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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You are overrating yourself. :lol: Nobody cares about you and soon your country is going to bombed to dust for the sins they committed to the people of the middle-east.
this is a matter of opinion who committed sins in the middle east who created FSA, AL Nusra, ISIS, AL Shahab and of course Al Qaeda and what particular faith and ideology they follow and preach
for some these above mentioned organisations and their sponsors are doing Gods work

just like some think Hizbullah is doing the Gods work. one thing is for sure

the number of monsters I have listed above will come back to haunt their creators. its karma and its a really nasty thing when it bites it hurts and unfortunately it doesnt discriminate on the bases of your race, sect or gender it will bite hard and it will hurt.

@MoshteAhani and @atatwolf
it will be a shame to ban you both together but you two are pushing your limits and degrading the forum
so be prepared for time off
this is a matter of opinion who committed sins in the middle east who created FSA, AL Nusra, ISIS, AL Shahab and of course Al Qaeda and what particular faith and ideology they follow and preach
for some these above mentioned organisations and their sponsors are doing Gods work

just like some think Hizbullah is doing the Gods work. one thing is for sure

the number of monsters I have listed above will come back to haunt their creators. its karma and its a really nasty thing when it bites it hurts and unfortunately it doesnt discriminate on the bases of your race, sect or gender it will bite hard and it will hurt.

@MoshteAhani and @atatwolf
it will be a shame to ban you both together but you two are pushing your limits and degrading the forum
so be prepared for time off
Are you putting satantic mass murderers like Assad, ISIS, Iran on the same level as the Syrian people(FSA)?
Are you putting satantic mass murderers like Assad, ISIS, Iran on the same level as the Syrian people(FSA)?
short answer? yes

if I start listing what these so called "syrian people" have done then Peshmerga and PKK will appear like angels to everyone
I mean in their ranks there were people from AL Qaeda, and TTP who have played football with the skulls of our soldiers and sure enough this FSA showed its cannibalistic side when it uploaded the video and then eventually it mutated into ISIS.

god bless your soul if you dont see beyond the names and beyond your political, religious differences
this is a matter of opinion who committed sins in the middle east who created FSA, AL Nusra, ISIS, AL Shahab and of course Al Qaeda and what particular faith and ideology they follow and preach
for some these above mentioned organisations and their sponsors are doing Gods work

just like some think Hizbullah is doing the Gods work. one thing is for sure

the number of monsters I have listed above will come back to haunt their creators. its karma and its a really nasty thing when it bites it hurts and unfortunately it doesnt discriminate on the bases of your race, sect or gender it will bite hard and it will hurt.

@MoshteAhani and @atatwolf
it will be a shame to ban you both together but you two are pushing your limits and degrading the forum
so be prepared for time off

The FSA are terrorists for trying to protect their homeland from a bloodthirsty genocidal regime that tortures tens of thousands of prisoners to death, and killed hundreds of thousands more using indiscriminate barrel bombs, chemical warfare, SCUDs, heavy artillary, and sectarian militias? How many unarmed civilians did the FSA kill?
| Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:23pm EDT Related
Islamist groups seize Syrian city Idlib for first time| Reuters

(Reuters) - Islamist groups including al Qaeda's Nusra Front have seized the city of Idlib for the first time in Syria's civil war, fighters and a monitoring group said on Saturday.

By taking Idlib, capital of a northwestern province of the same name, hardline Islamist insurgents now control a second province after Raqqa, the stronghold of the Islamic State group which has been the target of U.S.-led air strikes.

Sunni Islamist groups have formed an alliance which includes Nusra, the hardline Ahrar al-Sham movement and Jund al-Aqsa, but not Islamic State, their rival. They launched the offensive to capture Idlib city on Tuesday.

Syrian officials could not be immediately reached for comment. State media said fighting continued and the army had managed to halt the insurgents' advances on the northern, eastern and southern sides of the city.

"The army is fighting fierce battles to restore the situation back to what it was," state television said, adding that the army had killed hundreds of fighters.

Groups taking part in the offensive to seize the city posted videos on the internet showing fighters roaming the streets. Voices in the videos said they were in the center of the city.

The film showed insurgents shooting in the air and chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) outside a compound formerly held by government forces.


Idlib, a city whose population has been swollen by hundreds of thousands of displaced people from other parts of Syria, is close to the strategic highway linking Damascus to Aleppo and to the coastal province of Latakia, a stronghold of President Bashar al-Assad.

"They have entered the city from several sides but the major push was from the northern and western sides," said Rami Abdelrahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based group which monitors the civil war.

The Islamist alliance calls its operation Army of Fatah, a reference to the conquests that spread Islam across the Middle East from the seventh century.

Footage posted on the internet earlier on Saturday by Nusra Front showed dozens of fighters in the streets of what a voiceover said was Idlib city.

"This is my house, for four years I have not entered it. This is my neighborhood, this is our country and by God's will we will liberate it and settle Muslims in it," a fighter said in the video.

He was welcomed by several men. Some embraced him and wept.

In another video, fighters were shown on top of a building which bore the insignia of Assad's Baath party, trying to tear down huge posters of the president.

Syria's four-year-old war has killed more than 220,000 people and forced millions out of their homes.

(Reporting by Mariam Karouny; editing by Andrew Roche)
Idlib - Syria.

The right thing in the right place.

How many unarmed civilians did the FSA kill?
knowing that it has TTP and LeJ among its ranks (from Pakistan )along with Al Qaeda.. just check their proud videos for your innocent answer

it is a tragedy that anti Persian fever is so high that you guys fail to see that sine 79 it was Sadam who was encouraged to invade Iran resulting in years of war and then he bit back the hands that fed it out of his own sheer foolishness bringing the biggest warmonger of the world in the world in the region and then one by one the middle eastern countries fell what a pity that despite tens of thousands of deaths and desecration of Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen we Muslims are stuck with our centuries old enmities while the organisations under the banner of Al Shahab, FSA, ISIS, AL Qaeda Al Nusra , TTP, Taliban, Jamiya Islamiya set new records of inhumanity and no living being of any race, religion or gender is safe from them one has to be a morbid hate monger with a tumour in his head to blame all this on Persians

granted they are no angels and they have their own skeletons and proxies but their work pales in comparison to what .these Organisations have achieved from bali to Newyork and Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and middle east.

NO one is saint so lets stop pretending to be one. you ALL celebrate the deaths of each other and ALL of you everyone who has participated here actually makes me upset so please be honest to yourself and just state that its your goverment policy to down your enemy and if it means siding with devil then so be it.

I can remember FSA shouting Allah O Akbar when Israel bombed Syria.. I mean wow

what can I say.. when my "Muslim" friends gleefully await the day when Israel will bomb Iran. Ask Lebanon or Palestinians if they are as enthusiastic about Israel? or are they not Arab enough?

So one "fsa" fighter named Abu sakkar who was suffuring from mental illness mutilated a dead regime fighter's corpse and did some despicable things to it a
yes dear
I can share far more than that but its pointless in case you have given your verdict

Internet is a great invention. the deeds dont remain hidden
The FSA are terrorists for trying to protect their homeland from a bloodthirsty genocidal regime that tortures tens of thousands of prisoners to death, and killed hundreds of thousands more using indiscriminate barrel bombs, chemical warfare, SCUDs, heavy artillary, and sectarian militias? How many unarmed civilians did the FSA kill?

But FSA mainly collapsed and new groups were formed following Islamism

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