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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Ok then let me tell you this one, after Romania and Bulgaria joined EU there was a rise in Theft and Burglar in central Europe committed by Eastern Europeans, particularly Romanian and to less extent Bulgarian citizens, people were screaming kick out Romania and Bulgaria, people of Switzerland wanted to isolate themselves from EU just because of the eastern European Nations.

When it comes to ''me'' vs. ''him'' then you as a Romanian and me as a Turk are sitting in the same boat as the Syrian refugees.
what you say is very very different than reality.
Romanian are not only considered European people in Europe , not only Christian culture too.
but in history their lands have been the protection against invasions.
they are part of Europe very clearly.
Swiss people don't represent Europeans/ they have special non tolerant rules to decide who can become a citizen. it is much more easy in many other countries around.

sadly the point i would blame Europe is that they should have really acted for a solution for Syria.
blame the support to Assad, blame the support to IF AQ and ISIS and others. find a real solution.
when i see lot lot of young people from Syria , i feel ashamed for them. not protecting their own country.
these people don't even respect their own country. why they would for Europe...???
Actually NO,and i've explained this multiple times.Our criminls simply migrated West and ofcourse it was a shock to have "new" criminals.After the initial shock our police officers followed them and now they're working with other European institutions to hunt them down.Every country with large Romanian communities has Romanian policemen detached there to work with local law enforcement.And then there's the mentality issue which i allready adressed a few posts earlier.Romanians simply don't act like other nationlities towards their host European countries,they simply don't,i don't see why you're pressing this further.Are Romanians rioting in Sweden for welfare ?
Im just giving you a view of everything east of Hugary among the western Europeans, its just viewed as the ''balkanides'' and the problem is far from solved, it just became secondary after the refugee crisis in recent years.

Ofcourse Europe should not take endless refugees, ofcourse ungrateful people who demand sharia in Europe should be deported back to their countries, and ofcourse integration into socieity is crucial but do you think those problems will be solved by increasing racism?

Drifting into racism just because the goverments of Europe are incapable to find a solution will harm every ''foreigner'' be it a Romanian, a Turk, a Serb or an Arab.

what you say is very very different than reality.
Romanian are not only considered European people in Europe , not only Christian culture too.
but in history their lands have been the protection against invasions.
they are part of Europe very clearly.
Swiss people don't represent Europeans/ they have special non tolerant rules to decide who can become a citizen. it is much more easy in many other countries around.
Oh is that so? How fast did you forget the right wing polititians in EU demanding to kick out Romania and Bulgaria?
Loyalist controlled area around Fua is shrinked a bit as result aidrop missed:

Im just giving you a view of everything east of Hugary among the western Europeans, its just viewed as the ''balkanides'' and the problem is far from solved, it just became secondary after the refugee crisis in recent years.

Ofcourse Europe should not take endless refugees, ofcourse ungrateful people who demand sharia in Europe should be deported back to their countries, and ofcourse integration into socieity is crucial but do you think those problems will be solved by increasing racism?

Drifting into racism just because the goverments of Europe are incapable to find a solution will harm every ''foreigner'' be it a Romanian, a Turk, a Serb or an Arab.

Oh is that so? How fast did you forget the right wing polititians in EU demanding to kick out Romania and Bulgaria?

Nobody listens to valid concerns,they just say take it and shut up."Here Romania,you'll take 7000 this year,we'll see the next,maybe 3 times as much".Meanwhile we were wondering why is Erdogan building a mega mosque in Romania while our muslim community is small.........oh,it kind of makes sense now ....
Oh is that so? How fast did you forget the right wing polititians in EU demanding to kick out Romania and Bulgaria?
hmmm not "right wing" but few guys in right wing or extremists. they represent a minority.
like a minority doesn't want Europe. like the same minority doesn't want even Greece stay in Europe
and you know how Greece is a major country in European culture / history ;)

get it?
Loyalist controlled area around Fua is shrinked a bit as result aidrop missed:

Meanwhile barrel bomb is dropped in Ariha:

Since front now is 50 km and no one fires any rockets from Ariha, thats pure terrorism and nothing else.

What's new? I saw your update about Damascus. If ISIS does succeed in offensive on Rebels there they're too insignificant in number to make impact. In Homs, the rebels are close to the main city, and they could cut off the M5 highway to Damascus. ISIS is far to the east from there. In northwest near Latakia the rebels are making gains slowly. But don't think they will actually go after city anytime soon. Without control of Hama or portions of it.
hmmm not "right wing" but few guy
s in right wing or extremists. they represent a minority.
like a minority doesn't want Europe. like the same minority doesn't want even Greece stay in Europe
and you know how Greece is a major country in European culture / history ;)

get it?
Europeans are generaly tolerant, more tolerant than most Muslims by a long shot, right wing as whole is a minority when it comes to that.

Nobody listens to valid concerns,they just say take it and shut up."Here Romania,you'll take 7000 this year,we'll see the next,maybe 3 times as much".Meanwhile we were wondering why is Erdogan building a mega mosque in Romania while our muslim community is small.........oh,it kind of makes sense now ....
Dude dont be so paranoid Romania is going to build a Church in Istanbul for exchange.

Turkey plans to build the largest mosque from a European Capital in Bucharest, Romania, which is to be completed within three years. Under an agreement signed between Turkish and Romanian authorities, Turkey will allocate land for the construction of a church by Romania in Istanbul, Turkish Daily Sabah informs.
Its a good thing in my eyes, it shows the level of cooperation between the two countries.

Turkey to build the largest European mosque in Bucharest | The Romania Journal

What's new? I saw your update about Damascus. If ISIS does succeed in offensive on Rebels there they're too insignificant in number to make impact. In Homs, the rebels are close to the main city, and they could cut off the M5 highway to Damascus. ISIS is far to the east from there. In northwest near Latakia the rebels are making gains slowly. But don't think they will actually go after city anytime soon. Without control of Hama or portions of it.

I was away for a month or two. Work, family etc... Sorry, that I have not updated the thread.

I am following mainly the issues near the Turkish borders.

1) Kurds are escaping the draft of PYD and emigrating towards mainland Europe. Some of PKK terrorists were diverted to Turkey after clashes started between Turks and Kurds. ISIS again pushing forwards against Kurds.

2) After Qaryatayn fell to ISIS, risks grow that Assad cannot hold Homs anymore. Oil and gas fields almost in ISIS hands. Assad has no spare troops to regain ground in Homs desert.

3) As I posted in the previous pages, Druzes expelled Assad forces from Sweida and Jordanian border. Battle of Damascus is still nowhere in sight unfortunately.

4) Assad forces exhausted, now Iraqi militias and Russian troops are needed to bolster the numbers. Shiite villages are empty either because of troops killed or Shiites escaping from Syrian Civil War.

5) Kafr and Fuah are about collapse in front of rebel forces, while rebels blew up a building with Hezbollah forces in it in Zabadani.
Europeans are generaly tolerant, more tolerant than most Muslims by a long shot, right wing as whole is a minority when it comes to that.

Dude dont be so paranoid Romania is going to build a Church in Istanbul for exchange.

Its a good thing in my eyes, it shows the level of cooperation between the two countries.

Turkey to build the largest European mosque in Bucharest | The Romania Journal

Apparently that got lost in translation because following latest reports we won't build any Church in Istanbul.

Did you ever hear me complaining about the Turkish /Tatar minority in Romania ? No.You know very well that those poring into Europe right now are a different breed and we're just inviting trouble.
I was away for a month or two. Work, family etc... Sorry, that I have not updated the thread.

I am following mainly the issues near the Turkish borders.

1) Kurds are escaping the draft of PYD and emigrating towards mainland Europe. Some of PKK terrorists were diverted to Turkey after clashes started between Turks and Kurds. ISIS again pushing forwards against Kurds.

2) After Qaryatayn fell to ISIS, risks grow that Assad cannot hold Homs anymore. Oil and gas fields almost in ISIS hands. Assad has no spare troops to regain ground in Homs desert.

3) As I posted in the previous pages, Druzes expelled Assad forces from Sweida and Jordanian border. Battle of Damascus is still nowhere in sight unfortunately.

4) Assad forces exhausted, now Iraqi militias and Russian troops are needed to bolster the numbers. Shiite villages are empty either because of troops killed or Shiites escaping from Syrian Civil War.

5) Kafr and Fuah are about collapse in front of rebel forces, while rebels blew up a building with Hezbollah forces in it in Zabadani.

Is Qaryatayn south of Homs? How does that threaten Assad's hold there? It seems like by looking at the map that ISIS is just sitting there and not doing anything. Same in Palmayra. My opinion is the war will still go on for a long time, in Aleppo it seems both rebels and ISIS want regime to be barrier, because if regime loses Aleppo, it will make all rebel gains against Assad to waste. If they fight for Idlib/Aleppo area, that war will take forever and Assad will survive. If they were united it would be different story.
Is Qaryatayn south of Homs? How does that threaten Assad's hold there? It seems like by looking at the map that ISIS is just sitting there and not doing anything. Same in Palmayra. My opinion is the war will still go on for a long time, in Aleppo it seems both rebels and ISIS want regime to be barrier, because if regime loses Aleppo, it will make all rebel gains against Assad to waste. If they fight for Idlib/Aleppo area, that war will take forever and Assad will survive. If they were united it would be different story.

Battle in north of Aleppo between rebels and IS exhaust both sides. Rebels needed in the Ghab plain battles, while IS should concentrate its forces on Kurdish terror gangs.

Something interesting was brewing yesterday about IS troops movements. No clear statement yet. We'll see.
Apparently that got lost in translation because following latest reports we won't build any Church in Istanbul.
As far as i understood from the words of Romanian PM, Romania is not going to give the land to Turkey but to muslim community in Romania and visa versa, that means booth communities need to fund their own building, do you know why Romania wont build a church?

Basescu about the mosque in Bucharest: In exchange, land for an Orthodox church in Istanbul was expected. PM Ponta: I implement an agreement between Romania and Turkey | The Romania Journal

Did you ever hear me complaining about the Turkish /Tatar minority in Romania ? No.You know very well that those poring into Europe right now are a different breed and we're just inviting trouble.
We agree on the most points but what im saying is to be careful not to drift to extremism.
As far as i understood from the words of Romanian PM, Romania is not going to give the land to Turkey but to muslim community in Romania and visa versa, that means booth communities need to fund their own building, do you know why Romania wont build a church?

Basescu about the mosque in Bucharest: In exchange, land for an Orthodox church in Istanbul was expected. PM Ponta: I implement an agreement between Romania and Turkey | The Romania Journal

We agree on the most points but what im saying is to be careful not to drift to extremism.

I don't know...the ideea was to build a Church named after Constantin Brancoveanu,an 18th century Romanian ruler beheaded in Istanbul alongside his sons for refusing to convert to Islam but it didn't materialise.It puzzled us to...

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