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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Damascus Aleppo highway is closed since 26 june 2012, that 2 years and 4 month.

He's promised to return Aleppo from that highway .

Just remember a few month ago , when terrorists reached to Hama but now they lost one of the 3 famous cancerous cities of north Hama .

The other cities will probably fall within days , leading syrian army to Khan Shaykhun .

Aleppo front is very active in theses days , Thanks to Fatemiyun brigade . only 3 kilometers to cut supply line and besiege the city .

Thankfully Kurds are doing a great job in Kobani which has made ISIL too busy .
Damascus Aleppo highway is closed since 26 june 2012, that 2 years and 4 month.
I remember they took Saraqib in 2013, don't know maybe I'm wrong.
I already said it may take months, but don't tell me that taking that highway is a huge blowback to rebels since it crosses many important areas. They only remaining area then would be Idlib + IS controlled area. I didn't count Ghouta since they wouldn't be able to do anything significant under the siege.
He's promised to return Aleppo from that highway .

Just remember a few month ago , when terrorists reached to Hama but now they lost one of the 3 famous cancerous cities of north Hama .

The other cities will probably fall within days , leading syrian army to Khan Shaykhun .

Aleppo front is very active in theses days , Thanks to Fatemiyun brigade . only 3 kilometers to cut supply line and besiege the city .

Thankfully Kurds are doing a great job in Kobani which has made ISIL too busy .

Syrian part of IS has consolidated its power and now holds the territory tightly.

- After Ayn al Arab, IS would focus on Hasakah and Deir ez Zor.
- If either one of them falls, then IS will put pressure on Aleppo and Hamah fronts.

Btw while SAA and SAA aligned militias are expanding towards north, south of Damascus slowly falls in the hands of FSA and IF. But they are probably at least 6 months away from Damascus.
One of the greatest Arab generals in history .

I wish Assad had a few more competent generals like him .

"One of the greatest Arab generals" in history.:lol:

I hope that you realize how idiotic that statement is considering the hundreds of amazing Arab generals throughout history some of them known as the very best in history and who helped create 3 of the 10 largest empires the world has ever seen. More than any other ethnic group in the top 10 and countless of empires, kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, sheikdoms on 3 continents.

The Syrian army is a joke. The fact that they lost 50% of their country to rag-tag groups should tell you everything. But you can't expect miracles when you are fighting for a terror regime which does not even respect the common Syrian soldier and considers him a simple cattle. Similar problems in Iraq can be seen hence them having a weak army too.
Syria.. one country with three forces-Bashar Al Assad, IS and US (with led coalition)..That`s best example of drifting...
US doesn`t ask,, just act...
some of them known as the very best in history and who helped create 3 of the 10 largest empires the world has ever seen
you are very obsessed with this stuff. no such thing. your criteria for that is based on conquered territory and not conquered+administered+population ratio combined.
for example mongles never formed a total empire in their conquered territories. they formed 4 different conflicting empires soon vanished.should not be considered as a whole.
Army battles jihadists in n. Lebanon, 14 killed
TRIPOLI, Lebanon: At least 14 people were killed in running battles between Lebanese troops and ISIS-inspired militants in north Lebanon Saturday as the military pursued a crackdown to rid the port city of Tripoli of jihadists plotting attacks in the country, security sources said.

Two civilians, three soldiers and at least six militants were killed and 20 people were wounded, including 10 soldiers, in fighting in Tripoli that erupted overnight, security sources said.

Two soldiers were killed in separate clashes with militants in the village of Mhamara, north of Tripoli, while five others escaped a kidnap attempt in the area. Hours later, the Army said an officer was killed and two soldiers were wounded in the northern district of Minieh when a rocket-propelled grenade struck their vehicle.

The Army said it arrested some militants and remained in pursuit of others.

The clashes in Tripoli, widely seen as a spillover of the crisis in neighboring Syria, were the worst in the mainly Sunni city for several months.

Army battles jihadists in n. Lebanon, 14 killed | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR
you are very obsessed with this stuff. no such thing. your criteria for that is based on conquered territory and not conquered+administered+population ratio combined.
for example mongles never formed a total empire in their conquered territories. they formed 4 different conflicting empires soon vanished.should not be considered as a whole.

Now make a fuss and jump around all you like.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't care about Mongols. Everyone knows that they were very short-lived and gave the world little.

The claim by your compatriot was obviously ridiculous but we expect such comments from certain users here.

But indeed, that Syrian general is the second best general after some Iranian general that nobody has heard about, right?
Now make a fuss and jump around all you like.
List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't care about Mongols. Everyone knows that they were very short-lived and gave the world little.
The claim by your compatriot was obviously ridiculous but we expect such comments from certain users here.
But indeed, that Syrian general is the second best general after some Iranian general that nobody has heard about, right?
thanks but I just wanted to say that you should add your criteria for you claims.
but accept it or not he is a competent and game-changing general in the Syrian conflict.
thanks but I just wanted to say that you should add your criteria for you claims.
but accept it or not he is a competent and game-changing general in the Syrian conflict.

The criteria can be seen in that link very clearly. Anyway I just found that comment ridiculous.

Mate, no country/regime who has lost 50% of their country against rag-tag militants/terrorists (without an air force, without a tank force, navy etc. etc.) or whatever you want to call them can be considered a success. Let's not make ISIS and other groups better than what they are. Any PROFESSIONAL army out there with respect for itself should be able to deal with that threat let alone NOT lose 50% of the country and it's not like the Syrian regime is alone.

The fact is that many armies in the Muslim world fight for the regime and not the country and that is why they face troubles that other more professional armies don't.

The Syrian terror regime that you support treats the average Syrian soldier as cannon fodder. There is no respect for them. If you knew Arabic you would quickly see that this is very obvious. It's a dictator and two evil sides that are fighting against each other. If Al-Assad wanted the best for Syria he would have stepped down. Thanks to him ISIS emerged and Syria is ruined. Look what Ben Ali did in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt in comparison. They literary saved their countries from becoming a Syria or Libya and even their political opponents respect them for that.

Al-Assad? Well, you and everyone else can see for yourself.
The criteria can be seen in that link very clearly. Anyway I just found that comment ridiculous.
in that link it is said that Achaemenid Empire had more than 44.48% of world's population in their era under their rule. so can I claim they were the biggest ever established empire?

Mate, no country/regime who has lost 50% of their country against rag-tag militants/terrorists (without an air force, without a tank force, navy etc. etc.) or whatever you want to call them and be considered a success.
I guess you are underestimating them. even Israeli army as the greatest army in ME can not crush besieged and weak Hamas.
in that link it is said that Achaemenid Empire had more than 44.48% of world's population in their era under their rule. so can I claim they were the biggest ever established empire?

I guess you are underestimating them. even Israeli army as the greatest army in ME can not crush besieged and weak Hamas.

You do know the difference between size and percentages of population right? That empire was founded ages ago when the population of the earth was tiny. No comparison with something that occurred much, much later. The British Empire despite only "ruling" 20% of the world's population is the world's biggest empire ever and without a doubt one of the most influential ones. Ruling the highest number of subjects by far too. That link and the accurate data on that list speaks for itself. No need to attempt to sugarcoat it.

You omitted (for some strange reason) 90% of my post. What has Hamas to do with this discussion or Israel? You are comparing apple and pears. Israel is the last country to criticize those barrel bombings in Syria but their conduct is still vastly more "humane" than what al-Assad is doing.

Fact of the matter is that the average Syrian soldiers is treated as cattle and secondly that the Syrian army and its generals can by no means be considered competent let alone the comment I reacted to.

That's just ridiculous and you must live in another world if you think so.
The Syrian terror regime that you supports treats the average Syrian as cannon fodder. There is respect for them. If you knew Arabic you would quickly see that this was very obvious. It's a dictator and two evil sides that are fighting against each other. If Al-Assad wanted the best for Syria he would have stepped down. Thanks to him ISIS emerged and Syria is ruined. Look what Ben Ali did or Mubarak in Tunisia and Egypt in comparison. They literary saved their countries from becoming a Syria or Libya and even their political opponents respect them for that.
yes. we all see the painful sides of war for Syrian people. but the point is that KSA grabbed it as a chance to throw Iran out of Syria. I guess if saudis accept that Iran also has its own interests in ME then problem can be solved through giving points to each other.
I remember they took Saraqib in 2013, don't know maybe I'm wrong.
Saraqib was taken on 2 november 2012, but aleppo road was closed much earlier, on june 26 when rebels took Khan Sbil.

I already said it may take months, but don't tell me that taking that highway is a huge blowback to rebels since it crosses many important areas. They only remaining area then would be Idlib + IS controlled area. I didn't count Ghouta since they wouldn't be able to do anything significant under the siege.
It took more then half year to move from Neirab to prison - 12 km. Which was basically empty area. Khan Sheikhun to Aleppo is 90 km of populated areas.

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