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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Iran's Rouhani vows to back Syria 'until the end of the road'

Iran will back Syria's President Bashar al-Assad until the end, Iranian news agencies quoted President Hassan Rouhani as saying, signaling undimmed support for Tehran's Arab ally following major gains by armed opposition factions in recent weeks.

Syria's military is under some of the toughest pressure it has faced in the four-year conflict. Last month, Islamic State forces seized control of the ancient city of Palmyra in central Syria, which sits on major roads leading to Homs and the capital Damascus.

"The Iranian nation and government will remain at the side of the Syrian nation and government until the end of the road," state news agency IRNA quoted Rouhani as saying on Tuesday in a meeting with Syria's parliament speaker in Tehran.

"Tehran has not forgotten its moral obligations to Syria and will continue to provide help and support on its own terms to the government and nation of Syria."

The visit by speaker Mohammad al-Laham is the latest in a series of high-level visits between Damascus and Tehran, reflecting close coordination as the pressure on Assad has mounted.

Shi'ite power Iran has backed Assad and his father since long before an uprising in 2011, which grew into a civil war along sectarian lines after government forces cracked down on initially peaceful protests against Assad.

As Sunni jihadist factions have become more prominent in the conflict, Assad's government and Iran have portrayed the Syrian opposition as terrorists backed by regional Sunni countries.

"Unfortunately some countries in the region have miscalculated and think they can use terrorist groups to pursue their goals, but sooner or later terrorism will be upon them," Rouhani said.

Government forces and allied militia also last week lost control of most of the northwestern province of Idlib to a range of insurgent factions including al Qaeda's Syria wing.

Latakia is home to many members of the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam to which Assad and much of the ruling elite belong.

(Reporting by Sam Wilkin; Additional reporting by Sylvia Westall in Beirut, Editing by William Maclean and Dominic Evans)

Iran's Rouhani vows to back Syria 'until the end of the road'| Reuters

FSA Southern Front Graduation Parade
Does Syrian army use G3 rifles. Iran makes those and they pack a massive punch. Way deadlier than AK-47 IMO.
Does Syrian army use G3 rifles. Iran makes those and they pack a massive punch. Way deadlier than AK-47 IMO.
No. But they did use FALs. A gun is only as deadly as the user, AK-47 can be much more deadly in the hands of an experienced shooter than a G3 in the hands of an amateur. Yes, to the average shooter the G3 is much more powerful, but still. It won't make any difference, especially since most rebel & civilian casualties are from airstrikes, tank shelling, artillery shelling, etc.
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Turkey has always been generous since the Ottomans. However, Pakistan has done NOTHING to help the Syrians, NOT even taken in refugees! This is a shame we'll have to bear and may the Syrians forgive us on the day of reckoning! I'm just a Pakistani; no power; no nothing! If it was up to me, I would have sent Pakistan's Strike Corps and crush the ''dog's'' Army and those terrorists backing him! It would not have taken long and 250k lives saved and 1000s of sunni sisters not being raped!

I saw one youtube (when we can get a proxy) a Sunni sister asking for help and if the sons of Sunnah are not going to help, then at least send condoms! They're being raped! This broke my heart! I saw another Youtube with Hizbul-Shaythan flag on the top right corner of the footage, a young sunni sister in a small dark room was whipped with a cable on the top of her bare feet. Can you imagine the PAIN? She screamed from the top of her lungs and crying. Then he started kicking her and she went quite. I prayed she was dead. Then she got conscious and he whipped her on top of her feet and the screams were deafening. The dog kept saying; SAY Bashar is GOD! The brave sister remain firm and did not say it, EVEN though ALLAH in his Mercy ALLOWS her to say it in duress!

By ALLAH these sisters are more braver than ANY MAN! May Allah have mercy on them! Amin! May send help to those oppressed. Amin
Because regular selfie is too mainstream. [HASHTAG]#Hezbollah[/HASHTAG]


Too bad that RC drone didn't fall on his face and poke an eye or two
Too bad that RC drone didn't fall on his face and poke an eye or two
Or slice into his brains.
Turkey has always been generous since the Ottomans. However, Pakistan has done NOTHING to help the Syrians, NOT even taken in refugees! This is a shame we'll have to bear and may the Syrians forgive us on the day of reckoning! I'm just a Pakistani; no power; no nothing! If it was up to me, I would have sent Pakistan's Strike Corps and crush the ''dog's'' Army and those terrorists backing him! It would not have taken long and 250k lives saved and 1000s of sunni sisters not being raped!

I saw one youtube (when we can get a proxy) a Sunni sister asking for help and if the sons of Sunnah are not going to help, then at least send condoms! They're being raped! This broke my heart! I saw another Youtube with Hizbul-Shaythan flag on the top right corner of the footage, a young sunni sister in a small dark room was whipped with a cable on the top of her bare feet. Can you imagine the PAIN? She screamed from the top of her lungs and crying. Then he started kicking her and she went quite. I prayed she was dead. Then she got conscious and he whipped her on top of her feet and the screams were deafening. The dog kept saying; SAY Bashar is GOD! The brave sister remain firm and did not say it, EVEN though ALLAH in his Mercy ALLOWS her to say it in duress!

By ALLAH these sisters are more braver than ANY MAN! May Allah have mercy on them! Amin! May send help to those oppressed. Amin
It's sad to see a lot of countries stand by and do nothing. It seems like they don't know Bilaad al-Sham is blessed by Allah, and the people there will be the liberators of the Muslim world. Too bad.
Or slice into his brains.

It's sad to see a lot of countries stand by and do nothing. It seems like they don't know Bilaad al-Sham is blessed by Allah, and the people there will be the liberators of the Muslim world. Too bad.

Shaam is closer to my heart than you think; spiritually and otherwise! Problem is there is too much nationalism and the Ummah is cut and separated into pieces. No one feels the pain any more! Everybody is I'm Arab! I'm Pakistani! I'm forlan wa forlan! Pride in WHAT? Look at us, we're dying and we don't even see it! Word of advice, the ''Pakistanis'' on here do not reflect ''Pakistanis''. I do not know who these people are; juhula, munafaq, or kuffar wallahu Allim!

I'm not here to make friends but only speak the truth. I'm totally anti-baithal Saud. Instead of Yemen, they should have gone for Shaam. People in Pakistan would have supported that.
Shaam is closer to my heart than you think; spiritually and otherwise! Problem is there is too much nationalism and the Ummah is cut and separated into pieces. No one feels the pain any more! Everybody is I'm Arab! I'm Pakistani! I'm forlan wa forlan! Pride in WHAT? Look at us, we're dying and we don't even see it! Word of advice, the ''Pakistanis'' on here do not reflect ''Pakistanis''. I do not know who these people are; juhula, munafaq, or kuffar wallahu Allim!

I'm not here to make friends but only speak the truth. I'm totally anti-baithal Saud. Instead of Yemen, they should have gone for Shaam. People in Pakistan would have supported that.
I understand their intervention in Yemen though. Iran was literally setting up Yemen for a war with Saudi Arabia that would've been bad for both countries.
It seems like Saudi Arabia and Turkey are going for intervention some time this summer. Allahu al'am, but it would end the war much quicker. NFZ would mean rebels could make HUGE gains against Assad, and airstrikes against ISIS would only make our gains against them faster. While we are eventually going to win, if they help us out now the suffering will end much quicker inshallah.
U forgot to mention that u people even hate the closest companion of the prophet SAW, hazrat abu bakr(ra) .
U are different

So now it's a waiting game to see if sanctions will be lifted on Iran. This will almost certainly happen no matter what Iran does, because Hussein Obama wants a legacy.

Once sanctions are lifted, Iran has plenty of money to throw at Syria.

Expect the war to 'pick up' during July/August.
Pro-Assad daily: Iran preparing Idlib offensive

BEIRUT – A top pro-Assad daily in Lebanon has reported that Iran has deployed troops into northwest Syria in preparation for a counterattack in Idlib.

“During the last [few] days, and through a joint Syrian-Iranian-Iraqi decision, more than 20,000 Iranian, Iraqi, and Lebanese fighters have poured into the Idlib area,” As-Safir reported in a dramatic article published Tuesday.

The report said that the new troops had been sent to the regime’s front lines in the northern Hama province village of Jourin and areas in the southern part of the Idlib province, which rebels seized last week following months of sweeping advances.

As-Safir mentioned Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani’s visit to the area, saying that the famed general was “accompanied by units that took part in fighting in Iraq, and in the recapturing of [the country’s] Salaheddine [province].”

According to As-Safir, “the mobilization in northern Syria is unprecedented [with regard to] Iranian and Iraqi presence in Syria since the outbreak of the war on [the country] four years ago.”

“A mobilization of this size registers as a break from the undeclared Iranian-Turkish understanding, that direct and exposed confrontation between the two countries in Syria is to be avoided.”

The pro-Syrian daily also cited Arab sources as saying that “the Iranians, who hesitated after the fall of Idlib, in preparing for a counterattack, and underestimated Turkey’s plans in northern Syria, now see the Syrian front as a priority, in the open confrontation from Iraq to [the Lebanese-Syrian] Qalamoun [border region] and Yemen.”

The report in As-Safir comes just days after Soleimani’s surprise visit to the Jourin front, after which the Qods Force commander vowed that upcoming developments in Syria would soon “surprise” the world, Al-Quds al-Arabi reported.

“The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days,” the state Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) quoted Soleimani as saying.https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/NewsRepo...dlib-offensive


So now it's a waiting game to see if sanctions will be lifted on Iran. This will almost certainly happen no matter what Iran does, because Hussein Obama wants a legacy.

Once sanctions are lifted, Iran has plenty of money to throw at Syria.

Expect the war to 'pick up' during July/August.

It should not be a waiting game. All the rebels need is weaponry. No Arab nation nor Muslim nation as arming them with lethal weaponry. They literally only can manage to secure ammunition for rifles. Everything else is made in homes. Any Iranian success in Syria will not be as a result of sanctions relief but rather the sanctions against the rebels who are not even allowed anything. Arabs are ultimately to blame for not taking decisive action early on. Now the new Saudi King is tasked with dealing with this mess and he has to make tough decisions. The number priority should be not to allow this war to prolong. It has to end as soon as possible either through rebel or regime victory.
It should not be a waiting game. All the rebels need is weaponry. No Arab nation nor Muslim nation as arming them with lethal weaponry. They literally only can manage to secure ammunition for rifles. Everything else is made in homes. Any Iranian success in Syria will not be as a result of sanctions relief but rather the sanctions against the rebels who are not even allowed anything. Arabs are ultimately to blame for not taking decisive action early on. Now the new Saudi King is tasked with dealing with this mess and he has to make tough decisions. The number priority should be not to allow this war to prolong. It has to end as soon as possible either through rebel or regime victory.

From what I've seen, the rebels have plenty of weapons. Lots of TOW's and plenty of Iraqi army gear (which is basically American gear). Hundreds of humvees, anti-aircraft guns etc. Captured tanks.

The problem for Assad just now is that Iran is bleeding money in Yemen, Iraq and Syria - but sanctions will be lifted now (Obama has already made the decision) and then Iran will be able to recruit thousands of Shias with big payments to fight for Assad. With hezbollah then being able to afford general mobilsation and offering cash incentives for the poor Southern Lebanon areas where unemployment is high and fighting got Hezz is a good option to earn cash.

This is what they have been waiting for - sanctions relief.

If Iran goes all in after sanctions relief, I think Assad might be able to roll back some of the rebel advances.
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