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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Syrian made Khaibar 302 mm heavy rockets

Two children have starved in Douma due to the total siege imposed by the 'Resistance'.

#Al-Qalamoun: Some Identified Hizbullah Members Who were Killed a While Ago


Names (1-6):
  • Muhammad Hasan
  • Muhammad Ridha
  • Mansour Kamil
  • Abbas Husain
  • Khudhr Hasan
  • Hasan Muhammad
Nationality: Lebanese

Exception: #7 is Ali Al-Mousawi, an Iraqi who was killed in the Eastern Ghouta and is not related to Hizbullah .

But there were also :

Names (left-right): Basil Muhammad, Hasan Mahmoud, Marwan Kadhim and Hisham Muhammad
Allegiance: Hizbullah
Nationality: Lebanese
#Al-Qalamoun: Nearly Ten Hizbullah Members were Captured

#Reef Dimashq: Rebels Have Advanced in Deir Salman in the Eastern Ghouta

Assadists have written on the wall :
- "Al-Assad or we burn down the nation", "Ya Zaynab", "Ya Husain", ...etc.
With some mistakes like "ابنت" instead of "ابنة", ...illiterate ? or non-Arabs..?
#Homs: ISIS Committed Two Suicide Bombings in Two Districts

ISIS claimed responsibility for two motorbike bombings in the Alawite majority districts of Al-Zahra' and Ikrima (regime-held). Four civilians were killed and 28 were wounded .
#Aleppo: The Regime is Still 'Resisting'

More than 20 were martyred and 10s were wounded due to regime's airstrikes on the rebel-held Jisr Al-Haj .
#Daraa: More Pics For the Shiite Afghan Army (SAA)

These photos were taken in Al-Yarmouk Private University .
They say Muhammad Hasan (refer to the first section of this post) used to be... :

...as 'romantic' as Ariel Sharon .
anna news channel knows more about syria than you or the traitor here ( thrax ) and one 'female traitor' ( forget her user-name ).
Could you tag us the next time, please ?, I cannot run after you all day .
@vostok @ptldM3 what are they saying??]
Anna News knows more that you don't even understand what they say.
I have never said I know everything, actually, I wasn't interested in politics and I have zero-knowledge with regards to military. The problem is, rebels have once liberated large areas before and the regime took it back by destroying entire districts and displacing millions, which is the reason why %80 of us are now in poverty (Source: The Guardian), means you cannot access the internet, and even if you had enough money, how can you go online when you don't have electricity ?, that's for the rebel-held areas as for Assad haters in the regime-held areas, they won't dare to say something against him online or in real life, why do you think they tortured to death 13,000 civilians ?

And since I am living a better life than most of others, I am just doing my job here and I am not looking for anything other than this .

Anyway, you don't need to reply as I am not willing to debate, you personally sir, if I talked to you about Kareena's hair-style, we would end up talking about Gaddafi's shoe size .
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Shiites are lost, one time Saudi Arabia is opposing the US and western world by supporting the Syrian resistance, the other ,Saudis are part of the American Zionists Israeli conspiracy etc etc. So which one is it?
They have different versions of M16 or does that Hezbollah guy have an M4?

could also be this

Norinco CQ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not a Norinco, Norinco has a revolver-style pistol grip. From the way the guy is holding it it doesn't look like it. Probably received from Hezbollah who jacked it from Lebanese army.
And yes, the Hezbollah terrorist does have an M4.

Two children have starved in Douma due to the total siege imposed by the 'Resistance'.

#Al-Qalamoun: Some Identified Hizbullah Members Who were Killed a While Ago


Names (1-6):
  • Muhammad Hasan
  • Muhammad Ridha
  • Mansour Kamil
  • Abbas Husain
  • Khudhr Hasan
  • Hasan Muhammad
Nationality: Lebanese

Exception: #7 is Ali Al-Mousawi, an Iraqi who was killed in the Eastern Ghouta and is not related to Hizbullah .

But there were also :

Names (left-right): Basil Muhammad, Hasan Mahmoud, Marwan Kadhim and Hisham Muhammad
Allegiance: Hizbullah
Nationality: Lebanese
#Al-Qalamoun: Nearly Ten Hizbullah Members were Captured

#Reef Dimashq: Rebels Have Advanced in Deir Salman in the Eastern Ghouta

Assadists have written on the wall :
- "Al-Assad or we burn down the nation", "Ya Zaynab", "Ya Husain", ...etc.
With some mistakes like "ابنت" instead of "ابنة", ...illiterate ? or non-Arabs..?
#Homs: ISIS Committed Two Suicide Bombings in Two Districts

ISIS claimed responsibility for two motorbike bombings in the Alawite majority districts of Al-Zahra' and Ikrima (regime-held). Four civilians were killed and 28 were wounded .
#Aleppo: The Regime is Still 'Resisting'

More than 20 were martyred and 10s were wounded due to regime's airstrikes on the rebel-held Jisr Al-Haj .
#Daraa: More Pics For the Shiite Afghan Army (SAA)

These photos were taken in Al-Yarmouk Private University .
They say Muhammad Hasan (refer to the first section of this post) used to be... :

...as 'romantic' as Ariel Sharon .
Could you tag us the next time, please ?, I cannot run after you all day .
Anna News knows more that you don't even understand what they say.
I have never said I know everything, actually, I wasn't interested in politics and I have zero-knowledge with regards to military. The problem is, rebels have once liberated large areas before and the regime took it back by destroying entire districts and displacing millions, which is the reason why %80 of us are now in poverty (Source: The Guardian), means you cannot access the internet, and even if you had enough money, how can you go online when you don't have electricity ?, that's for the rebel-held areas as for Assad haters in the regime-held areas, they won't dare to say something against him online or in real life, why do you think they tortured to death 13,000 civilians ?

And since I am living a better life than most of others, I am just doing my job here and I am not looking for anything other than this .

Anyway, you don't need to reply as I am not willing to debate, you personally sir, if I talked to you about Kareena's hair-style, we would end up talking about Gaddafi's shoe size .
I blocked that troll Jamahir long ago. He insulted my dead family members and made fun of them. Don't have time to deal with his crap, especially when I have to speak nicely on this forum.

Ahrar al Sham | The moment where the Al-Fanar checkpoint on Jabal al-Arbaeen was stormed, which resulted in taking over the checkpoint completely:
Ahrar al Sham | Bombing Al-Fanar checkpoint on Jabal al-Arbaeen in the Idlib countryside in a tunnel bomb explosion targeting Assad regime forces stationed there:
Orient has captured the moment of the bombing of Al-Fanar checkpoint on Jabal al-Arbaeen in the Idlib countryside.
Jaysh al Fateh || Sham Legion || Destruction of a pickup truck carrying Gvozdika shells after hitting it with a Kornet missile on Jabal al-Arbaeen:
Ahrar al Sham | Hitting al Fanar checkpoint and its surroundings on Jabal al-Arbaeen with heavy weapons before taking it over.
Ahrar al Sham | Hitting Assad's militias once they fled from the Kufayr village checkpoint east of Jisr al Shughour:
Lots of progress in Idlib today. Makes me happy that Inshallah soon my city Halab will be free.
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Dude, these guys don't even wear body armor? That's like 1 shot 1 kill. I can't imagine the casualties in Syria. :o: When there was fighting in Ukraine, as in no ceasefire, UAF troops were suffering dozens of casualities daily, and that's with American supplied Interceptor body armor.

However, Syrian rebels have no heavy weapons the way New Russian rebels do, so then again it is unlikely they can cause much damage to SAA / NDF troops who have these kevlar type body armor.
#Al-Qalamoun: Nearly Ten Hizbullah Members were Captured

not HEzbullah or even lebanese. may be Syrian ndf.

These terrorist regimes have not tasted terrorism, I hope they taste terrorism in their country.

well said.

these terrorist Saudi regime will be punished soon by west as it has failed to contain Iran and its allies like saddam who too was punished due to his failures. Iran has successfully neutralized the dangers posed by these nato backed alliances and they cannot Defeat Iran.

west will bring a new structure to deal Iran but it will punish Saudi first. :lol:

So lets see if Saudi is toppled by terror or by its military and princes.

Shiites are lost, one time Saudi Arabia is opposing the US and western world by supporting the Syrian resistance, the other ,Saudis are part of the American Zionists Israeli conspiracy etc etc. So which one is it?


Saudi is lost and following the Path of Saddam.

Last good thing for us it can do is to gather 4 to 5 militaries and start attacking Syria, Iraq, Yemen.
These terrorist regimes have not tasted terrorism, I hope they taste terrorism in their country.

How they are terrorist regime ? how many own people have died in the hand of Saudi or turkey compare to Assad regime ? in the last 3 years 300000 people died because of this assad regime which unfortunately supported by a country claim them self as Islamic republic . if Iran really care about human life/humanity then they should have abandon Assad regime when they were killing innocent people in the name of fighting opposition/rebel. it is better assad step down and take asylum in Russia or Iran and everybody give up arms and comes to political solution of the crisis.
Anyway, you don't need to reply as I am not willing to debate, you personally sir, if I talked to you about Kareena's hair-style, we would end up talking about Gaddafi's shoe size .


i like you for this, whether or not you reciprocate. :tup:

as for anna news, i have seen a few of their reports before, including a long two-part where saa were trying to eliminate terrorists holed up in a mosque ( i think )... i didn't need to understand russian language to understand that vid.

Dude, these guys don't even wear body armor? That's like 1 shot 1 kill. I can't imagine the casualties in Syria. :o: When there was fighting in Ukraine, as in no ceasefire, UAF troops were suffering dozens of casualities daily, and that's with American supplied Interceptor body armor.

However, Syrian rebels have no heavy weapons the way New Russian rebels do, so then again it is unlikely they can cause much damage to SAA / NDF troops who have these kevlar type body armor.

welcome back.
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How they are terrorist regime ? how many own people have died in the hand of Saudi or turkey compare to Assad regime ? in the last 3 years 300000 people died because of this assad regime which unfortunately supported by a country claim them self as Islamic republic . if Iran really care about human life/humanity then they should have abandon Assad regime when they were killing innocent people in the name of fighting opposition/rebel. it is better assad step down and take asylum in Russia or Iran and everybody give up arms and comes to political solution of the crisis.
The Syria regime is not the problem. The countries who have supported terrorism in Syria for 4 years are problem. The FSA ISIS berbers are problem. Bashar asad is chosen by voting and most of Syrian people told NO to terrorism and YES to Syrian regime. Terrorism is not the solution. Few prosters in 2011 that exist in every countries like European countries, US, Brazil can not be reason for FSA ISIS animals. Syrian people do not want those pig beheaders.
Not a Norinco, Norinco has a revolver-style pistol grip. From the way the guy is holding it it doesn't look like it. Probably received from Hezbollah who jacked it from Lebanese army.
And yes, the Hezbollah terrorist does have an M4..
you know... indeed there are many ways to get these weapons: black market for exemple: there is a stock of m16 it is possible to buy : for exemple a country X having bought to US (or US client): one corrupted guy can sell a part of the stock . it happened many times. some people even say hamas could have provided hezbollah (and hamas they have some too) .. who knows...

and sorry for your family members dead. sincerely.
Reuters / Tuesday, May 12, 2015
A rebel fighter rests along a trench at the frontline where the rebel fighters announced the start of an offensive to take control of Ariha town from forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, in Idlib province, Syria May 12, 2015. REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah
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