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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Rebels in Ein al-Bayda, near Damascus. Next offense will be aimed at al-Kiswah. Yesterday, I saw some reports which were telling that SyAF hit Kanaker. Which means rebels might have taken Kanaker as well.

Rebels (Saif al-Sham) also took control of el Hmidaiah, 4km northeast of al Qunaitra. There is a Graphic video, which I cant post. Search for Arabic name of the group in youtube.

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Yesterday, I saw some reports which were telling that SyAF hit Kanaker. Which means rebels might have taken Kanaker as well.

Regime laid siege on Kanaker. Which means rebels control Kanaker or are inside the Kanaker.

What odds are you talking about? All the odds are in favour of the SAA; they outgun, outman and can outspend their adversaries by a long shot. SAA performance in this war can simply be summed up in one word "Pathetic".

They dominate the air and are in possession of massive heavy weapons. In theory, they should have clobbered the IS and FSA. But their tactics are weak, i have seen some of their tank crews in action, they failed to perform even the basic manoeuvres against ATGM. Only recently the SAA has started arming their tanks with caged armour, this should have been done long time ago. There certainly seems to be a morale problem in the SAA. Instead of surrendering to the IS, they should have fought to the last man knowing full well that IS would chop their heads off if they surrendered. SAA needs to revamp and overhaul their Officers Corp, their performance has been below satisfactory level.

Heard from someone who once served in Waziristan,according to him we never surrender,fight to the last bullet,and if everything goes wrong,we have something left to finish off ourselves before getting into their hands...That's why they had been able to repel with only up to 50 people in a post an attack from hundred's of terrorists with heavy weapons...Syrian army needs that spirit to fight ISIS...
ISIS recaptures hill overlooking Kobane, fires on civilians
By RUDAW 31 minutes ago
KOBANE – Islamic State militants have recaptured a village on a strategic hill overlooking the besieged city of Kobane, according to eyewitnesses on Thursday.

Fighting began at midnight in Tel Shahir, five kilometers east of Kobane, which fell to the ISIS fighters at 6am Thursday morning. Some witnesses who were near the battle said the village was being defended by both the mainstream Free Syria Army (FSA) and forces from the local Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

The witnesses said it was a large-scale attack, and that ISIS had brought in fresh reinforcements from bases in Jarabulus, west of Kobane, and from its unofficial capital of Raqqa to the southwest. Fighting was continuing.

Milos Mustafa Bozan, a taxi driver present in the area, told Rudaw that ISIS had fired on a number of civilians fleeing the area, and that three had suffered gunshot wounds. He said civilians were crowding at the Turkish border but had not been allowed to cross.

ISIS has laid siege to Kobane for over a month, driving out most of the areas 200,000 civilians. The city was dangerously close to falling before days of intense airstrikes from mid-October stalled their advance.

Brigades from the Free Syria Army, an alliance of groups supported by an international anti-ISIS coalition, have joined local Syrian Kurdish fighters to defend the city.

An American airlift dropped weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies to YPG positions on Sunday.

On Wednesday the Kurdish parliament agreed for a unit of heavily armed Peshmerga forces to support the militias currently in Kobane, but it will take days for these forces to arrive.

ISIS recaptures hill overlooking Kobane, fires on civilians


YPG flag on 4-story building which is situated next to Turkish border.
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Your forgot to mention, USA, NATO,Israel raids and the GCC's deep pocket . For the SAA performance, it is always hard for a regular army to adapt to an unconventional warfare, but they have adapted, and survived the wabism onslaught.

Does not matter in regards to the deep pockets of foreign nations, they still haven't supplied FSA with heavy weapons or any aviation platforms. On the other hand, SAA is awash with heavy weapons and a decent Air Force. If used properly, they would have clobbered the ISIS and FSA.

It is indeed hard for a conventional army to change its formations, but than again it shouldn't be loosing territory like the way SAA did at the start of the war. Also another point, FSA and ISIS are not fighting unconventional battles anymore. They are fighting pitched battles and taking the SAA head on and defeating them.

True, but they adopted and reversed the tide.

They are indeed making slow progress, but its a very slow progress.

Pakistan who is a lot stronger had problem to stamie her own Taliban, and she have an ongoing problem still. Good armies adapt, and SAA has.

There have been very few instances of Pakistan Army(PA) fighting pitched battles with the Taliban, and whenever it happened, PA clobbered the Taliban. Pakistan at no point lost major territory to the Taliban, and the Taliban were never in a position to challenge PA head on in a conventional format. No major Air Bases or Army Cantonments have fallen to the Taliban. Even when North Waziristan was under complete control of the Taliban, at no point did they dare attack PA's base situated inside North Waziristan. I am sorry to say but SAA has not proved to be a Good Army.

Heard from someone who once served in Waziristan,according to him we never surrender,fight to the last bullet,and if everything goes wrong,we have something left to finish off ourselves before getting into their hands...That's why they had been able to repel with only up to 50 people in a post an attack from hundred's of terrorists with heavy weapons...Syrian army needs that spirit to fight ISIS...

If you are talking about PA Regulars, than yes its true they have never surrendered or ever loose a battle. You have to keep in mind, PA is a well oiled organization. If there is a chance of TTP overrun, they immediately have Gunships, PAF strikes and a QAF on standby.
Does not matter in regards to the deep pockets of foreign nations, they still haven't supplied FSA with heavy weapons or any aviation platforms. On the other hand, SAA is awash with heavy weapons and a decent Air Force. If used properly, they would have clobbered the ISIS and FSA.

It is indeed hard for a conventional army to change its formations, but than again it shouldn't be loosing territory like the way SAA did at the start of the war. Also another point, FSA and ISIS are not fighting unconventional battles anymore. They are fighting pitched battles and taking the SAA head on and defeating them.

They are indeed making slow progress, but its a very slow progress.

There have been very few instances of Pakistan Army(PA) fighting pitched battles with the Taliban, and whenever it happened, PA clobbered the Taliban. Pakistan at no point lost major territory to the Taliban, and the Taliban were never in a position to challenge PA head on in a conventional format. No major Air Bases or Army Cantonments have fallen to the Taliban. Even when North Waziristan was under complete control of the Taliban, at no point did they dare attack PA's base situated inside North Waziristan. I am sorry to say but SAA has not proved to be a Good Army.

If you are talking about PA Regulars, than yes its true they have never surrendered or ever loose a battle. You have to keep in mind, PA is a well oiled organization. If there is a chance of TTP overrun, they immediately have Gunships, PAF strikes and a QAF on standby.

True that ,with proper backing of artillery and Gunships such attacks are repelled but soldier's perseverance is what matter the most to hold the ground in the first tense moments of attack...
Hama province: Violent clashes taking place between regime forces backed by NDF against Islamic battalions and Jabhat al-Nusra around Morek town north of Hama, which is taken over by Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic battalions since 9 months, the clashes accompanied by aerial bombardment on the town, what killed an Islamic fighter, confirmed reports that regime forces have taken over the tanks battalion east of Morek in addition besieging the town in an attempt to take control on it .
areas in KafarZita and Latmin were exposed to bombardment by regime forces, no reports of losses.


Aleppo Province: Violent clashes erupted yesterday night between the regime forces supported al- Baath battalions and al- Qods al- Filastini Brigade against the rebel and Islamic battalions in Shekh Sa'eed, Hendarat and Siefat areas west of the central prison of Aleppo, Old Aleppo and around Kweres military airport, accompanied by regime's bombardment, no reports of losses .1 civilian killed by shells fell on al-Khaledya neighborhood, it was fired by Badr Martyrs battalion led by Khaled Hayani. warplanes opened heavy machine gun fire on areas in al-Shekh Hilal what led to fire in civilians properties and wounded a civilian.
helicopters dropped explosive barrels on al-Sawalha south of Aleppo , no reports of losses.

Source: SOHR

ISIS takes over Tal Sha’er and advances in the city of Ein al-Arab "Kobane"
October 23, 2014

the IS fighters have taken over Tal Shaer west of Ein al-Arab”Kobane”, what made it able to besiege the city from 3 sides east , south and west . clashes continue between ISIS and YPG north of the governmental square and around al-Hurrya yard, the IS advanced in thus areas and attempted to advance south of the city, reports of human losses in both sides.

ISIS takes over Tal Sha’er and advances in the city of Ein al-Arab”Kobane” | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights
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