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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

so what is Turkey doing in Syria now then?
  • Caring for 4+ million Syrian refugees (in Turkey)
  • Building schools, roads, hospitals, bringing electricity and running water to war-torn towns
  • Trying to keep Syrian land borders intact by keeping US-armed PKK/YPG/Kurdish seperatists in check
  • Killing the elements of Obama-founded terrorist organization ISIS (as admitted by Trump)
  • Trying to remove dictator Assad from power
  • Trying to keep Iran or the Saudis from having too much influence in the country
  • etc etc...
so what is Turkey doing in Syria now then?
There is a prophecy in bible
Isaiah 17.1

The message came to me concerning Damascus: “Look, the city of Damascus will disappear! It will become a heap of ruins.
Turkey is a muslim country erodogan works for islamic new world order jesus Prophet Esa will not come until bible prophesis are fullfilled so turkey being a islamic country is supporting Hardcore terroist and many other islamic nations and chrstians nations are supporting so they destroy Dr bashar goverment and Syrian army and world passes towards end times every country in this world works for end times new world order

You will not understad it unless u r chrisian or muslim
Shining example of true muslim country, defender of all muslims worldwide.

Shining example of true muslim country, defender of all muslims worldwide.

In the beginning of this year Turkey saved 3 million Muslims in Idlib from Khamenaist genocide.
In the beginning of this year Turkey saved 3 million Muslims in Idlib from Khamenaist genocide.
Turkey displaced millions Muslims by supporting FSA, ISIL and other similar terrorist groups.

Turkey and US spent billions $$$ for criminal Wahhabis and Turkey bought ISIL oil for years.
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