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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Humaymim airbase in Syria



^^ ridiculous lol
Syrian lives, well, they are expendable for Russia. What is Russia's goal? Russian Arab Republic. Russia wants both sides to bleed and then when both sides run short on men, boom, Russia invades Syria and takes over the country. The biggest battles are ahead. The crusaders are coming! The crusaders are coming!

55 Saudi religious scholars signed a statement against the Russian intervention, first addressing the Russians as "Oh Russians, oh extremist people of the Cross", reminding them of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and addressing the Orthodox Russia as the heir of the Soviet Communists, accusing them of "supporting the Nusyari regime" and invading "Muslim Syria", accusing the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church of declaring a "Crusade" and telling them they will meet the fate of the Soviet Union and suffer "a shameful defeat in the Levant" as what happened in Afghanistan. The statement also addressed "Our people in the Levant", telling able bodied and people who are able to contribute to join the "Jihad" instead of emigrating. The statement also called for all factions against the government in Syria to unite; the statement addressed "Arab and Muslim countries", telling them that there is a "real war against Sunnis and their countries and identity" at the hands of the "Western-Russian and Safavid and Nusayri alliance", calling for the termination of all relations with Iran and Russia with Muslim countries and to "protect the land and people of the Levant from the influence of the Persians and Russians"
If they captured 70 km they would be deep inside Turkey. In fact there is ZERO evidence that they captured even 1 cm.

They have posted a map where they pushed North of Hama and Idlib, it was on twitter along with pictures. Its not surprising, considering how the Russians were pounding rebel positions from the top and Russian Gunships were hugging the terrain and flying menacingly low. But overall, my assessment tells me that the rebels won this day and not the regime.

I don't believe this gain was well worth it. SAA does not has the manpower to hold these towns and it looks like a tactical retreat by the Rebels. They knew that they couldn't possibly defend against such overwhelming firepower, they made the smart decision of causing immense damage to SAA Armour and than retreating. I am still at a loss at the level of incompetence of the SAA. Unless the Russians put an Officer at least on a company level, SAA will continue performing like this.

Sir, what's your analysis? Why hasn't Assad initiated any reforms within the Army? Is the Army corrupt because it certainly seems that its Officers haven't learned sh** in the past 4 years. Their axis of advancement today was horribly miscalculated, Armour advancing without any Infantry. I can understand you making this mistake once, but for God sake 4 years in a row.
They have posted a map where they pushed North of Hama and Idlib, it was on twitter along with pictures. Its not surprising, considering how the Russians were pounding rebel positions from the top and Russian Gunships were hugging the terrain and flying menacingly low. But overall, my assessment tells me that the rebels won this day and not the regime.

I don't believe this gain was well worth it. SAA does not has the manpower to hold these towns and it looks like a tactical retreat by the Rebels. They knew that they couldn't possibly defend against such overwhelming firepower, they made the smart decision of causing immense damage to SAA Armour and than retreating. I am still at a loss at the level of incompetence of the SAA. Unless the Russians put an Officer at least on a company level, SAA will continue performing like this.

Sir, what's your analysis? Why hasn't Assad initiated any reforms within the Army? Is the Army corrupt because it certainly seems that its Officers haven't learned sh** in the past 4 years. Their axis of advancement today was horribly miscalculated, Armour advancing without any Infantry. I can understand you making this mistake once, but for God sake 4 years in a row.

Arab armies are bad in general. Case in point. ISIS does well against Syrian and Iraqi armies, but it's crap against Kurds and don't dare to fight Iran. This is only the first day of the offensive. The offensive will not stop until insurgents are beaten. There will be a tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on. Eventually I think insurgents will lose because they cannot go up against superior European technology and fire power.

insurgent TOW ATGM misses tank

They have posted a map where they pushed North of Hama and Idlib, it was on twitter along with pictures. Its not surprising, considering how the Russians were pounding rebel positions from the top and Russian Gunships were hugging the terrain and flying menacingly low. But overall, my assessment tells me that the rebels won this day and not the regime.

I don't believe this gain was well worth it. SAA does not has the manpower to hold these towns and it looks like a tactical retreat by the Rebels. They knew that they couldn't possibly defend against such overwhelming firepower, they made the smart decision of causing immense damage to SAA Armour and than retreating. I am still at a loss at the level of incompetence of the SAA. Unless the Russians put an Officer at least on a company level, SAA will continue performing like this.

Sir, what's your analysis? Why hasn't Assad initiated any reforms within the Army? Is the Army corrupt because it certainly seems that its Officers haven't learned sh** in the past 4 years. Their axis of advancement today was horribly miscalculated, Armour advancing without any Infantry. I can understand you making this mistake once, but for God sake 4 years in a row.
There is nothing called SAA right now. It has completely been infiltrated by Iranian advisors and Shia fighters from Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These fighters have very low moral on the battle field because they don't want to be there. I read most of them were tricked to go to Syria.
There is nothing called SAA right now. It has completely been infiltrated by Iranian advisors and Shia fighters from Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These fighters have very low moral on the battle field because they don't want to be there. I read most of them were tricked to go to Syria.

Shia revere Ali, the most fearsome Muslim warrior ever. Shia are insanely good on the battlefield. :o:

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