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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You guys reap what u sow. And thats only a very beginning.

Says the Israeli. The fact that all Israelis have to live in fear of war someday is exact definition of reaping what you sow, i.e stealing land and killing people.

What have we reaped btw? We are killing our enemies outside our borders which is a good thing.
Says the Israeli. The fact that all Israelis have to live in fear of war someday is exact definition of reaping what you sow, i.e stealing land and killing people.

What have we reaped btw? We are killing our enemies outside our borders which is a good thing.
Assad sponsored and trained Islamists as tool against Israel and now same exactly groups destroyed him. Ahrar al Sham that u talk so much is same Muslim Brotherhood as Hamas u guys sponsored and trained.
Assad sponsored and trained Islamists as tool against Israel and now same exactly groups destroyed him. Ahrar al Sham that u talk so much is same Muslim Brotherhood as Hamas u guys sponsored and trained.

Then why are you cheering for those MB terrorists and crying about Hamas if that's the case?
Then why are you cheering for those MB terrorists and crying about Hamas if that's the case?
First of all I am not cheering.
Secondly I dont see Ahrar blowing up buses and markets like Hamas.
@Serpentine Funny how you have #prayforbaghdad as your profile picture but never had #prayforsyria or #prayforaleppo. And you call me the sectarian. "Caring" only about shiites I see. Hahahaha
As for those gains in Eastern Ghouta you mentioned a day or two ago...JAI took them back.

The next Jaysh al Fateh offensive location is unknown. Some people say Northern Aleppo, Southern Aleppo, Latakia, or Hama. The most likely place is Southern Aleppo, to al Hadher, but JaF surprised us with Latakia and they will surprise us again.

Something you won't see regime supporters do is criticize the regime in any way, shape, or form. Here's an Amnesty International report on rebel war crimes in Syria, and factions implicated include Levant Front, Ahrar al Sham, Jabhat al Nusra, and Nour al Deen Zinki. Crimes include abductions, torture, and extrajudicial killings of captured troops. How many cases? 24 confirmed cases, a few dozen more possible. Compare that to Assad regime atrocities...24 people tortured in a day, on a slow day:
Just what I expected. Yes you are cheering, not just for Ahrar, but also every single terror group operating in Syria.
I never cheered. I just feel sick that that instead removing one corrupted giraffe u decided to destroy entire country. Never seen anything so sadistic like that war.
Hilarious that u sound exactly like infamous Russian defense minister Grachev, who claimed that he will take Grozny with one VDV regiment.

Instead Russia needed 80,000 soldiers in Chechnya, despite it was a tiny region with 1 million population (pre war).

Syria is 22 million country - 22 times more than Chechnya.

VDV doesn't need to enter the cities like Grozny (a death trap). I said hit them from the rear and flanks. it'll be a very fluid battle in the desert.

let the SAA/Iranians go through the front door.

all the VDV has to do is make sure supplies can't get into the cities. classic siege tactics.
Something you won't see regime supporters do is criticize the regime in any way, shape, or form.
You mean criticism of regime guys who r defending there country against Isis al nusra gangs and glorifying of terrorist rebels in easy words so called rebels criminals thugs cannibals using civilans as shields canibals liver eater looting people property homes by blaming them of Assad shabiba so called rebels are just animals who have sold them for 100 dollars per month since Assad rule was for decades why they were quiet before 2011 was there a different leader before reality is no one was against Assad everyone was happy with assad ruling and policies before 2011 no opposition a stable country with zero refugees this so called opposition was created after 2011 with heavy financial support to destroy syria and it is destroyed
so called reality of democratic oppositional Qaeda FSA))))
VDV doesn't need to enter the cities like Grozny (a death trap). I said hit them from the rear and flanks. it'll be a very fluid battle in the desert.

let the SAA/Iranians go through the front door.

all the VDV has to do is make sure supplies can't get into the cities. classic siege tactics.
Why risk human lives drones saves lives and can view all of there criminal activities without activating terroist it can also strike at targets which are no go zone areas so drones are smart choice rather than slow ground operations risking lives of soldiers
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You mean criticism of regime guys who r defending there country against Isis al nusra gangs and glorifying of terrorist rebels in easy words so called rebels criminals thugs cannibals using civilans as shields canibals liver eater looting people property homes by blaming them of Assad shabiba so called rebels are just animals who have sold them for 100 dollars per month since Assad rule was for decades why they were quiet before 2011 was there a different leader before reality is no one was against Assad before 2011nobody was supporting them before 2011 no hundred dollars cheque in pocket before so thTs why a just for 100 dollars cheque after 2011 criminals elements of syrria got chance for extra income 100 dollars cheque they started labling Assad as brutal dictator commiting worst crimes in name of democracy a stable country became ww2 Stalingrad type of battlefield whole country became a warzone but still poll view Assad as most popular leader. My question is why there was not any form of protest against Assad before 2011 no opposition to assad why these terrorist were quiet before 2011 was there a different leader before reality is no foreign country was heading them 100 cheques for suicide bombing and these terroist r worst type of animals in human shape who can commit any crimes for 100 dollars destroying ur own home for just 100 dollars

Why risk human lives drones saves lives and can view all of there criminal activities without activating terroist it can also strike at targets which are no go zone areas so drones are smart choice rather than slow ground operations risking lives of soldiers

drones can be used for ISR and strikes, but you still need men on the ground.
VDV doesn't need to enter the cities like Grozny (a death trap). I said hit them from the rear and flanks. it'll be a very fluid battle in the desert.

let the SAA/Iranians go through the front door.

all the VDV has to do is make sure supplies can't get into the cities. classic siege tactics.
Tiny 1 million Chechnya was cut of supplies from the beginning. Yet Russians needed 80,000 people. What is more funny is that 1 Chechen war was lost. And Second Chechen war ended with pathetic deal:

1) Chechens are doing in Chechnya whatever they want.
2) Half million of Russian refugees never returned back in Chechnya.
3) Chechnya gets billions from Russia.
In return Chechens recognize they are part of Russia.

Aleppo city which degenerate Assad, Khamenai and Putin want to encircle, starve and barrel bomb into a sandbox:

Tiny 1 million Chechnya was cut of supplies from the beginning. Yet Russians needed 80,000 people. What is more funny is that 1 Chechen war was lost. And Second Chechen war ended with pathetic deal:

1) Chechens are doing in Chechnya whatever they want.
2) Half million of Russian refugees never returned back in Chechnya.
3) Chechnya gets billions from Russia.
In return Chechens recognize they are part of Russia.

Aleppo city which degenerate Assad, Khamenai and Putin want to encircle, starve and barrel bomb into a sandbox:

This rafidah Liar how can they belive what this ape is talking about.. But maybe we don't have to wonder because they take this guy as Intercessor.. Just babble what hezbshaitan says and post it later here..
16 civilians killed in Syria's Hasakeh after motorbike bomber attack

"It was not immediately clear who carried out the attack, but Daesh terrorist group has claimed previous bombings in the mainly Kurdish region.

Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the attack killed at least 16 people and wounded another 40.

The death toll was confirmed to an AFP correspondent. The suicide attacker reportedly detonated his explosives in front of the bakery.

"A suicide bomber on a motorcycle blew himself up in the Salihiah neighbourhood of Hasakeh city," said Abdel Rahman."

16 civilians killed in Syria's Hasakeh after motorbike bomber attack

"It was not immediately clear who carried out the attack, but Daesh terrorist group has claimed previous bombings in the mainly Kurdish region.

Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the attack killed at least 16 people and wounded another 40.

The death toll was confirmed to an AFP correspondent. The suicide attacker reportedly detonated his explosives in front of the bakery.

"A suicide bomber on a motorcycle blew himself up in the Salihiah neighbourhood of Hasakeh city," said Abdel Rahman."

Another reason to support assad as he won't let syria become a playground for terroist
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