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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

No, thats Assad and Russia sending the proxies of your allies to hell. No wonder ur mad.
So women and children who are indiscriminately bombed in Idlib are my proxies and deserve to die? U are sick.

Please mind your business. Israel has many problems currently too. you weaklings cant even suppress Gaza the way you used to before.
I am just exposing Khamenai priorities.

How can Khameini supply fuel to "simple people of Idlib" when US and EU are blocking Iranian ships from sending oil to Syria and preventing Syria from getting oil to refine? Huh? you see, your logic is naturally contradictory.
Your friend claims that Khamenai supplies fuel to poor people. In fact he supplies fuel to barrel bomb poor people.

NOW back to a real report on the civilians killed in Iraq and Syria by US coalition:
Let me show u a difference between US and Putin/Khamenai:

Iraq Syria.JPG

And here is Afghanistan:

4454354353 copy.jpg

What Putin and Khamenai are doing is GENOCIDE.
Let me show u a difference between US and Putin/Khamenai:

View attachment 568400

And here is Afghanistan:

View attachment 568401

What Putin and Khamenai are doing is GENOCIDE.
Oh, you are using 2 fallacie shere - you are using Post hoc(because of this then that..) and "jump-in-logic" fallacies. You show us syria's population going down on a map...and then you AUTOMATICALLY conclude that Khameini is the reason?without showing us the deductive logical steps you used to come to that conclusion? WOW...you're jumping ALOT of steps in your logic. Iraq is not syria first of all. Iraq has lots of oil wealth and Syria doesnt, also all world countries came to SYria to fight, but that didnt happen in Iraq, also there was fighting/ proxy wars going on ALL over SYria, but that didnt happen in Iraq's case, so you are just showing us irrelevant stats to be honest. Try again.
Oh, you are using 2 fallacie shere - you are using Post hoc(because of this then that..) and "jump-in-logic" fallacies. You show us syria's population going down on a map...and then you AUTOMATICALLY conclude that Khameini is the reason?without showing us the deductive logical steps you used to come to that conclusion? WOW...you're jumping ALOT of steps in your logic. Iraq is not syria first of all. Iraq has lots of oil wealth and Syria doesnt, also all world countries came to SYria to fight, but that didnt happen in Iraq, also there was fighting/ proxy wars going on ALL over SYria, but that didnt happen in Iraq's case, so you are just showing us irrelevant stats to be honest. Try again.
Yep, its just coincidence that population in Syria started to fall in 2011. And random bombings of towns have nothing to do with it.
Yep, its just coincidence that population in Syria started to fall in 2011.
Population started to fall because of WAR(well DUUUHHHH), but Syrian war =/= 100% Assad's responsibility. thats where you're jumping in logic and ignoring things that dont support your confirmation bias.

And random bombings of towns have nothing to do with it.
Everybody was bombing "random towns" during the multi-party Syrian war- SAA, ISIS, HTS, AQ, USAF, french air force, UK airforce , RUAF, IRGC, FSA, YPG, etc. everybody "bombs towns" during war so tbh, you still havent shown us good, deductive logic proving Syria's population drop is single handedly because of Assad. TRY AGAIN.
Population started to fall because of WAR(well DUUUHHHH), but Syrian war =/= 100% Assad's responsibility. thats where you're jumping in logic and ignoring things that dont support your confirmation bias.

Everybody was bombing "random towns" during the multi-party Syrian war- SAA, ISIS, HTS, AQ, USAF, french air force, UK airforce , RUAF, IRGC, FSA, YPG, etc. everybody "bombs towns" during war so tbh, you still havent shown us good, deductive logic proving Syria's population drop is single handedly because of Assad. TRY AGAIN.
In Iraq there was also war. Actually several wars, but population is not falling.

Population fell in Afghanistan during Soviet invasion and now in Syria where same KGB methods are used as in Afghanistan.
In Iraq there was also war. Actually several wars, but population is not falling.

Population fell in Afghanistan during Soviet invasion and now in Syria where same KGB methods are used as in Afghanistan.
you return with fake news, again.
In Iraq there was also war. Actually several wars, but population is not falling.
Well if you want to compare Iraq and Syrian war, please give us a list of ALL participants in each of the wars. we all know the syrian war was alot more serious and intense. YOu can tell for ex by the # of people who died. THe Iraqi war was mostly US army vs ISI, sunni and shia groups. thats it! Syrian war involved : Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Israel, IRaq, Pakistani and Afghan militias, ISIS, AQ, HTS< FSA, Kurds...on and on and on...so obviously, you are using false equivalence here by stating both wars are the same thing and they are not!

Population fell in Afghanistan during Soviet invasion and now in Syria where same KGB methods are used as in Afghanistan.
Thats nothing more than a coincidence and also, Afghan jihad and Syrian civil war are completely different wars- different times, tactics, parties, objectives, region, etc.

Once again @500, you still cannot provide us solid evidence that Assad is solely responsible for Syria's population going down. But you allies like EU and US are keeping Syrians from their country by trying to killl of Assad's regime economically since militarily they failed. All you're left with are your pathetic manipulative data...smh. im dissapointed.

you return with fake news, again.
No, he returned this time with FAKE DATA.
Well if you want to compare Iraq and Syrian war, please give us a list of ALL participants in each of the wars.
The only major difference is that in Iraq we don't have Assad's and Putin's barrel bombers and no sectarian regime.

we all know the syrian war was alot more serious and intense.
LOL, even Iran Iraq war? You are such an ignorant.

Thats nothing more than a coincidence and also, Afghan jihad and Syrian civil war are completely different wars- different times, tactics, parties, objectives, region, etc.
The common between Syria and Aghanistan is KGB genocidal mindset.

Once again @500, you still cannot provide us solid evidence that Assad is solely responsible for Syria's population going down.
In Iraq the involvement of allies is much larger, but population there is growing. You fail again.

But you allies like EU and US are keeping Syrians from their country by trying to killl of Assad's regime economically since militarily they failed.
Allies greatly helped Assad both economically (virtually all WFP and Red Cross are financed by them) and militarily (strikes against ISIS). They could destroy Assad barrel bombers in 1 day, could supply weapons to rebels like in Afghanistan. They did not do it.
don't worry about falling population 500... if its one thing arabs are good at its that :-)

on a serious note though. there are reports that Iran made a deal with turkey not to get involved in this offensive... besides some Drones that Iran probably supplied directly to the Syrian army I don't see any evidence of Iranian involvement.

which is not a good sign for the Syrian army. they have been idle and resting for almost a year now? have even demobilized significant forces. They have 1 front to concentrate their entire firepower on with full Russian airforce and they are getting stuffed. with little progress and a complete bloodbath.

imagine what the Aleppo battle would have looked like with a Syrian army spread thin facing many fronts (and isolated in some like DEZ). If there wasn't the huge numbers of IRGC advisors, fatemyoun, various other militias, and direct combat support from Hezbollah and even some combat units from IRGC (for the liberation of the shia villages)

something to note for people who downplay the significance of Iranian involvement in this conflict.
don't worry about falling population 500... if its one thing arabs are good at its that :-)

on a serious note though. there are reports that Iran made a deal with turkey not to get involved in this offensive... besides some Drones that Iran probably supplied directly to the Syrian army I don't see any evidence of Iranian involvement.

which is not a good sign for the Syrian army. they have been idle and resting for almost a year now? have even demobilized significant forces. They have 1 front to concentrate their entire firepower on with full Russian airforce and they are getting stuffed. with little progress and a complete bloodbath.

imagine what the Aleppo battle would have looked like with a Syrian army spread thin facing many fronts (and isolated in some like DEZ). If there wasn't the huge numbers of IRGC advisors, fatemyoun, various other militias, and direct combat support from Hezbollah and even some combat units from IRGC (for the liberation of the shia villages)

something to note for people who downplay the significance of Iranian involvement in this conflict.
dude her numbers about Syria population are wrong and fake.

About Syria Idlib problem, I am agree with you. Iran is not involve in Idlib now.
Rebels yesterday captured heavily fortified village Hamamiyat.

In retaliation Assad aka Putin aka Khamenai mercenaries are randomly bombing Jisr ash Shughur town far from frontlines. Thats pure terror and war crime.



Yesterday they also bombed hospital in Jisr Ash Shughur kiling 7 civilians.

Rebels yesterday captured heavily fortified village Hamamiyat.

In retaliation Assad aka Putin aka Khamenai mercenaries are randomly bombing Jisr ash Shughur town far from frontlines. Thats pure terror and war crime.



Yesterday they also bombed hospital in Jisr Ash Shughur kiling 7 civilians.

View attachment 568757

To make sure brave jihadist hiding in civilan houses come out
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