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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Maybe Turkey is promising them something in return. Or they realize Kurds have their own agenda. Which is unacceptable because they control lots of territory and aren't mobilzing against the regime. So it hurts rebels capability to fight regime. Taking over Kurdish areas will mean bad news for Assad. Good news for opposition as they can finally use that land/resources/space for better efforts against regime.

Yes, my guess is also that Turkey is pushing Nusra and other rebels to fight YPG, perhaps in return they will give even more weapons and funds to those groups. There is absolutely no reason for Nusra terrorists right now to open a new front against Kurds, weakening their position against SAA.
Yes, my guess is also that Turkey is pushing Nusra and other rebels to fight YPG, perhaps in return they will give even more weapons and funds to those groups. There is absolutely no reason for Nusra terrorists right now to open a new front against Kurds, weakening their position against SAA.
Only FSA is getting training (recently) and probably secret weapon delivery from US, nusra on the other hand is something different.
Plus YPG also got help from Turkey.
Maybe Turkey is promising them something in return. Or they realize Kurds have their own agenda. Which is unacceptable because they control lots of territory and aren't mobilzing against the regime. So it hurts rebels capability to fight regime. Taking over Kurdish areas will mean bad news for Assad. Good news for opposition as they can finally use that land/resources/space for better efforts against regime.

I'm surprised they're this late. Was expecting this to happen earlier. Kurds are rushing to form their own regions which is a problem as the country is in midst of war and Kurdish position is very crucial. So Kurdish ceasefire with Syria government is bad for opposition. And opposition realizes Kurd will abstain and focus on building their own regions. And the FSA isn't having it

No ,

It means opening several fronts in north Syria while rebels are already busy in 2 fronts ( 1.ISIS and 2.Syrian Army , Hezbollah and local Shia forces of Nuble and Zahra ) .


If Kurds get attacked in Aleppo , Their bros in other parts including Afrin will take up arms and fight terrorists which can be dangerous for their supply line from Turkey .
Only FSA is getting training (recently) and probably secret weapon delivery from US, nusra on the other hand is something different.
Plus YPG also got help from Turkey.

As much as I respect you bro, let me disagree. I simply don't believe in the whole 'moderate' hoax. One should only be blind by not seeing how those 'moderates' are fighting hands in hands with Nusra. In my eyes, Nusra is absolutely no different for Erdogan than all those non-existent powerful secular democracy loving rebels. Erdogan is playing his own game in Syria, for the sake of his Muslim Brotherhood agenda. There is a reason that rebels/Nusra operate so freely in northern Syria, importing hundreds of foreigners through Turkish borders, from Chechen, Uzbekistan and other countries and also receiving unlimited amounts of arms.
As much as I respect you bro, let me disagree. I simply don't believe in the whole 'moderate' hoax. One should only be blind by not seeing how those 'moderates' are fighting hands in hands with Nusra. In my eyes, Nusra is absolutely no different for Erdogan than all those non-existent powerful secular democracy loving rebels. Erdogan is playing his own game in Syria, for the sake of his Muslim Brotherhood agenda. There is a reason that rebels/Nusra operate so freely in norther Syria, importing hundreds of foreigners through Turkish borders, from Chechen, Uzbekistan and other countries.
Doesnt change anything that Turkey is only supporting FSA and also supported Kurds in Syria and Iraq which you prefer to blind out.

And about foreign jihadists we had the discussion x times but you prefer to believe in your own version even thought the facts say something totally different.
Btw: the situation changed a lot recently, thousands of jihadists deported back and tens of thousands got caught while trying to enter Syria illegally, but im pretty sure this will be ignored too.
I don't see a declaration of war anywhere against the YPG, just this statement:

Which calls for the hand-over of abusive YPG members to rebels. This was because a women was beaten under detention by the YPG in Shiekh Maqsoud.

Today is the 2 year anniversary of the Bayda and Baniyas massacres, committed by "Muqawama Souria" which is an alawite Militia. At least 450 were massacred, most of whom were civilians. Today there were also 75 cases of suffocation in Saraqib due to Chlorine gas attacks. Where are you Assadists now?


Prominent Islamic Front leaders met in Istanbul recently. Seems like something big happening in the next 72 hours. They reconciled any differences they had.
A SAA sniper killed Khaled Hayani, a 'FSA freedom fighter' commander, one of the most prominent ones in Aleppo, who was reportedly responsible for death of hundreds of civilians in Aleppo by shelling government held areas. Rest in hell brother.

Tears of a crocodile over dead civilians yet supporting the barrel king.

I just read your idiotic comments about Shias. You guys here all and all go offtopic, insult Shias, put sectarian videos, call us kafir, insult, insult and insult. Shia is not the religion that you wahhabis open your mouth and criticize it. It is a religion from Imam Ali's (as) time where and when prophet (pbuh) said Ali (as) is my successor. Shia twelvers, Ismaelis or Zaidis believe Imam Ali (as) is successor of Prophet because prophet told it many times. Shias believe Ali (as) and his his sons are Imams and never worship them but respect them and love them like their ultimate respect and love for prophet (pbuh) .
Filthy Wahhabis think we are kafir, you wahhabis have to know most of Imams and their sons and grandsons who all of them are grandsons of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) have lived in Iran and southern Iraq due to aggression of Arabs. We have gotten their messages centuries ago. Our Twelve Imams are from Banu hashim, all of them are from prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Imam Ali (as) is brother of prophet. You morons should be careful when you want criticize us with our beliefs. We are not fool we know everything that has happened to bibi Fatemah (as) everything that some of Arabs did to Imam Ali (as), why and who martyred Imam Hossein (as) in karbala. Our belief in being Imams of Imam Ali (as) and his sons is 100% firm and will not change by your bullcraps.

I just read your idiotic comments about Shias. You guys here all and all go offtopic, insult Shias, put sectorian videos, calls us kafir, insult, insult and insult. Shia is not the religion that you wahhabis open your mouth and criticize it. It is a religion from Imam Ali's (as) time where and when prophet (pbuh) said Ali (as) is my successor. Shia twelvers, Ismaelis or Zaidis believe Imam Ali (as) is successor of Prophet because prophet many times told it. Shias believe Ali (as) and his his sons are Imams and do not worship them but respect them and love them like prophet.
Filthy Wahhabis think we are kafir, you wahhabis have to know most of Imams and their sons and grandsons who all of them are grandsons of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) have lived in Iran and southern Iraq due to aggression of Arabs. We have gotten their messages centuries ago. Our Twelve Imams are from Banu hashim, all of them are from prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Imam Ali (as) is brother of prophet. You morons should be careful when you want criticize us with our beliefs. We are not fool we know everything that has happened to bibi Fatemah (as) everything that some of Arabs did to Imam Ali (as), why and who martyred Imam Hossein (as) in karbala. Our belief in being Imams of Imam Ali (as) and his sons is 100% firm and will not change by your bullcraps.
Well if you're so butthurt about us exposing the truth about you, just stick to the Iranian section of the forum. We need less Iranians in Syria anyways. A lot less. But we're working on that ;)

Breaking: Jaish al Islam killed 45 ISIS fighters and captured 13 in Eastern Qalamoun.
Ruba al Assad (Asshead's cousin) calls for the execution of every man, women, and child in Jisr al Shughour:
Tell it to Assad guys.

Iran taught Sunnis the suicide terror not vice versa.
beheading is not Iranian style but KSA style and their creations
just get some education about it at least

and how sunnis would copy shias? you're so smart .
you give always all excuses to the terrorism when it is not ennemy of your country
damned fanatic :(
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