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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Clashes erupt between Army, gunmen in Tripoli

BEIRUT: Clashes erupted Friday night between the Army and gunmen in Lebanon's northern city of Tripoli, security sources said.

The sources told The Daily Star that a shootout erupted between Army troops and about 20 militants in the neighborhood of Khan al-Askar around 8:30 p.m.

The militants withdrew from the neighborhood and headed towards Bab al-Tabbaneh and the old souks, the sources said.

The Army is deploying reinforcements to surround the gunmen in the old souks.

Unconfirmed reports say one gunman and three soldiers were wounded in the ongoing gunbattle and are being treated at a local hospital.

Ambulances were witnessed rushing to the area.

Clashes erupt between Army, gunmen in Tripoli | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR
News circulating about Saker Island (Huwaija Sakr) was retaken by IS.

#IS forces today regained complete control of Huwaija Saqr in Deir Ez Zour #Syria

Armenian woman fighting in the side of YPG.

6 PKK/YPG members dead after being transfered to Turkey for treatment. From their names, I can say they have originated in Turkey, not Syrian Kurds.

Kobani'den getirilen 6 YPG'li öldü

Kobani’de IŞİD militanları ile girdikleri çatışmalarda ağır yaralanan ve dün gece Mürşitpınar Sınır Kapısı’ndan tedavi için Şanlıurfa’daki hastanelere getirilen YPG’li Azat Anter (25), Tuba Karar (24), İbrahim Erbay (24), Vahap Güven (27), Murat Kaysı (18) ve Yusuf Eker (18) yapılan müdahaleye rağmen yaşamını yitirdi. Adli Tıp Kurumu’nda otopsileri yapılan 6 YPG’linin cenazeleri, ailelerine teslim edildi. Ölenlerden Murat Kaysı ve İbrahim Erbay’ın cenazelerinin Siirt’te, diğerlerinin cenazelerinin ise Batman ve Mardin’de toprağa verileceği öğrenildi.

Demokratik Bölgeler Partisi (DBP) Şanlıurfa İl Başkanı Celalettin Erkmen, Adli Tıp Kurumu’na gelerek ailelere baş sağlığı diledi. Burada basın açıklaması yapan Erkmen, herkesin barış sürecinin devam etmesini istediğini söyledi. Uluslararası güçlerin konuya daha duyarlı olmaları gerektiğini belirten Erkmen, “El birliği ile sürecin devam etmesinden yanayız. Bu halkında bir sabrının olduğunu bu ülkeyi idare edenler bilmelidir. Bir an önce bu katliam ve vahşetin önüne geçilmesi için bütün kamuoyunun duyarlı olmasını bekliyoruz. AKP iktidarının bu konuyu yeniden elden geçirmesi gerekiyor. Elle tutulur, sonucu bu vahşetin önüne geçecek bir siyaset izlemesini bekliyoruz” dedi.


Erkmen, Kobani’de YPG’ye destek için Irak’tan gelecek peşmergelerin geç kalması halinde geçişlerine izin vermeyeceklerini ifade ederek şunları söyledi:

“Bir ay önce NATO üyesi 40 ülke IŞİD’i terör örgütü olarak ilan etti ve sonuç alıcı müdahalelerin yapılacağı söylendi. Bir aya kadar zaman geçmesine rağmen sonuç alıcı hiçbir eylem içersine girilmedi. Birkaç gündür ABD’ye peşmergelerin geçmesi için görüş sunmuş. IŞİD ile PYD arasında sen ayrım yapamıyorsan senin bu söylemen safsatadır. Peşmerge gelecekse, Kobani’nin düşmesinden sonra gelirse peşmergelerin oraya geçişine biz müsaade etmeyeceğiz. Gitmesinin de bir anlamı yoktur. Eğer bu gün Kobani’ye insanlar kendilerini bir biçimde ulaştıramıyorsa, oradaki vahşetin duygusunu paylaşmıyorsa 3-5 gün sonra gelecek olan yardımı kesinlikle biz burada engelleyeceğiz ve geçişlerine müsaade etmeyeceğiz. Peşmergenin ulaşması merakı içersinde değiliz. Bizim beklentimiz bir an önce Kobani’ye gitmeleridir.”

Kobani'den getirilen 6 YPG'li öldü
YPG counterattack failed in Tel Khinzir, 25 km west of Ras al Ain. IS succeeded in defeating YPG militants and Today IS took over Khirbet al-Banat, 23 km west of Ras al Ain.

(A) Ras al-Ain -> (B) Khirbet al-Banat

Outdated garbage,like rest of your posts.
saqar island already got captured by IsIs,which your map does not show it.
why are you so worried about ISIS loss in Syria? they will kill sympathizers like you as soon as possible.
and by the way, don't worry about the map. saker island is contested area , SAA is doing its best in deir ez zor, an attrition strategy for the surrounded Islamic Vampires will work sooner or later.
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Syrian Arab Army Launches a New Offensive in Aleppo

By Leith Fadel on October 24, 2014 Middle East
Following the success of the Handarat campaign, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has launched another offensive; this time, in the southern Aleppo village of Al-‘Amariyya. The objective will be to secure the border with the Hama Governorate, while also creating a buffer for the main supply route at the imperative village of Khanasser. With Morek in northern Hama now under the SAA’s control, the Syrian Army may attempt an offensive in southern Idlib; which, could ultimately force the Islamic Front to concentrate troops to this vital front.

Earlier today, the SAA began their operations in Al-‘Amariyya, attacking an Islamic Front hideout near Sheikh Sa’eed. The SAA was able to capture the militant hideout; this resulted in the confiscation of weapons and ammunition. According to a military source, 11 militants from the Islamic Front were killed; 3 SAA soldiers were also killed during the firefight.

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Yesterday, Islamic Front fighters attempted to infiltrate into the predominately Shia cities of Al-Zahra and Nubl from ‘Anadan. Hezbollah and NDF fighters were able to repulse the attack, killing scores of militants in the process.

In the Bani Zaid District, fierce clashes are currently taking place between the Islamic Front and the SAA; these are the most intense firefights reported from this area in the last 14 months. The SAA attempted to besiege this area 5 months ago; however, the IF was able to lift the short siege. Renewed violence at the Bani Zaid District could alleviate some of the pressure on Islamic Front fighters entrenched on the outskirts of Handarat by forcing the SAA to shift their resources to this front.
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Foreign Fighters Killed in Jobar; Jaysh Al-Islam Violates Ceasefire in Beit Sahm

By Leith Fadel on October 24, 2014 Middle East
The Syrian Arab Army’s 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard captured multiple building blocks near the Manasher Roundabout in the Jobar District of Rif Dimashq. Violent firefights have raged in this area for much of the day, resulting in severe bloodshed for both the 104th Brigade and Jaysh Al-Islam (Army of Islam). According to a military source, the majority of the fighters in the Jobar District are foreigners; with many deriving from North Africa, Jordan, and the Gulf.

The 4 identified Jaysh Al-Islam fighters killed in Jobar:

1. Fou’ad Al-Mateeri (Saudi)
2. Hussein Al-Khalif (Jordanian)
3. Hussam Al-Bakri (Saudi)
4. Ra’ed Younis (Saudi)

Yesterday, Jaysh Al-Islam fighters violated the ceasefire agreement at the reconciled city of Beit Sahm in the Rif Dimashq Governorate after opening fire on a Syrian Army checkpoint. 2 SAA soldiers were killed by Jaysh Al-Islam militants, who attempted to take control of the checkpoint; however, they were repelled before they could advance. According to a military source, 6 Jaysh Al-Islam fighters were killed during the firefight; this violation of the ceasefire agreement has created apprehension for the civilians who recently returned to Beit Sahm after months of seeking refuge in neighboring villages.

At ‘Arbeen, the Republican Guard carried out multiple raids on Jaysh Al-Islam positions, killing scores of foreign militants in the process. The 104th carried out these raids near the southern entrance of ‘Arbeen – an area where many Jaysh Al-Islam fighters operate. 16 Jaysh Al-Islam fighters were confirmed killed-in-action (KIA); only 4 were identified:

1. Mohammad Al-Katli (Libyan)
2. Mohammad Awmaz (Malaysian)
3. Khalil Barghouth (Palestinian)
4. ‘Umar Haddad (Palestinian

akhound bachche, hameh ra be kish e khod pendaarad.
tu tamame zendegim na kiram be aamsale toye obne bude na akhund jamaat.
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