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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

A Kalibr land attack cruise missile fired by the Russian navy flies over Iraqi Kurdistan on its way to kill insurgents in Syria

what the hell is up with Israel's support of the jihad in Syria, 90% of these guys are all Saudi funded hardened sharia freak certified terrorist scum jihadis, not different from al qaeda and isis and boko haram etc

nobody's fooling anyone with this doctors, lawyers and chemists bs :lol:
You are tired off defending terrorism against syria?

You yourself said that you are not posting in this thread even though there is a minimum of 100.000 Civilian deaths, destruction of Syrian towns, spread of ISIS and the downturn of the region because of the Butcher Al Assad. But somehow, an Israeli writing in PDF got your attention. All I have seen him write is only what is going on on the ground with proof of both Videos and Solid News and logical reasoning.
what the hell is up with Israel's support of the jihad in Syria, 90% of these guys are all Saudi funded hardened sharia freak certified terrorist scum jihadis, not different from al qaeda and isis and boko haram etc

nobody's fooling anyone with this doctors, lawyers and chemists bs :lol:

Israel does not support either side. Israel only wants to see Syrians kill each other and end up like Libya.
You yourself said that you are not posting in this thread even though there is a minimum of 100.000 Civilian deaths, destruction of Syrian towns, spread of ISIS and the downturn of the region because of the Butcher Al Assad. But somehow, an Israeli writing in PDF got your attention. All I have seen him write is only what is going on on the ground with proof of both Videos and Solid News and logical reasoning.

Only doesnt have to be a rocket scientist to see the israeli or indian hate for arabs n Pak ..
Only doesnt have to be a rocket scientist to see the israeli or indian hate for arabs n Pak ..
we are on opposite sides in this conflict, at least on this forum. :P

officially India has no position, none of our business, but the Indian state maintains normal diplomatic relations with the official and legit government of Syria.

Israel are elbow deep in it, they fully support the rebels.

unofficially, as in any random Indian who might have an opinion on this.. nobody supports the rebels, they are terrorists who deserve to be put down as quickly as they can.

but then we have a few, very few who like the idea of violent jihad too, but less than 20, or a very small no went to ISIS, less than 100 a year take to jihad in Kashmir.
These things attack at night. Can't use MANPADS at night. Can't see. Also they can jam MANPADS and their Vikhr missile out range MANPADS.

9K121 Vikhr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if the Ka-52 i operates only at night then yeah pretty pointless, and as for jamming I like to see it put to the test in live combat.

but the Mi-24 can't jam FN-6, well it can shoot flares and hope for the best :rofl:
Various sources (yet unconfirmed) say that SAA has captured Kafrnabudah in northern Hama:


Newly captured areas today by Peto Lucem:
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So far it seems SAA offensive failed. Heavy losses at Materials.
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