There are more French Daeshis than Saoudis, is it bc of the French Educational system ? is it bc they didn't take enough Music classes ??
We have to admit that what's going on is beyond any power on earth, this is the beginning of the great battles Malahim, this is what the Prophet Salla Allahu aleihi wa sallam spoke of's gonna happen up to the last part, a part that concerns the Turks directly, if the Turkish seculars think that their military can stop ISIS Khawarij they must think twice, Turks are waking up to the abusurdity of secularism , Turkish Muslim Youth are tired of secularism Kuffr, and they c no other than Daesh as a way out.
the Khawarij will defeat the Turkish military bc they have faith, nothing else matters, the only way to defeat them is a group of faithful Mujahedines like Nusra n IF .Turkish gvt should stop being arrogant n start realizing that NATO is out of this . Turkey should help uniting Muslim Brotherhood and Nusra (Al Qaeda) to create a strong faithful Group of Mujahedines that can claim legetimacy n carry on the flag of Islam and Jihad, or else the Khawarij will keep claiming falsely the flag n they might grow stronger n stronger