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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

This month has broken the record of destroyed tanks and armored vehicles. That's what happens when losers help other losers.

By the way, 10 days are left of this month to end.
Like israel and saudi helping terrorists, indeed losers helping losers. :lol:
And also kills 57 civilians.

Pro-regime page says 3 Ruskies killed, rebels claim 11, and Ukrainian intelligence say 26 bodies arrived in Sevastopol.

Regime lost 35 troops in their Southern Aleppo offensive, with plenty of tanks as well.

Yeah reminds of the Russian fighter jet that was "blown up over Aleppo by Turkey" :lol:

"Ukrainian intelligence" what an oxymoron :rofl:
How so? Even Nazis were not able to kill off Jews. It is impossible to kill off a group these days.
Since middle of 1990-es nearly half million Serbs were cleansed from Croatia and Kosovo. That happened in Europe of 1990-es, baby. In Africa millions are cleansed and no one cares.

If u drop bombs randomly eventually on rebel villages u will kill some rebels.
#RIH: Two More Incompetent Tatbirists Have Perished

Names: Majeed Sani'i and Mujtaba Karami
Nationality: Iranians
Affiliation: Basij (Majeed) | IRGC (Mujtaba)
Ranks: 1st lieutenant (Majeed)

Majeed is from the 154th Commando Battalion, the 3rd Brigade Ansar Al-Husain (as).
Mujtaba is from the Al-Imam Ali (as) Security Battalion.

Russians have given them the guts to show themselves. Now you know who are the rats.
ع جهنم الحمرا

Source (Farsi): Dana.ir
#RIH: An Iranian-Paid Refugee was Successfully Sent to Hell

Name: Muhammad Raheem Raheemi
Nationality: Afghan
Affiliation: Fatimiyoun

Source (Farsi): Neyzaar.ir

Yeah sure it only has moderate tatbirists who hit their heads with a shovel to terrify us and call it 'resistance'.

Source: Reuters
Just a quick answer to 'cannibalism'. It is actually one incident and here is the culprit :

#Rewind: Abu Saqqar Responds to the Tatbirist Supporters
- May, 2013 | Homs Countryside
Summary :
Abu Saqqar regrets what he did and says he is ready for punishment, but not unless Bashar and his thugs get their punishment.
I feel...your comments which is...
None of them was dictated to you.
The truth is that , all of these...
You call them 'martyrs' for killing the locals. As far as I know, whoever dies defending their family, land, themselves or possessions are martyrs. Rebels are doing those things but none of those is applicable to the foreign tatbirists since they are coming to defend the Lost Shrine. And even if defending the shrine makes you a martyr, they're not doing it but actually using it as a pretext.
posting their pictures here is...
To debunk the fairy-tales such as the lie told by that liar you see up there. If you don't like to see them, do not come to this thread. Nothing is better than seeing the countrymen stomping foreign occupiers while all the locals are being called 'terrorists' but your IRGC are 'oppressed' defenders of the Lost Shrine.
considering hundreds and maybe more than 1000...
SAA + Hizbullah besieged Al-Zabadani and carpet bombed it, yet they could not kill few hundreds. Now you're telling us 1000s are being killed by your tatbirists and in open area ?
Which tatbirists are capable of doing this ? Those two moderate tabirists who ran over a mine while they were going to Dar'a to fight the FSA ? Or Hamadani who died by an accident as told by one of your compatriots ? They all could not run a lemonade stand and cannot be compared to the SAA.

The fruits of the 'resistance'. Yet not a single meter was liberated in Palestine, how many legs do we have to sacrifice ?
Whoever wants to trick us will come through Palestine. The latest example was Putin .
Overall is about 200,000 not including foreign ground forces. Insurgents often fight to the death and it can brutal house to house fighting.

No one knows for sure. Most estimates are 120-150 K. But problem is with quality. Very few of Assad forces are qualified for offensive operations. Thats why he cant go forward without Iraqis/Afghans and Hezies.
Iraqis, Afghans have experienced long lasting conflicts, afghan militia including Shi'ites have fought against soviet army , then afghan civil war was a real difficult chapter on other side rebels don't seems to be as experienced and also lacks air defense material.
Idlib and Aleppo is capable to resist much stronger then Daraa, why not SAA first focusing on daraa to experience some symbolic victories instead of pressing against much harder fronts, and taking on IS and rebels on sametime don't seems a sane approach, they might lose many of their troops.
Iraqis, Afghans have experienced long lasting conflicts, afghan militia including Shi'ites have fought against soviet army , then afghan civil war was a real difficult chapter on other side rebels don't seems to be as experienced and also lacks air defense material.
Idlib and Aleppo is capable to resist much stronger then Daraa, why not SAA first focusing on daraa to experience some symbolic victories instead of pressing against much harder fronts, and taking on IS and rebels on sametime don't seems a sane approach, they might lose many of their troops.

Aleppo is a city. A city is small. Alliance already controls half of Aleppo city and a big offensive there could easily break insurgent front line.
Iraqis, Afghans have experienced long lasting conflicts, afghan militia including Shi'ites have fought against soviet army , then afghan civil war was a real difficult chapter on other side rebels don't seems to be as experienced and also lacks air defense material.
Idlib and Aleppo is capable to resist much stronger then Daraa, why not SAA first focusing on daraa to experience some symbolic victories instead of pressing against much harder fronts, and taking on IS and rebels on sametime don't seems a sane approach, they might lose many of their troops.
Daraa is not an easy target at all. Its mountainous and populated by very militant anti Assad bedouins (thats why it was first to revolt). Plus Russian air force does not act in Daraa, apparently according to agreement with Israel.
Iraqis, Afghans have experienced long lasting conflicts, afghan militia including Shi'ites have fought against soviet army , then afghan civil war was a real difficult chapter on other side rebels don't seems to be as experienced and also lacks air defense material.
Idlib and Aleppo is capable to resist much stronger then Daraa, why not SAA first focusing on daraa to experience some symbolic victories instead of pressing against much harder fronts, and taking on IS and rebels on sametime don't seems a sane approach, they might lose many of their troops.

This dirtiest and most dangerous enemy is DIRECTLY US/Saudia backed terrorists. Only through them US is able to spread the bloodshed and provide weapons not only to them, but also to the ISIS.

.... the root cause ....

Kill these US/Saudia Directly supported terrorists, and ISIS is going to die itself while ISIS is not producing any weapons itself, but their weapons supply come through Turkey.

The very first aim is to close the borders through Turkey.

Secondly, US and others already know that after the arrival of Russia, they could not continue their dirty game and sooner or later they have to initiate a dialogue.

US/Saudia will try their best to create a Terrorist Jihadi State in the provinces in North of Syria. But such demands could only be made when Capital Cities of these provinces are in the hands of Jihadi Terrorists.

If Syria/Russia take Aleppo, then for sure there will be no division of Syria and no jihadi state could come into existence without Aleppo.
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