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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Well if you're so butthurt about us exposing the truth about you, just stick to the Iranian section of the forum. We need less Iranians in Syria anyways. A lot less. But we're working on that ;)

Breaking: Jaish al Islam killed 45 ISIS fighters and captured 13 in Eastern Qalamoun.
Syria needs less terrorists like you and would be a heaven without you Zombies.
Oh, so you mean you want Syria to have only Alawites and Shiites then? K.
They would rather have it filled with the Jews like they give them preferable treatment in Iran and suni mosques are not even allowed. On the contrary no such restrictions I have seen being imposed on shias at all.
Syria needs less terrorists like you and would be a heaven without you Zombies.
Hahaha Shia victim mentality.

Complains about insults
uses them

No Syria needs us, because we're good hearted and nice, and we want to rid the world from evil entities and parasites.

-We officially condemn Alqaida.

-We officially bombed Isis.

-We officially bombed a terror group called Houthis who had been importing weapons from the renegade country called Iran.

-We're officially against Alassad who, with the support of hezbollat and Iran, killed +300,000 Syrians according to official UN reports.

You see? According to neutral reports and facts on the ground, we are the good guys.

But of course according to biased Shiia media and your own delusional conspiracy ridden world, you're good and we are evil.

Ok? Bye.
you officially but you are behind all this , from talibans AQ to IS.
Hahaha Shia victim mentality.

Complains about insults
uses them

No Syria needs us, because we're good hearted and nice, and we want to rid the world from evil entities and parasites.

-We officially condemn Alqaida.

-We officially bombed Isis.

-We officially bombed a terror group called Houthis who had been importing weapons from the renegade country called Iran.

-We're officially against Alassad who, with the support of hezbollat and Iran, killed +300,000 Syrians according to official UN reports.

You see? According to neutral reports and facts on the ground, we are the good guys.

But of course according to biased Shiia media and your own delusional conspiracy ridden world, you're good and we are evil.

Ok? Bye.
You are biggest supporter of terrorism in the world. You, US and Turkey made ISIS and FSA, if Sauds did not support their Jihadi terrorists in Syria even 3000 of Syrians would not killed, it is very simple and clear.
Meanwhile 150,000 of those deads are from Syrian army and the people who fight against your backed jihadi takfiri animals.
I don't think they worship Bashar, but they do believe Ali is God. I don't understand why? Where there early Muslims who actually believed that? A lot of Alawi's say 'Ya Ali Maddid' or 'Ali Madad'. I pretty sure first means Ali provide support and second means Ali came to our support, right? Isn't that shirk? If you believe Ali was supposed to be Caliph doesn't mean you can say above following phrases. So the emphasis on Ali instead of Muhammad has to mean something. In my opinion it is that ancient Persians hated Umar Ibn Khattab because he led battle against Persia and they were able to develop theory that Ali opposed it. So I understand why Iranian's made such theory but non-Iranian Shia's doesn't make sense why they follow that ideology.

I can't see how Shia's make sense out of their madhab. If i was born a Shia and was the same person I am today i would leave it since it seems too cult like for me. I've done my share of research to try understand their beliefs but in the end I don't see any justification for their sect.

Your comments is indicating the roots of many problems and conflicts in the ME, someone take themselves Muslim and takfir the rest ..

By the way:

And not officially youre behind Nazi germany, Isis, terror bombings across the world, Somalia pirates.

So I think that makes us even..?
you can answer by 5yo answer . it doesn't change the facts your country sponsors terrorism.
You are biggest supporter of terrorism in the world. You, US and Turkey made ISIS and FSA, if Sauds did not support their Jihadi terrorists in Syria even 3000 of Syrians would not killed, it is very simple and clear.
Meanwhile 150,000 of those deads are from Syrian army and the people who fight against your backed jihadi takfiri animals.


Anyway :-) I like how you tried to group FSA with ISIS.

FSA are NOT terrorists, and yes we fully support them. Got a problem with it?
He is right.

Hezbollah used suicide bombing extensively before it became popular among Sunnis.

Iran also used suicide bombers against Iraq. (quite often kids)
Suicide has no meaning for Shia Muslims but when Zionists kill Palestinians perhaps Hezbollah use it against zions. Also in war a person who destroy a tank by a grenade is not a suicider.

Anyway :-) I like how you tried to group FSA with ISIS.

FSA are NOT terrorists, and yes we fully support them. Got a problem with it?
They are terrorists because they are killing Syrian people and Syrian militans and ruining Syria for American Saudi Zionist goals.

Also Saudi has made and supported ISIS, there is 0% doubt about that, there are hundreds of sources and links to prove that.

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