Turkey hasnt been cracking down on isis within Turkey. It is of course very easy and convenient to join the anti-Turkey Western mainstream propaganda 'media' bandwagon (like Russia did after the downing of the plane and not before it), but the arguments and proof need to be credible and make sense too. There is one point where Turkey clearly has made a mistake, and that is training people who didnt stay loyal to the fsa and went on to join isis (and maybe other groups) in Syria for whatever reason. So in that regard you could say Turkey indirectly trained some isis pigs.

Looking at Isis' intentions and how the US 'uses' them to weaken and reshape Syria (Turkey opened its eyes too late) and how isis perfectly plays the evil 'muzzie' boogeyman (interestingly Baghdadi still hasn't been found in these years despite having the US and many renowned Western intelligence services after him) role to keep stoking islamophobia, i think we can all agree that we need to look across the ocean to find the more likable culprit.

Air strike on aid convoy in Aleppo kills 12 Red Crescent volunteers
KARAM AL-MASRI | AFP | Published — Tuesday 20 September 2016


Damaged aid trucks are pictured after an airstrike on the rebel held Urm al-Kubra town, western Aleppo city, Syria, on Tuesday. (REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah)


Civil Defense firefighters and a man put out a fire after an airstrike on the rebel held Urm al-Kubra town, western Aleppo city, Syria, on Tuesday. (REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah)

ALEPPO, Syria: A convoy delivering aid to Syrians in Aleppo province was hit by a deadly air strike hours after the Syrian military declared an end to a week-long cease-fire, with an outraged UN warning it could amount to a war crime.

The UN said at least 18 trucks in the 31-vehicle convoy were destroyed late Monday en route to deliver humanitarian assistance to the hard-to-reach town of Orum Al-Kubra.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 12 Red Crescent volunteers and drivers had died in the strike while UN aid chief Stephen O’Brien said initial reports indicated “many people” were killed or seriously wounded. “Let me be clear: if this callous attack is found to be a deliberate targeting of humanitarians, it would amount to a war crime,” O’Brien said.

The Observatory was unable to confirm if the planes responsible were Syrian or Russian.

The UN and Syrian Arab Red Crescent humanitarian mission had sought to take advantage of the cease-fire, which collapsed on Monday night as shells and bombs rained down on Aleppo city and the surrounding province.

The Observatory said a total of 36 people had died in the violence across the battleground region. An AFP correspondent inside Aleppo city reported almost non-stop bombardment and constant sirens.

Syria’s military announced the end to the truce earlier Monday, accusing rebels of more than 300 violations and failing to “commit to a single element” of the US-Russia deal.

The cease-fire, which came into force on September 12, saw an initial drop in fighting but violence began to escalate late last week and the deal came under severe strain over the weekend.

US Secretary of State John Kerry had warned that the truce could be the “last chance” to save the country.

'Enormous outrage'
The attack on the convoy is likely to provoke anger at the UN General Assembly in New York, with the delivery of aid to desperate Syrian civilians in rebel-held areas stressed as a key condition of the deal by Washington.
The US, Russia and other key players are set to gather there on Tuesday for talks aimed at ending the five-year conflict that has killed more than 300,000 people and displaced millions.

“Our outrage at this attack is enormous,” the UN envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, told reporters.
“The convoy was the outcome of a long process of permission and preparations to assist isolated civilians.”

The United States said it was outraged at the attack and stressed that the destination of the convoy was known to the Syrian regime and its ally, Russia.

Aid distribution to Syrian civilians caught up in the conflict had already faced severe difficulties.

The UN held back deliveries destined for Aleppo city because it was unable to obtain security guarantees.
Jan Egeland, head of the UN humanitarian task force for Syria, said the convoy was bombed despite aid agencies coordinating their movements with all sides on the ground.

A Syrian Arab Red Crescent warehouse was also hit, a UN spokesman said.

'Temporary relief'

Inside Aleppo, residents in rebel-held areas hunkered down after the end of the cease-fire which had brought only temporary relief to the population of up to 275,000 people trapped there.

Sirens wailed as ambulances zipped through the eastern half of the divided city, an AFP correspondent reported.

The Observatory said that military planes had carried out more than 40 strikes since the Syrian army announced the end of the truce.

Chief US diplomat Kerry will try to speak to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in New York before Tuesday’s meeting of the International Syria Support Group but statements from Syrian and Russian military officials on the ground appeared to bury the deal.

“Considering that the conditions of the cease-fire are not being respected by the rebels, we consider it pointless for the Syrian government forces to respect it unilaterally,” said Russian Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy.
The cease-fire deal had three key components: fighting between government and rebel forces across Syria would halt, although strikes on Islamic State and other jihadists could continue.

Humanitarian aid would reach desperate civilians, particularly in devastated eastern Aleppo.

And if the cease-fire held, the US was to have set up a joint military cell with Russia to target jihadists.

It came under massive strain on Saturday when a US-led coalition strike hit a Syrian army post near the eastern city of Deir Ezzor, where government forces are battling the Islamic State jihadist group.

Syrian President Bashar Assad on Monday blasted the air strikes, which he said showed world powers supported “terrorist organizations” like IS.

His adviser Buthaina Shaaban went further, telling AFP that Damascus believed the raid which killed at least 62 Syrian soldiers had been intentional.

The bloodiest day for civilians was Sunday, when a barrel bomb attack killed 10 in a southern rebel-held town and one woman died in the first raids on Aleppo since the truce started.
Its was just a 'mistake' just like USA mistake .... As you know Russians equipment are inferior to USA ...
There are tens of thousands of foreign terrorists in Isis, Nusra, FSA and many other groups. How did they get into Syria, what country did they cross from? It's common knowledge by now they all crossed from Turkey.
Terrorists from Syria and Iraq been crossing our borders for decades.
Syria is a land of Terrorists long before ISIS existed.
Go get a clue.
well u didnt answer me why those jihadis kharjis dont want their aid convoy inspected by UN beccause they knew UN waont allow weapons shipments
It was U.N aid convoy genius. It was inspected and even the Syrian and Russian government was fully notified and they gave their full approval for the aid convoy to proceed. But then bombed it when they were about to proceed to aid civilians in rebel held areas. Seems they were tying to send a clear message or something. :)
It was U.N aid convoy genius. It was inspected and even the Syrian and Russian government was fully notified and they gave their full approval for the aid convoy to proceed. But then bombed it when they were about to proceed to aid civilians in rebel held areas. Seems they were tying to send a clear message or something. :)
Well Russia and Syria have both denied involvement in attacking convoy according to latest news
UN back track, claims no evidence it was air strike,

U.N. humanitarian spokesman Jens Laerke said the references to air strikes in the original statement, attributed to the top U.N. humanitarian officials in the region and in Syria, were probably the result of a drafting error.

"We are not in a position to determine whether these were in fact air strikes. We are in a position to say that the convoy was attacked," he said
It can't be no one other than Russia or Syria. Cause they have boosted their action against Free syrian army. Anyway, Syria must be sanctioned for this.
U.N. rows back from describing Syria convoy attack as "air strikes". According Reuters.
heavy mortar gun driving next to convoy guess it was for those terrorist dogs
It can't be no one other than Russia or Syria. Cause they have boosted their action against Free syrian army. Anyway, Syria must be sanctioned for this.
100% agree. Syria has destroyed their friend Turkey with their terrorism and refugees. They must be punished for this!
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