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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Within a few weeks SAA launch huge offensive to take M4 highway.

Yes, because of the Russian imposed ceasefire. Those bombings proved that the SAA is helpless without Russian backing. And we already know that the civil war would have ended years ago if Iran didn't send militants in to save the incompetent SAA.
Neither has Turkey. Heck, Turkey can't even beat Syria.

even FSA beat Assad Regime+Iran+Hezbollah combined and in 2015 Russia saved pathetic Assad Regime+Iran+Hezbollah from FSA

just a few days Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs with 8km MAM-L laser guided ammunition killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists and destroyed
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

and Russia saved loser Assad Regime,Hezbolla,IRGC backed terrorist groups
Most people did not suspect Turkey was serious about supporting GNA militarily in Libya and Tripoli seemed like it was about to fall but look where we are now. That's impressive regardless of your position on the conflict. GNA is not well trained either, not in classic army definition or semi-military sense. So for Turkey to change that around for them speaks of their capabilities.

If the GNA can successfully mount an offensive eastward than that will change the face of the conflict.

Afcoonistan belongs to Iran

You belong in Iran, go apply for citizenship there.

As I said he will secure only the borders, probably few klms inside eastern Libya and that's it.

Egypt and Turkey will not get into war, Egypts security needs will be met regardless of outcome in conflict. Pro-Iran guys are wishing for the two to get into conflict so they both can be weakened and Iran can strengthen hegemony in region.
Yes, because of the Russian imposed ceasefire. Those bombings proved that the SAA is helpless without Russian backing. And we already know that the civil war would have ended years ago if Iran didn't send militants in to save the incompetent SAA.

It was mainly due to coronavirus rather than Turkish drones. Anyway the M4 battle will start within a few weeks. Turkey can't stop it. Without or without drones.

Most people did not suspect Turkey was serious about supporting GNA militarily in Libya and Tripoli seemed like it was about to fall but look where we are now. That's impressive regardless of your position on the conflict. GNA is not well trained either, not in classic army definition or semi-military sense. So for Turkey to change that around for them speaks of their capabilities.

If the GNA can successfully mount an offensive eastward than that will change the face of the conflict.

Benghazi is more than half the size of Tripoli. since 2011 February Benghazi has not been ruled by Tripoli. Plus the people of Benghazi absolutely hate the people of Tripoli. If you think Benghazi is as easy to take as Tarhuna then you are sadly mistaken.
It was mainly due to coronavirus rather than Turkish drones. Anyway the M4 battle will start within a few weeks. Turkey can't stop it. Without or without drones.

Benghazi is more than half the size of Tripoli. since 2011 February Benghazi has not been ruled by Tripoli. Plus the people of Benghazi absolutely hate the people of Tripoli. If you think Benghazi is as easy to take as Tarhuna then you are sadly mistaken.

Eastward does not mean Benghazi, but regardless I don't think you're fit to educate people about Libya. You are some Iranian or east Asian guy loyal to Iran. I'd rather have a Libyan member to give his input on this matter.
Eastward does not mean Benghazi, but regardless I don't think you're fit to educate people about Libya. You are some Iranian or east Asian guy loyal to Iran. I'd rather have a Libyan member to give his input on this matter.

Whatever man. Tripoli government will never rule Sirte ever again. Guaranteed.

I'm Chinese. Don't get all froody with me pal. I can hardly care what happens in the ME.

You're Chinese like how that one guy is Nigerian christian.

Whatever man. Tripoli government will never rule Sirte ever again. Guaranteed.

Like I said you tend to get angry if you feel anyone is challenging Iranian hegemony in region.
I think people should just ignore him, he's not a troll but fanatical Twelver Shia who worships Iran. Majority of his posts nowadays is to make Sunni nations hate one another and to make some appear like they've submitted to Iran. Mods are gonna be nice to him but others should just ignore as he has a toxic sectarian agenda.
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