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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I don't know...the ideea was to build a Church named after Constantin Brancoveanu,an 18th century Romanian ruler beheaded in Istanbul alongside his sons for refusing to convert to Islam but it didn't materialise.It puzzled us to...
The article also says there are negotiations about this since 14 years but only recently a agreement could be reached, its a very long process for a relatively trivial thing, somehow strange...
The article also says there are negotiations about this since 14 years but only recently a agreement could be reached, its a very long process for a relatively trivial thing, somehow strange...

Yes...than all of a sudden it's a done deal,everybody scratches its head wondering for whome the Mosque is,than comes the news of thousands of refugees.It's puzzling,like i've said....
Yes...than all of a sudden it's a done deal,everybody scratches its head wondering for whome the Mosque is,than comes the news of thousands of refugees.It's puzzling,like i've said....
Do you think a 14 years old negotiation is somehow connected to a war that started a decade later, and how many refugees go to Romania? I think you are a little bit too much into conspiracy theories.
Nobody listens to valid concerns,they just say take it and shut up."Here Romania,you'll take 7000 this year,we'll see the next,maybe 3 times as much".Meanwhile we were wondering why is Erdogan building a mega mosque in Romania while our muslim community is small.........oh,it kind of makes sense now ....
What the hell are Romanias leaders smoking?? Why is this being allowed to begin with??
Do you think a 14 years old negotiation is somehow connected to a war that started a decade later, and how many refugees go to Romania? I think you are a little bit too much into conspiracy theories.

No,but deciding right now makes it a hell of a coincidence.

What the hell are Romanias leaders smoking?? Why is this being allowed to begin with??

Cowards ,muppets doing everything ordered to them by Bruxelles.Spineless fools with no regard for their people.People are dying without medicine in the country and they're playing the humanitarians.But they'll get theirs if they will act with this....Allready the Mosque thing is in a tight spot due to public outcry,people won't be passive anymore.
president Rouhani is right. Europe should be more like Iran which has accepted millions of refug-.. Oh wait, no they haven't. Even afghan refugees are forced to go kill Syrians if they don't want their families sent back to Afghanistan. Iran is even more guilty because they're actually the cause of Syrians having to leave.
Barrel bombing in Idlib. Aftermath.

president Rouhani is right. Europe should be more like Iran which has accepted millions of refug-.. Oh wait, no they haven't. Even afghan refugees are forced to go kill Syrians if they don't want their families sent back to Afghanistan. Iran is even more guilty because they're actually the cause of Syrians having to leave.

Do you notice that refugees are not running away from Assad held territories such as Damascus?
They don't because Assad doesn't barrel bomb Assad held areas.

There are a lot of opposition held territories that Assad doesn't touch anymore. Why didn't these become a haven for refugees? On the other hand, mass exodus could be seen from opposition held regions to Damascus.

Assad isn't the good guy. But we live in a world of not-very-good-guys, so we don't choose the Mother Teresa's, we choose the situations that are least harmful.
There are a lot of opposition held territories that Assad doesn't touch anymore. Why didn't these become a haven for refugees? On the other hand, mass exodus could be seen from opposition held regions to Damascus.

Assad isn't the good guy. But we live in a world of not-very-good-guys, so we don't choose the Mother Teresa's, we choose the situations that are least harmful.
That Assad doesn't touch anymore? Oh please, tell me where these safe havens are?
Nawa, which is 11km from any frontline, was barrel bombed 2 days ago.
I know people who went to Damascus, but they only went there because they need to have their kids finish education first. Then they want to leave the country or go to opposition held areas if they won't get bombed.

Oh yes, let's choose Assad, who killed 7x more civilians than ISIS in the last 6 months. Great plan comrade.
Some photos of communist Kurds who were graduated from Islamic State University. Their visas to hell were handed over by IS militants.


Reports say: Islamic State advanced against Kurds in Ayn al Arab after Kurds diverted their elite forces to Turkey.
That Assad doesn't touch anymore? Oh please, tell me where these safe havens are?
Nawa, which is 11km from any frontline, was barrel bombed 2 days ago.
I know people who went to Damascus, but they only went there because they need to have their kids finish education first. Then they want to leave the country or go to opposition held areas if they won't get bombed.

Oh yes, let's choose Assad, who killed 7x more civilians than ISIS in the last 6 months. Great plan comrade.

Your bit about the kill ratio is unrealiable. You base it on the biased anti-government group that relies on their people to make the numbers. It is extremely doubtful that anti-government sentiments will not count their side as civilians and their opposition as soldiers.

However, we discuased this before and you weren't convinced by it, so its fine. You also believe that if Assad falls, all the groups will come together and have peacefyl and fair elections and the losers will put down theit weapons. So, we have a huge gap between our ways of political thinking.
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