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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

And he was executed on spot. Rebels show themselves more humanic than Assad's shabihas.

An Israeli sees humanity in AQ members that executed a PoW immediately after capture. Why am I not surprised? Didn't I say that you, ISIS and Nusra are all the same, but different in name only? You prove my point every single day.
I don't know why, but I kinda like Prince Bandar, he seems like a cool guy. I bet if he took the time to get to know us, we would be like best buddies :P
Notice how the Israeli member here trying hard to defend his F$A terrorists... Israeli people love the F$A so much, they are doing their dirty job, why wouldn't they love the F$A terrorists? and the F$A are so nice they congratulate Israeli PM... wow F$A and Israel, who saw the coming? oh wait people with functioning brain saw that back when the conflict started...
The Jews Thieves, criminals, parasites plan is created in South of Syria a "Second Buffer Zone" After the Occupied Golan Heighs in fact this is created now in the practice the Beheaders takes important grounds in the Entire south Syria supported by Israeli Air Defense / Air Force and Artillery.

So they can with that consolidated more the control in the Golan and the West Bank the whole world will be washing how "Savages Muslims" killing each others when the Jewish parasites stolen more land.

Without Syrian conflict the main attention from US people and Government are the illegal Jewish settlements in the stolen Palestinians lands, so Obviously the Jewish working with the Zionist Lobby in US will be do everything the possible for support the terror shit in Syria.

Right now the criminal Parasite boss is crying in US for more money and weapons for the Jews and his beheaders in South Syria.

But if Obongo decided aided more the Beheaders in Syria they will be get stronger in Iraq too and the post Saddam Iraqi government is a US allied, US decided created the post Saddam Iraq after caused tons of people killed there including many US soldiers thousands of Americans males and females die in Iraq for created the New Iraqi State (Ironically a Shia State) , US need support Iraq for National Interests.

The Jews want imposed to US the same who they imposed during years these are the agenda who the Jewish parasites imposed to US =

*2011- 2012 all of them were gud Bashar is bad mus die / US should armed the beheaders for beheading people and chemical Weapon Red Line, Jews are a fucking gud.

*2013 most beheaders are gud Bashar is bad must die and chemical weapon Red Line, Jews are a fucking gud.

*2014 most beheaders (ISIS) are bad, Bashar is less bad, some beheaders are moderated to gud no Red Line anymore, Jews are a fucking gud.

*2015 beheaders (ISIS) are fucking evil, some beheaders are moderated US should armed them for killed ISIS, Bashar is less bad than before

So this strategy no works 4 fucking years following the Jewish Wished and only made the whole region much worse than 2011 just for beneficed a bunch of Jews Criminals who Stolen the lands when they are now killing the native population there since 1947 -

The reality now in the diplomatic grounds are = Lebanon no support the beheaders and want to kill ALL of them moderated or non moderated, Iraq no support them and want to kill ALL of them moderated or non moderated, Iran want to kill ALL of them moderated or non moderated. Qatar seems they are tired Qatar Want to support Hamas now, Jordan (More poor country than Syria) only got refuges the Native Jordanians will be soon a minority in their Lands. The beheaders are supported by Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia (Count France there is a joke).

Iraq, Iran have all the Oil / Gas who US + EU needed US can't be against Lebanon + Iraq + Iran at the same time madding people killed just for satisfied the Jews, the Jews are just wasted time and money for killing Palestinians babies.

So US only have two choices:

1) Support the Great Leader.
2) Stop who support the beheaders and just washing how they disbands.

Is clear US / UK stop the anti Bashar rhetoric at the moment you can see the effect in this Reuter report.

2 years ago see that in Reuters was just impossible...
Notice how the Israeli member here trying hard to defend his F$A terrorists... Israeli people love the F$A so much, they are doing their dirty job, why wouldn't they love the F$A terrorists? and the F$A are so nice they congratulate Israeli PM... wow F$A and Israel, who saw the coming? oh wait people with functioning brain saw that back when the conflict started...

@Falcon29 | @Gasoline | @Sunni Falcon | etc
Please watch this video :

#Beirut: Does Iran Want An Empire ? | Daily News Analysis (DNA)

Iranian politicians do not feel shame when they tell blatant lies, verything mentioned here is 'fabrication' even when Mehdi Taeb said that Syria is the '35th province of Iran', it was another 'fabrication'.

Dear brothers, there is nothing called the 'Resistance Axis', but it is something else called Persian Empire, remember that when someone wants to use you, he will come to your emotional side, Palestine.

Iranian politicians are looking forward to occupy Mecca and Medina, and I don't think there are Muslims among us who wish to see Khomeini's or Khamenei's posters on the Ka'aba.
#RIH: Hiz-ballet Admits Losing Two More Foreign Terrorists In Syria


Names: Muhammad Husain and Tariq Abduh
Nationality: Lebanese

Source: Ahlul-Bayt News Agency
#FYI: Al-Assad 'Cares Too Much' For Palestinians

Too much, that he would torture and starve them to death in and outside his prisons.
They forgot to erase what he had drawn on his hand .
Almost all of those army units who retreated from Mosul were Sunnis. Local army members hold positions in their respective areas. That's a bitter truth isn't it?
Blatant hoax, the army men in Mosul were mostly Shiites from Southern Iraq and my evidences are :

1. They weep over Ashura and shed their own blood.
2. Their checkpoints have flags of 'Ya Husain', 'Ya Ali', ...etc.
3. They impose curfew in the entire city for the sake of Shiites (mainly for Shabak minority).
4. Their dialect is the Southern Iraqi.
5. If you know about Mosul, you realize that its people were complaining over sectarianism of the security forces, random arrests and torturing, so how come they complain over sectarianism if those soldiers happen to be 'Sunnis' ?

Your logic: As long as those soldiers fled and acted like cowards, they are 'Sunnis'.
But if they were heroes and resisted ISIS, we admit it and say they were 'Shiites' .
What about Tikreet ?, Kirkuk ?, Tal Afar ? were those soldiers 'Sunnis' too ? they fled and abandoned those cities just like how Peshmerga fled and abandoned Sinjar.
Stop blaming people for how coward those soldiers were .
If we had to take the words of these subhumans about when an IRGC was killed then there would be no IRGC left by now. 99% of all these so called "deaths" are Takfiri/wahabi propaganda.
@United is right, they aren't words of 'subhumans', it is Iranians who confirmed the death of Sadiq Yari in Tikreet :

Source: A - B - C

Not only that, but they 'discovered the remains of another soldier' near Tikreet :

Name: Ali Mani'at

Source: Farhang News (Farsi)
You're hurting your own cause more in your process to attempt to demonise Iran.
The Iranian regime demonized Iran .
Those sluts are probably...
Astaghfirullah...bro, both of you and I know they have NOTHING to tell which is why they depend on trolling, they just want you to lose your mind to be banned, so ?, ignore the chatterboxes :) :

“And tell My servants that they should speak (only) what is the best (Ahsan, kind). Surely Satan stirs up trouble among them. The fact is that Satan is an open enemy to mankind.” - Allah (swt) in the Holy Qur'an (17:53) .

Alawite men aren't enough, sectarianists from Iran, Southern Lebanon, Southern Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, aren't enough either, thus Al-Assad wants to push Alawite women into this :(, then an Iranian comes to tell you there is an 'ongoing genocide against Alawites in Syria' ignoring that they are soldiers, unlike the unarmed Muslim children and women .
You are really funny, f$a terrorists are far away from moderate and even they admit it they are against democracy...plus the f$a "Islamaists" are Israeli puppets.
Hope you didn't forget to buy her a gift :) .
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Too many sectarians pro beheaders here.

Anyone know in what part of Syria Born the colonel Tiger ?

FSA forces have captured large parts of Busra al Sham after 4 days of fierce clashes against regime troops. They have besieged the Regime forces and allies in the eastern side of city and are now rapidly advancing. An Iranian General Ali Hashmian, the commander of the regime’s Brigade 313 Mahmoud Al Khader , and many pro-Assad militants were killed by opposition forces there. Busra al Sham is 20 times more populated than Deir al Adas, the village Assadists captured during the regimes' failed Southern offensive last months.

AJ journalist in Busra al Sham

New reports: rebels announced that they have liberated Busra al Sham completelly and captured 16 pro-regime militants.
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