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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

US, Israeli-Made Arms Left by Terrorists Found in Syrian Countryside – Reports





The cache is just the latest hoard of weapons and supplies found by Syrian forces as they have advanced to clear the country from a diverse assortment of terrorists seeking to overthrow the country's government to establish an Islamist caliphate.

Authorities in the Daraa countryside in southern Syria have showed off a fresh cache of armaments left behind by terrorists as they fled the area, with the Syrian Arab News Agency posting photos of the massive haul, featuring a wide assortment of weapons, some of them made in the USA and Israel.

The catch includes a wide variety of rifles, heavy machine guns, mortar shells and RPG rounds, grenades and an assortment of ammunition of various calibers, with walkie-talkies and field hospital equipment also in the mix. The photos show that some of the equipment is brand new in what appears to be its original packaging.

The discovery is the second cache of arms found in the region in less than two months, with tons of weapons found in Daraa in February in a large warehouse. A separate large cache of arms was discoveredin neighbouring Quneitra governorate the same month.

US, Israeli-Made Arms Left by Terrorists Found in Syrian Countryside – Reports





The cache is just the latest hoard of weapons and supplies found by Syrian forces as they have advanced to clear the country from a diverse assortment of terrorists seeking to overthrow the country's government to establish an Islamist caliphate.

Authorities in the Daraa countryside in southern Syria have showed off a fresh cache of armaments left behind by terrorists as they fled the area, with the Syrian Arab News Agency posting photos of the massive haul, featuring a wide assortment of weapons, some of them made in the USA and Israel.

The catch includes a wide variety of rifles, heavy machine guns, mortar shells and RPG rounds, grenades and an assortment of ammunition of various calibers, with walkie-talkies and field hospital equipment also in the mix. The photos show that some of the equipment is brand new in what appears to be its original packaging.

The discovery is the second cache of arms found in the region in less than two months, with tons of weapons found in Daraa in February in a large warehouse. A separate large cache of arms was discoveredin neighbouring Quneitra governorate the same month.

100% Russian junk. Anyone with IQ over 40 can see that on pics.

While Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries are indiscriminately shelling civilians (pure terror no different from ISIS), rebels retaliated by raiding Assadist positions and killed dozens.

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Destroys Tahrir Al-Sham's Centers in Idlib


TEHRAN (FNA)- The Damascus Army heavily pounded the military positions and movements of Tahrir al-Sham al-Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) terrorists in Southeastern Idlib, destroying their concentration centers.

The missile and artillery units of the Syrian Army heavily pounded the positions and movements of Tahrir al-Sham terrorists in Jorjnaz, Talmanes, Tahtayeh and Um Jalal towns in Southeastern Idlib.

Meantime, the Syrian army continued its military advances in other parts of Syria over past 24 hours.

Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were injured during the Syrian army's operations in provinces across Syria.


The Syrian Army heavily pounded the military positions and movements of Tahrir al-Sham al-Hay'at terrorists in Southern Idlib, destroying their concentration centers there.

The Syrian Army's missile and artillery units heavily pounded the positions and movements of Tahrir al-Sham terrorists in Jorjnaz, Talmanes, Tahtayeh and Um Jalal towns in Southeastern Idlib.

The Syrian Army attacks came in response to the terrorists' continued attack on safe zones and military points from the demilitarized zone.

"The Syrian Army troops destroyed several centers of the terrorists and their military vehicles as well as killing all militants inside them," a battlefield source in Idlib said.

Deir Ezzur

Washington has dispatched new military aid to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Eastern Euphrates after declaring an end in the war on ISIL, media reports revealed.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the US-led coalition has sent new military convoys, including tens of trucks carrying military aid and logistical equipment, from Iraqi Kurdistan region to areas occupied by the SDF in Eastern Euphrates.

It added that over 810 trucks, carrying military and logistic equipment of the US-led coalition have arrived in Eastern Euphrates.


A number of Turkish Army soldiers have been killed in fierce clashes with the Syrian Democratic Forces in Northern Aleppo, local sources said.

The Ankara-backed National Army militants were also fighting against the SDF in al-Malekiyeh front in Western Aleppo.

"Tough fighting broke out between the Ankara-backed National Army and the SDF fighters in al-Malekiyeh battlefront," sources close to Kurds said.

Meantime, the sources close to Ankara announced that the Kurdish forces have pounded the Turkish Army's base in al-Malekiyeh with missiles and mortar shells upon arrival of military vehicles from Kafar Khasher region.

The sources also pointed to the destruction of Turkish Army's military vehicle to the South of Izaz in Northern Aleppo, and said that the Turkish Army's artillery unit has also heavily pounded Kurds' military positions in Western Aleppo.

In the meantime, Ankara's threats to launch military operations against Kurdish forces in Northern Syria have increased.

The SOHR also reported that several Turkish Army soldiers have been killed in guided missile attacks by Kurds on military positions of the Turkish Army and its allied militants.

ISIL Goes on Offensive in Homs Deserts with US-Backed Militants' Help


TEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL terrorists launched an offensive on Syrian Army military points in Badiyeh (desert) region of Homs province, as battlefield sources said the raid by ISIL came in coordination with the US-backed militants.
The Syrian Army troops engaged in fierce clashes with the ISIL terrorists who intended to penetrate into military points in al-Sukhna Desert in Eastern Homs, battlefield sources in Eastern Homs said.

The sources said several ISIL terrorists were killed after their vehicles came under strike by the Syrian Air Force.

The Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper also reported that the ISIL terrorists, who have exited al-Baqouz town under an agreement with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), launched several attacks on the Syrian Army's military positions in Badiyeh from Jabal Abu Rajmin in Northeastern Palmyra to Eastern Deir Ezzur.

The Arabic-language service of Russia Today (RT) also pointed to the reemergence of the ISIL in al-Tanf region in Eastern Homs and the terrorists' attacks on the Syrian Army's military points, and quoted local sources as saying that an operation is underway to relocate terrorists to this region.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), meantime, announced that the ISIL's activities in Badiyeh region of Homs and the terrorist groups' attacks on the Syrian Army in the region have increased after the US-led coalition declared the ISIL's defeat in Eastern Euphrates.

Syrian army sources also accused the US-backed militants in East and South-East Syria of collaboration with the ISIL, saying that the ISIL attack took place after the terrorists were given a pass and assistance by the US-backed militants.

Khamenai mercenaries shelled a market in Sarakib killing 4 civilians:



This is what they call "tahrir al sham centers". Can't post graphic pics including dead children.
Any credible source that Khamenai mercenaries killed 4 civilians in sarakib?.
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Arabic or any credible source that Khamenai mercenaries killed 4 civilians in sarakib?.
I dont differ between SAA and Khamenai mercenaries. They are deeply integrated and fight side by side. Without Khamenai money, oil, weapons and mercenaries Assadists are nothing.


Since february escalation Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries killed 268 civilians including 96 kids. All were killed by indiscriminate shelling of towns. Pure terror and nothing else.
Four Years of Hell: To Crush Yemen’s Independence, US-Saudi War Created World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis

Despite the enormous international onslaught, hundreds of thousands of deaths, widespread famine-like conditions, hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on war — despite all of this, the US-UK-Saudi-UAE coalition has been unable to crush the will of the Yemeni people, who continue to fight for independence and sovereignty.

Grayzone — March 26, 2019 marked the fourth anniversary of the US-Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen. These four years have unleashed Hell on Earth for millions of civilians. It would be impossible to overstate the devastation, destruction, and death they have experienced.

For 1,460 days, Saudi Arabia, one of the richest countries on the planet, has relentlessly bombed the poorest nation in the Middle East, with crucial help from the United States and United Kingdom.

The United Nations has repeated for more than two years that Yemen is suffering from the “largest humanitarian crisis in the world,” due entirely to this war.

Yet the US government, through the administrations of both Donald Trump and Barack Obama, has said strikingly little about the catastrophe in Yemen, which it is directly responsible for creating and continuing to exacerbate. (Contrast Washington’s muted response to the calamity it created in Yemen with the exaggerated claims of a “humanitarian crisis” it has deployed to justify a right-wing coup attempt in Venezuela.)

The UN World Food Program (WFP) warned on the fourth anniversary of the war on Yemen, “Today 20 million Yemenis – some 70 percent of the population – are food insecure, marking a 13 percent increase from last year.”

Nearly 10 million Yemeni civilians “are one step away from famine,” WFP said.

This hunger is not natural. It has been created, artificially, intentionally, by an international coalition hellbent on putting Yemen back on the leash, unseating the Houthi movement that presently governs most of the country, and crushing any attempt at independence.

Since March 2015, the Royal Saudi Air Force has, with US assistance, launched nearly 20,000 air raids in Yemen — an average of more than 13 per day, for four years straight. This bombing has targeted civilian homes, schools, hospitals, funerals, food facilities, and even buses full of children.

While corporate media outlets have invariably described the war as “Saudi-led,” systematically whitewashing the role of the United Statesin overseeing war crimes in Yemen, it has been quietly admitted that Riyadh could not wage the war without Washington. President Trump himself even boasted that the Saudi monarchy would collapse in “two weeks” were it not for American patronage.

Most of the bombs, missiles, planes, and other military equipment used in Yemen have been made in America and Britain. The US and UK have sold tens of billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia and its ally the United Arab Emirates as they wage war on Yemen, profiting handsomely from the slaughter and ruin.

American and British military officials have been physically present in the Saudi command and control center and enjoyed access to the lists of targets, directly assisting Riyadh with the bombing. The US Air Force has also provided in-air refueling for Saudi bombers. (Washington eventually halted this policy for public relations reasons, in a decision that the Associated Press noted had “little impact”).

Many thousands of Yemeni civilians have died in the violence — the exact number is impossible to calculate. And well over 100,000 Yemeni children have died from preventable causes due to the war. In 2016 alone, 63,000 Yemeni children died of hunger, malnutrition, and disease.

US-Saudi coalition intentionally bombing civilians
Corporate media outlets have paid very little attention to the war, despite the key role of Western governments in waging it. Instead, MSNBC and other corporate media spent their resources and time obsessively spreading the Russiagate conspiracy theory.

This left independent journalists and scholars to do the hard work documenting the devastation. The Yemen Data Project has shown how Saudi Arabia has systematically, intentionally targeted civilian infrastructure in its bombing campaign.

According to data meticulously compiled by the Yemen Data Project, Saudi Arabia has launched 19,511 air raids in Yemen, as of March 2019.

Only one-third of Saudi airstrikes have hit military targets. Another third have hit civilians. The targets of the final third are unknown.


The targets of US-Saudi air raids in Yemen. Credit | Yemen Data Project

US-Saudi bombing has ravaged the impoverished country’s infrastructure, specifically targeting Yemen’s food system.

The Western-backed coalition has used hunger as a weapon, punishing millions of Yemeni civilians for their government, plunging them into what a famine monitor created by the US government admitted in 2016 was the “largest food security emergency in the world.”

The Yemen Data Project has documented — in a very careful, conservative estimate — Saudi attacks on at least 1,968 residential areas, 640 farms, 237 schools, 185 communication buildings, 129 water and electricity plants, 70 healthcare facilities, 64 food storage units, 38 universities, 21 radio and TV stations, seven refugee camps, and even seven UN buildings.


Non-military targets of US-Saudi air raids. Credit | Yemen Data Project

Real-life dystopia in Yemen

The human cost of the damage this US-Saudi war has exacted is difficult to quantify.

A report published by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on March 21 offers just a glimpse into the havoc. Although clinical, it paints a vivid portrait of the gruesome toll.

More than 4,800 civilians were killed or injured in 2018, an average of 93 civilian casualties per week — 30 percent killed or injured in their own homes. Airstrikes were responsible for just over half of the civilian casualties.

Many thousands of families have been displaced by the bombing. “Most live in open spaces and public buildings,” OCHA reported.

“These horrific incidents show that innocent civilians including children continue to pay the price for a conflict in which they have no say,” local aid workers said.

“Yemen’s economic and social fabric is disintegrating,” the report added. Yemen’s entire GDP has shrunk by a staggering 39 percent since 2014.

Even more shocking are the poverty rates. Since fighting began in 2014, poverty in Yemen has increased by 33 percent. OCHA estimates that 52 percent of the entire country is living in poverty in 2019.

Before the US-Saudi military intervention began in March 2015, the average Yemeni lived on US $4.5 per day. A year into the war, in 2016, the livelihood of the average Yemeni was cut by more than half, to just US $1.8 per day. This was compounded by an unemployment rate of over 60 percent.

Even those with jobs are not doing much better. Hundreds of thousands of teachers, medical workers, and government officials have gone years without receiving a paycheck.

A cataclysmic cholera outbreak has also returned to Yemen. The World Health Organization (WHO) documented 108,889 suspected cases of cholera, and 190 deaths, between January 1 and March 17. Approximately one-third of the victims are Yemeni children under age 5.

The US-Saudi coalition has indirectly resorted to biological warfare in Yemen. In 2017, Yemen suffered from one of the worst cholera outbreaks in modern history, with more than 1 million cases documented by WHO between April and December.

Cholera is an entirely preventable disease. But US-Saudi bombing utterly destroyed Yemen’s health infrastructure, leaving the civilian population defenseless against diseases that have been eradicated in almost every other country.


A graph of Saudi air raids on Yemen per month. Credit | Yemen Data Project



Since february escalation Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries killed 268 civilians including 96 kids. All were killed by indiscriminate shelling of towns. Pure terror and nothing else.
Your zio Wahhabi sources aren’t credible.
Yemen vs. Syria:


Syria (2).JPG

What we have in Syria its nothing but GENOCIDE. Nothing like this we have in Yemen.

Meanwhile Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries killed 7 people including 2 women and 4 children in Khan Sheikhun today. I dont know whats wrong which these "people" how much child blood they need to drink to calm down.

Yemen vs. Syria:

View attachment 555607
View attachment 555608

What we have in Syria its nothing but GENOCIDE. Nothing like this we have in Yemen.

Meanwhile Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries killed 7 people including 2 women and 4 children in Khan Sheikhun today. I dont know whats wrong which these "people" how much child blood they need to drink to calm down.

Stop to post fake chart.
Yemen is worst human crises in the recent history of the world.
Yemen vs. Syria:

View attachment 555607
View attachment 555608

What we have in Syria its nothing but GENOCIDE. Nothing like this we have in Yemen.

Meanwhile Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries killed 7 people including 2 women and 4 children in Khan Sheikhun today. I dont know whats wrong which these "people" how much child blood they need to drink to calm down.

Wonder why the syrian population according to the chart start to decline one year before the civil war and the population growth slowed two year before it.o_O
@500 doesnt want to tell us how western countries are CURRENTLY strangling Syrian masses economically(no gas, petrol, basic foods)because their proxies lost the SYrian civil war. But 500 spends days telling us how "genocidal Khameini" destroyed Syria.
Wonder why the syrian population according to the chart start to decline one year before the civil war and the population growth slowed two year before it.o_O
Decline started in 2011. Open ur eyes.

@500 doesnt want to tell us how western countries are CURRENTLY strangling Syrian masses economically(no gas, petrol, basic foods)because their proxies lost the SYrian civil war. But 500 spends days telling us how "genocidal Khameini" destroyed Syria.
Spare me Putin Khamenai propaganda about western proxies. West refused to supply weapons to rebels (except little ATGMs in 2014 - 3 years after the revolt and 1 year AFTER massive Iranian invasion), refused to supply MANPADS, refused to create no fly zone, refused even drop food to encircled rebel areas.

As for fuel, actually US backed Kurds are major supplier of fuel to Assad:

Yestrerday night Putins air force killed 7 civilians, mostly members of 1 family:


Today at least one 7 years old child was killed - Mohamed Al-Ghunum.

Non stop slaughter in Idlib for 2.5 months.

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