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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

this shows that you don't care about Syria but you entered in an ideology of war sunni vs shia
when you love your country it is not possible to wish and create an ideology of war between people/religions
and everyone knows by the way it has nothing to do with religion but someone who wants to keep its power

i don't like Khamenei but if i was acting like you to divide people and use fanatic words
i would clearly be considered a s a traitor to Iran and that would be fair
if you love Syria stop serving your masters who put hatred ideology in heads
how much you are paid to spread hatred on the net ? do you have any dignity?
lol, I didn't even mention anything about Sunni vs. Shia. But thanks for bringing that in, because that's exactly the mindset your Iranians want. You want the Middle East worshiping Ali r.a.
Many of these children were killed by Hamas misfired Iranian rockets or were used by Hamas as soldiers. All the rest were killed because Hamas fired its Iranian rockets from dense populated areas.

Of course....No Israeli bombed flattened homes and killed childred. How silly of me and the workd to come to this conclusion.

Israel fights terror for over 67 years, but we never did anything close to what Assad did: indiscriminate town shelling, torture facilities, starving, gassing... In past two years Assad killed 10 times more of own people than we killed fighting Palestinians in past 67 years.

You bomb homes.
Rights group raps Israel 'policy' of bombing Gaza homes - Yahoo News
You bomb UN shelters adn schools.
U.N. says Israel violated international law, after shells hit school in Gaza - The Washington Post
You bomb hospitals.
Another Gaza Hospital Hit by Israeli Strike; Four Dead, 40 Hurt - NBC News

Spare us your bs and crocodile tears.

It was a war between two states, two equally armed armies. Spare us of ur cheap propaganda.



Who cares if the sides were equal (which they were not by the way)? Both were civil wars, easily avoided by one side laying down their arms. Lincoln is a hero for waging war on the south in the process killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, burning entire conquered towns and villages, raping women etc. But Assad is a monster for doing the same thing, minus burning conquered towns villages and raping women of course. Simple equivalency. Rebels have refused negotiations and elections so there's no other alternative.
What % of Syrian people are Sunni Arabs by now? 50%?
Still 75%. Shiite f*ggots from abroad don't count as Syrians. Nor do foreign fighters on the rebel side (unless they were expats coming back.) A refugee population outside the country still doesn't mean they aren't members of it. They are part of my country still, we won't say they are traitors because they fled from the hands of a mass-murderer.
Of course....No Israeli bombed flattened homes and killed childred. How silly of me and the workd to come to this conclusion.
Misfired Hamas rockets also kill many.

Hamas stores and fires rockets from hospitals and schools. Hamas tactics in short.

Open spaces for parades:


Dense populated areas for rockets.


THIRD Rocket Arsenal Found At UN School In Gaza - Breitbart

Who cares if the sides were equal (which they were not by the way)?
Because wars between armies have much higher casualty rate and thats natural.

Assad killed in 2 years 10 times more of his own people than Israel killed Palestinians in 70 years. Plus he mass tortured, starved and gassed them too. Something that only Nazis do.

So stop comparing incomparable things.
Still 75%. Shiite f*ggots from abroad don't count as Syrians. Nor do foreign fighters on the rebel side (unless they were expats coming back.) A refugee population outside the country still doesn't mean they aren't members of it. They are part of my country still, we won't say they are traitors because they fled from the hands of a mass-murderer.

Doesn't matter where Shia Arabs are from. There are Shia Yemenis who fight in Syria. This is a religious war. There are no national borders anymore.
Hamas stores and fires rockets from hospitals and schools. Hamas tactics in short.

Open spaces for parades:


Dense populated areas for rockets.


THIRD Rocket Arsenal Found At UN School In Gaza - Breitbart

And you go ahead and bomb schools and hospital killing scores of children. You actually help Hamas and show the world that you are beasts. To you bombing a school and killing children is totally worth it to kill a Hamas operative.

Because wars between armies have much higher casualty rate and thats natural.

FSA, AQ and ISIS are all armies, well financed and trained.

Assad killed in 2 years 10 times more of his own people than Israel killed Palestinians in 70 years. Plus he mass tortured, starved and gassed them too. Something that only Nazis do.

So stop comparing incomparable things.

mmm hmmm....and Lincoln killed 600000-850000 people in 4 years. He sieged the South, killed innocents, burned entire villages and raped women. Just using your own illogical propaganda, don't get mad :lol::lol:. Its war, people die unfortunately. The least deserving often die the most. Its not by design, but it just happens that way. By the way the Nazis didn't starve or gas anyone. But lets not get carried away here.
McCain also "bombing children" in Vietnam and is alive with his fucking ugly head in the same place talking a lot shit.


They should take these f*ckers to Sarmeen and have the mothers of the dead children stomp on their heads. Either way, their final destination is hell.

That's because these Zionist backed beheaders deserved got a lot more barrelboming
And you go ahead and bomb schools and hospital killing scores of children. You actually help Hamas and show the world that you are beasts. To you bombing a school and killing children is totally worth it to kill a Hamas operative.
Thats what Hamas tried to achieve by placing rockets in schools and hospitals. But they failed. In 70 years of COIN we killed 10 times less than your beloved Assad killed in 2 years.

FSA, AQ and ISIS are all armies, well financed and trained.
Spare me of that nonsense. They dont have a single plane or helicopter, just dozen tanks - all of them CAPTURED. Compare to hundreds planes and thousands tanks of Assad.

mmm hmmm....and Lincoln killed 600000-850000 people in 4 years.
It was army vs army, state vs state. Just like Napoleon wars.
And you go ahead and bomb schools and hospital killing scores of children. You actually help Hamas and show the world that you are beasts. To you bombing a school and killing children is totally worth it to kill a Hamas operative.

The Jews parasites caused the 99,77% of civilian people killed in the 2014 Gaza conflict.

The Jews stop to do craps there because they got scared when they star to see their own soldiers killed and they decided Finish the "Military" operation.
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Keyboard warrior why aren't you going to Turkey, visiting their recruitment centers and going to war ? :lol::lol: Frightened Hezbollah :lol: I can promise you,these girls,NDF,Hezbollah,SAA and (other frightened (they are frightened of you Dr.Thrax,you are destroying them through keyboard :lol:) will continue fighting till last person,with dreams of ANY KIND of islamic state in Syria goes to Allah :lol:
Syria is fighting all out war against Islamists from every country of the world, in all out war,women are often sending "Sunni civilians " to hell, but it's not surprising you think they are whores, Islamist cant imagine women doing anything except being servant and whore :lol:

Calm down on the mullah worship, and actually address anything that I am talking about instead of accusing me of being "Islamist" in your posts peppered with your stupid smileys. You sound like an ignorant wannabe lame counter-terrorism expert who wants this forum to be like the rest of the forums, where a bunch of foul-mouthed mullah fanboys and pompous fascist degenerates full of half-baked philosophy like yourself do the circle jerk and the only one offering a different viewpoint and providing a second opinion is that one terrorist who threaten the rest and says they will "CONQUER ROME, ISTANBUL AND THE WHITE HOUSE". You support a regime that killed 20,000 women and raped/imprisoned tens of thousands more yet you have the gall to accuse me of being misogynistic? That's rich.
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Calm down on the mullah worship, and actually address anything that I am talking about instead of accusing me of being "Islamist" in your posts peppered with your stupid smileys. You sound like an ignorant wannabe lame counter-terrorism expert who wants this forum to be like the rest of the forums, where a bunch of foul-mouthed mullah fanboys and pompous fascist degenerates full of half-baked philosophy like yourself do the circle jerk and the only one offering a different viewpoint and providing a second opinion is that one terrorist who threaten the rest and says they will "CONQUER ROME, ISTANBUL AND THE WHITE HOUSE". You support a regime that killed 20,000 women and raped/imprisoned tens of thousands more yet you have the gall to accuse me of being misogynistic? That's rich.
What should I address what you are talking about? your propaganda pieces about how many people were tortured or your funny posts like "they are whores, working for frightened hezbollah" ? :lol: I am sorry but you should either find someone else who takes your cheap propaganda seriously or learn your job better,Arrivederci :wave:
The Zionist backed moderated beheaders (FSA) torturing / executing the SyAF pilot did basically the same who the ISIS did burning alive the Jordan pilot.

They reaffirmed again and again they ( FSA Moderated Beheaders) and Non Moderated beheaders (ISIS) are the same in the practice they reaffirm be the same than the ISIS with these Crimes (Sectarians Massacres, Summary executions) again and again and are very proud from their atrocities.

ISIS and FSA are like the Coc@ Col@ and P3psi Col@

I remember you (again) the ISIS emerge in all zones who the moderated beheaders Liberetarded.
SAA Smerch 300 mm would give those FSA scums a beating. NO need for barrel bombs :agree:

What happened to Dr.Thrax? Why is he banned?
SAA Smerch 300 mm would give those FSA scums a beating. NO need for barrel bombs :agree:
Nah,not smerch.... They need TOS-1 Buratino
it would be so funny to see MB supporters change motto from " Civilians are barrel bombed" to "civilians are roasted alive" :lol::lol:
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