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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Foreign ISIL Militant Passports Have Turkish Govt Exit Stamps
Sky News reporter on the Syrian-Turkish border, Stuart Ramsay, obtained from Kurdish fighters in the Syrian city of Ayn al-Arab some passports belonging to foreign militants from the Islamic State (IS, aka ISIL or ISIS). All those passports had the official exit stamp from the Turkish border control, indicating that these ISIL militants entered Syria with the full knowledge of the Turkish authorities and their facilitation.

That is some very old video... Those passports belong to FSA fighters if i don't remember wrong.
That is some very old video... Those passports belong to FSA fighters if i don't remember wrong.
so they crossed into Turkey and they got stamped, Turkey facilitate and allows terrorists to enter Turkey, get trained at their camps, and the sent to Syria to kill Syrians... everyday a new evidence showing how AKP terrorism is working...
so they crossed into Turkey and they got stamped, Turkey facilitate and allows terrorists to enter Turkey, get trained at their camps, and the sent to Syria to kill Syrians... everyday a new evidence showing how AKP terrorism is working...

We back FSA also US and same Western countries as well as Qatar and Saudis supports them.

And your Terrorist Evil Regime which is bombing cities full of civilians with Planes, Missiles, Rockets is being backed by Iran and Russia.

So what ?
We back FSA also US and same Western countries as well as Qatar and Saudis supports them.

And your Terrorist Evil Regime which is bombing cities full of civilians with Planes, Missiles, Rockets is being backed by Iran and Russia.

So what ?

Has Assad bombed Homs lately? Or Damascus lately? Or government controlled parts of Aleppo lately? Bombing the enemy is legal in war. The US did that to Germany during WW2. Any civilians who stay in terrorist controlled areas are sympathizers of terrorists and they deserve to die. Simple as that :azn:

And lest you forget, Russia and Iran are NOT the only allies of Assad. China and Iraq and Hezbollah are as well. The powerful Mahdi Army of the Shia Iraqi government has tens of thousands of fighters in Syria killing FSA fighters backed by Turkey :azn:
Has Assad bombed Homs lately? Or Damascus lately? Or government controlled parts of Aleppo lately? Bombing the enemy is legal in war. The US did that to Germany during WW2. Any civilians who stay in terrorist controlled areas are sympathizers of terrorists and they deserve to die. Simple as that
And lest you forget, Russia and Iran are NOT the only allies of Assad. China and Iraq and Hezbollah are as well. The powerful Mahdi Army of the Shia Iraqi government has tens of thousands of fighters in Syria killing FSA fighters backed by Turkey

Yeah, powerful evil axis soldiers losing ground to FSA for years....
Yeah, powerful evil axis soldiers losing ground to FSA for years....

On the contrary. Syrian army has 200,000+ fighters, thousands of TOW missiles from Iran. Hey, Turkey doesn't even dare to fight Syria. Guess what? Millions of refugees in Turkey are going to suck Turkey dry :azn:
On the contrary. Syrian army has 200,000+ fighters, thousands of TOW missiles from Iran. Hey, Turkey doesn't even dare to fight Syria. Guess what? Millions of refugees in Turkey are going to suck Turkey dry :azn:

Because we are scared of a country which even can't protect it's sovereignty from rag tag militia/terrorists/minorities....

As we are observing this situation in ME.... it became clear that, Turkey can take both Greece, Syria and Iraq and won't break sweat. :)
Because we are scared of a country which even can't protect it's sovereignty from rag tag militia/terrorists/minorities....

As we are observing this situation in ME.... it became clear that, Turkey can take both Greece, Syria and Iraq and won't break sweat. :)

Syrian soldiers gain battlefield experience. For years now. Can't say the same for Turkish soldiers. :-) Why can't the US army beat ISIS? Or Taliban or that matter? Because they can't. :-)

Oh, and if Turkey sends its crappy M60 tanks into Syria, they be blown to bits by Iranian made TOW missiles used by Syrian soldiers, Mahdi Army fighters, Hezbollah fighters. :agree: You are welcome to try. Any time, bro.
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Well then, what's the US waiting for? Better donate 1,000 M1A1 tanks to Iraqi army paid for by US taxpayers. :-)
because obama got nobel Peace prize :-)
Syrian soldiers gain battlefield experience. For years now. Can't say the same for Turkish soldiers. Why can't the US army beat ISIS? Or Taliban or that matter? Because they can't.
Oh, and if Turkey sends its crappy M60 tanks into Syria, they be blown to bits by Iranian made TOW missiles used by Syrian soldiers, Mahdi Army fighters, Hezbollah fighters. You are welcome to try. Any time, bro.

Our Army's claim is they need one week to fully invade, Syria or Greece.
Like in 4 days of engagement, we took control of %40 of the Cyprus, even though it was a landing operation.
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