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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

It's not just Assad, it's his army of thugs, Iran, and Russia. But he was the one who started the whole thing in the first place because he refused to get his *** out of power. So yes, Assad IS responsible for those deaths.

‫مراسم رفع "العلم السوري" فوق دوار صلاح الدين بحلب‬‎ - YouTube

Why should he get is *** out of power? You refuse elections and you refuse to negotiate with him. So now what? Why are all those people fighting for him? Why are they giving their lives for him? The same can be said of those on the other side. Its not just about Assad and deep down you know this. If you feel that strongly maybe you should join your friends on the battlefield.

Anyone know what recoilless gun are using there ?

B-11, B-10 or SPG-9 ?

BTW if you said the Army video is a clear change of Rhetoric from the British media Reuters (Who is more controlled than North Korea media)

They used there the term "Syrian Government" - Syrian Army" they no used the terems "Assad Regime" or "Soldiers loyal to Bashar Al Assad" - Happens after the human dildo Kerry said he want negotiated with the Great Leader (He no said that specifically but the US Government aggressive rhetoric against the Syrian State change and the effects are now clearly visible in the West controlled media)

This attitude can change in any moment anyway they are volatile.

Go girls go!
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Those "soldiers" aren't real fighters lol. Those sluts are probably just there to give sexual services to the sissy mullahs in an attempt to motivate the frightened hezbul-rats to go in Jobar..:rofl:
Keyboard warrior why aren't you going to Turkey, visiting their recruitment centers and going to war ? :lol::lol: Frightened Hezbollah :lol: I can promise you,these girls,NDF,Hezbollah,SAA and (other frightened (they are frightened of you Dr.Thrax,you are destroying them through keyboard :lol:) will continue fighting till last person,with dreams of ANY KIND of islamic state in Syria goes to Allah :lol:
Syria is fighting all out war against Islamists from every country of the world, in all out war,women are often sending "Sunni civilians " to hell, but it's not surprising you think they are whores, Islamist cant imagine women doing anything except being servant and whore :lol:
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No he killed 500 children in sieged Gaza just last summer.
Many of these children were killed by Hamas misfired Iranian rockets or were used by Hamas as soldiers. All the rest were killed because Hamas fired its Iranian rockets from dense populated areas.

Here Palestinians in Syria and in Gaza:

Israelis should be the last ones commenting on Syria with all the skeletons in their closet and blood on their hands.
Israel fights terror for over 67 years, but we never did anything close to what Assad did: indiscriminate town shelling, torture facilities, starving, gassing... In past two years Assad killed 10 times more of own people than we killed fighting Palestinians in past 67 years.

By the way, President Lincoln's civil war killed 600000 Americans (and don't bs me that it was to end slavery). Both Lincoln and Assad presided over are civil wars yet Lincoln is worshipped. Assad has some ways to go before catching the great Lincoln's body count.:coffee:
It was a war between two states, two equally armed armies. Spare us of ur cheap propaganda.


I cant help my self but call you stupid for labeling everyone a terrorist just because we dont agree with you. Now hit the report button like a whiny little kid and complain about me like u did last time. So I can get a message that I cant call a retard a retard because he has a yellow tag to his name. :D
Are you aware that you're violating PDF policy by harassing one of its moderators? @Horus @WebMaster
Here Palestinians in Syria and in Gaza:

This is Yarmouk before the Zionist backed beheaders infestation in 2010

So this scum backed by the Jews criminals and Wahhabis / Salafis (they are dogs of the Jews and love to kiss Jews ***) made a shit a place who in 2010 was just fine.
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There are less than 100 people all males as is usuall imo - Is well know Yarmouk was assaulted by sectarians beheaders backed by states well know for all who killed the Army troops who was there.

But in 2010 Yarmouk and all the country was stable without problem they were who star the shit there it's a fact.

The only solution is killed them or forced to surrender, if they die they cant do more shit there anymore.
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It's not just Assad, it's his army of thugs, Iran, and Russia. But he was the one who started the whole thing in the first place because he refused to get his *** out of power. So yes, Assad IS responsible for those deaths.

‫مراسم رفع "العلم السوري" فوق دوار صلاح الدين بحلب‬‎ - YouTube
this shows that you don't care about Syria but you entered in an ideology of war sunni vs shia
when you love your country it is not possible to wish and create an ideology of war between people/religions
and everyone knows by the way it has nothing to do with religion but someone who wants to keep its power

i don't like Khamenei but if i was acting like you to divide people and use fanatic words
i would clearly be considered a s a traitor to Iran and that would be fair
if you love Syria stop serving your masters who put hatred ideology in heads
how much you are paid to spread hatred on the net ? do you have any dignity?
There are less than 100 people all males as is usuall imo - Is well know Yarmouk was assaulted by sectarians beheaders backed by states well know for all who killed the Army troops who was there.

But in 2010 Yarmouk and all the country was stable without problem they were who star the shit there it's a fact.

The only solution is killed the or forced to surrender, if they die they cant do more shit there anymore.

go and change your flag you shit hole....:-)

PDF have to do something against fake accounts...
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