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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

a smiley is not an answer, except for kids
The vermin are lucky that they aren't shot on spot when they ILLEGALLY cross borders.I would have let tanks roll over them.Throwing away free food,free water,free accomodations and shelter ? Animals...ungratefull creatures,uncivilised barbarians...

They're cowards to,most of them are able bodied men.They should fight their country but they're throwing away free food in Hungary.

Calling refugees vermin is definitely racist. Most of these refugees were mistreated by local authorities. Your stance against the refugees clearly shows the racist in you and in your EU.

Calling refugees vermin is definitely racist. Most of these refugees were mistreated by local authorities. Your stance against the refugees clearly shows the racist in you and in your EU.


Calling someone racist nowadays is a clear sign that he's actually right.Yes,people throwing food and water are vermin.
Calling someone racist nowadays is a clear sign that he's actually right.Yes,people throwing food and water are vermin.
"And why, by the way, do they use the English name for Germany when they chant? In Arabic and Turkish, that country is called ‘Almanya’, in Kurdish something similar. The Germans themselves call it ‘Deutschland’. In Hungarian, it’s ‘Nemetorszag’.
Did someone hope that British and American TV would be there? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: spontaneous demonstrations take a lot of organising."
PETER HITCHENS: We won't save refugees by destroying our own country | Daily Mail Online
"And why, by the way, do they use the English name for Germany when they chant? In Arabic and Turkish, that country is called ‘Almanya’, in Kurdish something similar. The Germans themselves call it ‘Deutschland’. In Hungarian, it’s ‘Nemetorszag’.
Did someone hope that British and American TV would be there? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: spontaneous demonstrations take a lot of organising."
PETER HITCHENS: We won't save refugees by destroying our own country | Daily Mail Online

Ofcourse it's all staged.

"Hurr durr the nazi Hungarians are mistreating us ! help!!"

"How are they mistreating you ?"

"well,they give us food,water,shelter and want to register us ....holocaust!!!!"

You see a human being as vermin. What difference you have from Hitler?

The refugees back in Jordan whose supplies were cut today because of lack of money would sure need that food that the vermin were throwing away in Hungary.
Ofcourse it's all staged.

"Hurr durr the nazi Hungarians are mistreating us ! help!!"

"How are they mistreating you ?"

"well,they give us food,water,shelter and want to register us ....holocaust!!!!"

The refugees back in Jordan whose supplies were cut today because of lack of money would sure need that food that the vermin were throwing away in Hungary.

Jordan hosts 1 mio refugees, Lebanon hosts 1.5 mio refugees.

Turkey hosts +2 mio Syrian refugees and 100's of thousands more from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, and smaller extent Africa.

Yet we dont call anybody vermin. Europeans are showing their true faces, racist and fascist. First bombing countries, then labelling those refugees vermin.
Jordan hosts 1 mio refugees, Lebanon hosts 1.5 mio refugees.

Turkey hosts +2 mio Syrian refugees and 100's of thousands more from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, and smaller extent Africa.

Yet we dont call anybody vermin. Europeans are showing their true faces, racist and fascist. First bombing countries, then labelling those refugees vermin.

Many refugees interviewed in Hungary/Serbia say they're fleeing Turkey because Turks mistreat them badly.

Many refugees interviewed in Hungary/Serbia say they're fleeing Turkey because Turks mistreat them badly.

Not a reality. They walk freely. They get medical attention freely. They work and earn money though not sufficient. Our standards are lower compared to Europe.

Economic crisis and civil war ongoing in Turkey, I expect more Syrian Refugees and Turkish Kurds to arrive on European shores in the coming days.
Jordan hosts 1 mio refugees, Lebanon hosts 1.5 mio refugees.

Turkey hosts +2 mio Syrian refugees and 100's of thousands more from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, and smaller extent Africa.
yes and Lebanon is so small size country. 1/4 are Syrian refugees now.. impressive .
Yet we dont call anybody vermin. Europeans are showing their true faces, racist and fascist. First bombing countries, then labelling those refugees vermin.
i guess he was thinking about the young guys who leave their countries .
they could fight to make their country better but they prefer leave there.
i understand the old people the very young the families ... but the young people ???
when i was hearing some afghani and irani speaking in the french tv program during the time the journalist was speaking, it was clearly showing they just come Europe to take benefit out of it
they come to win (as they believe) lot of money but they don't care of Europe , the culture there or whatever
they don't come here for integration in the society. and many come to "change the society"
i can see, not only salafis here for exemple , try and try to change the rules
some people are good people but some are really vermin

you are not in Europe to get.... yes they are really vermins inside Europe . and they give a bad image
for the people who want to be part of their society and help.
Not a reality. They walk freely. They get medical attention freely. They work and earn money though not sufficient. Our standards are lower compared to Europe.

Economic crisis and civil war ongoing in Turkey, I expect more Syrian Refugees and Turkish Kurds to arrive on European shores in the coming days.

Ofcourse more will come.Turkey is deliberately flooding Europe with them
Why sould someone pay for something happened under former govts and generation ? And i will say it again,what did countries like sweden to get invaded by hordes ? Did they kill or bomb anyone overseas ? Did the Danish the same ? Austria ?
So we french are all facists then.
And where is the ummah ? Why dont their rich brothers dont welcome them ?
Cuz we dont want them here,
so why dont they take the way to Qatar,KSA,UAE ?

I didn't say all 'French' are fascists.

And I blame those countries you mentioned, including Qatar, Bahrain or Saudis much more than Europe. It's their duty to accept refugees, but that doesn't mean you can treat refugees like animals.

About paying for 'past mistakes', that's not how the world works. The effects of colonial era is very alive today. The British and French meddling in Middle East, creating artificial borders, stealing natural resources, killing millions across the world, all of that has repercussions till today.

It was no more than 60 years ago that French killed hundreds of thousands of Algerians only because they wanted their country back from those who had stolen it. Don't tell me effects of those era can not be seen today in Algeria.

Partitioning Ottoman empire by British and French whose effects are being seen till today. How come Germany was paying Jews till few years ago for what it did 70 years ago, but French and British are suddenly innocent only because it happened in past generations? Yeah, because Germans lost the war, that's why.

No one even is asking you to pay for what you did in pas century and for your crimes, but refusing to accept refugees and calling their arrival to Europe as 'an attack' is a fascist thing to say.

For example, if refugees come from Libya, isn't France directly responsible for them? It was France who bombed Qaddafi regime and helped others topple him. When you interfere in something, you should also accept consequences.

No one expects countries like Sweden or Switzerland to host refugees, because they haven't spread any suffering and killing across the world like French, British or Spanish did, and their hands are totally clean.
yes and Lebanon is so small size country. 1/4 are Syrian refugees now.. impressive .

i guess he was thinking about the young guys who leave their countries .
they could fight to make their country better but they prefer leave there.
i understand the old people the very young the families ... but the young people ???
when i was hearing some afghani and irani speaking in the french tv program during the time the journalist was speaking, it was clearly showing they just come Europe to take benefit out of it
they come to win (as they believe) lot of money but they don't care of Europe , the culture there or whatever
they don't come here for integration in the society. and many come to "change the society"
i can see, not only salafis here for exemple , try and try to change the rules
some people are good people but some are really vermin

you are not in Europe to get.... yes they are really vermins inside Europe . and they give a bad image
for the people who want to be part of their society and help.

You are much more sane than Flamer the racist.

When Westerners started bombing those countries such as Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria and many more that I cannot count at the moment, they didnt think what would those who suffer do.

Consequences of an ill-planned modern age imperialism. You took refuge in France after fleeing Mullah oppression. Now these refugees fleeing Assad oppression. Make some empathy, help them to integrate European society. Let's not make racism swallow the world.



PKK terrorists use German-made RPG's against Islamic State and Turkish Army.


Question is: Is Germany now a nation which supports terrorist organisations?
I didn't say all 'French' are fascists.

And I blame those countries you mentioned, including Qatar, Bahrain or Saudis much more than Europe. It's their duty to accept refugees, but that doesn't mean you can treat refugees like animals.

About paying for 'past mistakes', that's not how the world works. The effects of colonial era is very alive today. The British and French meddling in Middle East, creating artificial borders, stealing natural resources, killing millions across the world, all of that has repercussions till today.

It was no more than 60 years ago that French killed hundreds of thousands of Algerians only because they wanted their country back from those who had stolen it. Don't tell me effects of those era can not be seen today in Algeria.

Partitioning Ottoman empire by British and French whose effects are being seen till today. How come Germany was paying Jews till few years ago for what it did 70 years ago, but French and British are suddenly innocent only because it happened in past generations? Yeah, because Germans lost the war, that's why.

No one even is asking you to pay for what you did in pas century and for your crimes, but refusing to accept refugees and calling their arrival to Europe as 'an attack' is a fascist thing to say.

For example, if refugees come from Libya, isn't France directly responsible for them? It was France who bombed Qaddafi regime and helped others topple him. When you interfere in something, you should also accept consequences.

No one expects countries like Sweden or Switzerland to host refugees, because they haven't spread any suffering and killing across the world like French, British or Spanish did, and their hands are totally clean.

If i understand,Iran should also pay the consequences of interferring in middle east countries and literally destroying them through proxy wars ? If tomorrow refugees flood us from Yemen,itll be EUs fault ?
Its not me that told them to revolt,they wanted to get ride of these dictators,calling for western help,but after Kaddhafi died,they started killing each other instead of uniting.
Just so you know,i was against bombings in Libya,but i could have done nothing to stop them..
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