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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi says there is information indicating terrorists in Syria have transferred chemical weapons to Idlib.
“There are evidences that chemical weapons and substances are in the hands of terrorists. Right now intelligence is arriving saying that chemical substances have been moved to Idlib by the terrorists. There is a high possibility for the scenario to be repeated,” he said on Tuesday.
“Mr. Zarif on Monday went to Syria and there he reviewed the latest Syrian developments with the president and officials of Syria. They reviewed the latest on-ground situation. And we come with specified plans and ideas that, God willing, will enable us to conclude the fight on terrorism, leading to the political process, and the reconstruction process, and finally the return of the refugees to normal life,” Araqchi added.

“The developments in Syria are in a way that behind-the-scene agreements between others will not be so easy. The advisory and political presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria, its ties with the Syrian government and the ties that have been formed, they are not so that another country could somehow bypass them or all the things that is said here and there. I do not believe that is so. Our relations with Russia are strong and founded on some real bases and a correct understanding of relations with each other; and so are our relations with Syria.”
If God wants Idlib will be the last stronghold of terrorists in Syria.

I pity PGCC regimes and Zionist terrorist godfather America because they spent hundreds billions $ to put their arbitrary regime in Syria but it seems they defeated.

The most that they can do is hopelessly random aerial bombings daily.

Poor creatures.
Saudi Arabia, Israel Likely behind Attack on Iran’s Consulate: US Analyst

TEHRAN – A former US army psychological warfare officer said a recent attack on Iran’s consulate in the city of Basra in Iraq is an attempt to cause a rift between Iran and Iraq, adding that it was most likely carried out by provocateurs paid by mercenary agents from Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

“This (attack on Iran’s consulate) is also an attempt to create tension and hostility between Iraq and Iran by trying to deceive Iran into thinking that Iraqi citizens are attacking Iran, when in fact these provocateurs are most likely paid mercenary agents from Saudi Arabia and Israel,” Scott Bennett, from San Francisco, told Tasnim on Saturday morning.

Scott Bennett is a US Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), and a global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, formerly with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. He received a Direct Commission as an Officer, held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance, and worked in the highest levels of international counterterrorism in Washington DC and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. He has developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for US Special Operations Command, US Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies.

His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Spanish Minor from San Jose State University in California, a Master of Arts in International Business and Public Policy from George Mason University in Virginia, and a Ph.D. (ABD) in Political Theory from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. He currently resides in California.

The following is the full text of the interview.

Tasnim: One protester died and 11 more were wounded during demonstrations in Iraq’s second biggest city Basra on Friday, local security and health sources said. What’s your take on the demonstrations?

Bennet: This appears to be part of a psychological operation designed to distract attention away from Idlib, Syria and movements of US and NATO forces and their terrorist mercenaries, as well as their potential chemical weapons false flag attack which would be used by the United States and NATO to justify an attack upon Syria, which the Russians and the Iranians and the Syrian leadership have been warning the world about over the past few days. Most likely this internal protest and disruption operations are being conducted by Saudi Arabian and Zionist Israeli Mossad spies infiltrating the areas. The goal of the operation is to secretly facilitate some “chemical weapons” or other military or terrorist strike or event by distracting the world with a different event at a separate location. This different “event” or distraction operation is designed to generate sufficient “noise and smoke and screams” so that the world turns its attention away from the Idlib, Syria territory, and is caught by surprise when the real event is unleashed—most likely a false-flag chemical attack executed by the White Helmets or other terrorist organizations in Idlib. It may even be an attempt to distract in order to execute an “assassination” of President Bashar Assad of Syria, as has been suggested by certain Western leaders in the past.

This unrest is also intended to distract attention away from the diplomatic talks between Iran, Russia, and Turkey and the Syrian settlement process. It is also intended to distract attention away from the nonsense and hypocrisy and lies being put forth by US United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and the United Kingdom UN Ambassador, who are engaged in a joint full-scale propaganda campaign against Russia (using the Skripal poisoning false flag event) and Iran.

This potential false flag chemical attack is also an attempt to provoke President Donald Trump into engaging in a military strike against Syria, and overthrow President Bashar Assad. Ironically, however, this most likely would lead to the impeachment of President Donald Trump as a “war criminal”, since the Democrats would use this “military response” by President Trump as an act of “unconstitutional declaration of war” and justify his removal from office. Additionally, American public support for President Trump would drop drastically because it would be seen as an unforgivable act of betrayal against the American public, since the vast majority of Americans voted for Trump because of his promises to remove the United States from Syria, and repair diplomatic relations with Russia. Any US military strike against Syria in response to a false flag chemical attack would effectively be an act of war, and such an act that was revealed to be orchestrated by terrorists as a deception operation, would effectively establish Trump’s judgment as intolerably handicapped and require his removal; or disqualify Trump from remaining as President due to his intentional participation in a deception operation against the American public and a violation of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948—which forbids targeting the American public with propaganda or deception operations by the US Government or military.

Tasnim: Protesters stormed the Iranian consulate in Basra, setting it on fire. The Iranian consulate’s building was not the first to be set on fire. The angry demonstrators had earlier set government buildings ablaze as well. It seems that attempts are underway to distort the image of Iran among Iraqis and also drive a wedge between Tehran and Baghdad. What do you think?

Bennet: The plan most likely is to both distract attention away from Idlib, Syria, and destabilize the Iraqi regime because of its close relations and support for Iran and the economic relationship Iraq and Iran have been cultivating in response to the US sanctions.

This is also an attempt to create tension and hostility between Iraq and Iran by trying to deceive Iran into thinking that Iraqi citizens are attacking Iran, when in fact these provocateurs are most likely paid mercenary agents from Saudi Arabia and Israel. Since Saudi Arabia and Israel have admitted to providing financial support, weapons, and medical help to Wahhabi terrorists in Syria, they would easily direct come of these agents to conduct similar operations in Iraq in an attempt to destabilize Iraq and damage its relationship with Iran.

Tasnim: Some other reports suggest that it is a plot orchestrated by Saudi Arabia, the US and members of the former Iraqi regime's Ba'ath Party to undermine Hashd al-Sha’abi and other popular forces that helped defeat Daesh in the Arab country. Do you believe so?

Bennet: It is logical to assume that there are pro-Western agents in Iraq that are Sunni sympathizers and seeking to replace the Shiite dominant government in Iraq and restore the original Sunni-Ba’ath party.

Saudi Arabia is losing in its war against Yemen, which the world is increasingly seeing as a “war crime”. Consequently, the US is being pressured to abandon its support role for Saudi Arabia as the American people become increasingly aware of the campaign of genocide which Saudi Arabia has been conducting, and which the United States may easily be considered a “war crime” partner in. Additionally, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is being criticized as mentally unstable and unsuitable to lead Saudi Arabia by other princes and Royal Family members in the House of Saud. Also Turkey and Qatar are switching sides and seemingly becoming closer to Russia and Iran—which is greatly upsetting to the Western globalists and neoconservative warmongers such as John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, and other war fanatics in the US Congress.

This psychological operation seems also designed to distract attention away from the current domestic political events in the United States, which many are citing as the beginning of the next “Civil War” in America. Every day in America, the American people are discovering that for the past two (2) years, the American government, and specifically the intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the US (the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the State Department) have been conducting an attempted coup d’état against American President Donald Trump, and the American public and Congress are calling for investigations and prosecutions for crimes against the American people and the Constitution.

This potential domestic disturbances and social uprisings in America are becoming increasingly seen as a kind of “Civil War”. This domestic instability is growing in tension, and this internal tension is pulling the United States government’s attention from the Middle East, and towards its own domestic problems. Consequently, the Zionist and Saudi spies, working in concert with the US, CIA and British MI6, are attempting to shift attention back to the Middle East, in order to try to breath new life into the old failed Western policy of regime change against Syria—and not against Iraq and Iran.

Thankfully, Russia, Iran, and China seem unwilling to allow this false flag attack to continue and would react to any US-NATO-Israeli-Saudi military response with an overwhelming counter-attack, which would include the complete destruction of the entire US Naval fleet in the Mediterranean and the elimination of every US-NATO soldier in the territory of Syria.

Terrorists, White Helmets meet to stage false flag-gas attack in Idlib: Russia’s military

Sat Sep 8, 2018 01:09PM


The file photo shows a boy trying on an improvised gas mask in Idlib, Syria, September 3, 2018. (By Reuters)

Russia says terrorists and the Western-backed White Helmets “aid group”, which stands accused of working with Takfiri militants and launching false-flag gas attacks in Syria, have met in the northwestern province of Idlib to stage a chemical attack which they will blame on the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said based on “irrefutable” data terrorist groups, including Jabhat an-Nusra, and members of the so-called rescue group met in Idlib on Sunday to prepare the final scenarios for the chemical attack which will target the cities of Jisr ash-Shugur, Serakab, Taftanaz and Sarmin.

“Full readiness of all participants involved in the staging of the provocations is be ensured by the evening of September 8,” Konashenkov stated.

The Syrian army is preparing to launch a large-scale military operation to recapture Idlib, the last major stronghold of the terrorists in the Arab country.

Syria’s Ambassador to the UN Bashar Jaafari said earlier that Damascus has already submitted information to the UN Security Council that a false flag chemical attack in Idlib is being prepared by the terrorists.

He said they aim to lay the blame on the Syrian government to provoke a western attack.

PressTV-'Foreign specialists planning chemical attack in Syria'
“Foreign specialists” have arrived in Syria and are planning to stage a chlorine attack which they will blame on the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Last month, Russia’s Defense Ministry said that eight canisters of chlorine had been delivered to a village near Jisr al-Shughur city in Idlib, and that a foreign-trained group of militants had also arrived in the area to simulate a rescue operation after the staged attack.

Syria is facing the threat of being hit by the US and its allies if a chemical attack takes place in the militant-held province.

The US has accused the Syrian government of attacking civilians with chemicals in previous operations, including in Douma near Damascus and in Khan Sheikhun, in Idlib. The Syrian authorities have strongly denied any involvement in either cases, saying the attacks had been carried out by militants to slow Syria’s progress in the fight against terror.

Syria and its allies, including Russia, believe a similar scenario could be staged in Idlib. Moscow has already submitted evidence to the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) showing that the terrorists in Idlib are preparing to set up another false flag chemical attack to frame Damascus.

PressTV-Russia: US plans to use false chemical attack to hit Syria
Russia says Washington is building up its military forces in the Middle East in preparation for possible strikes on Syrian government forces.

Damascus and Moscow have warned that the US, along with Britain and France, is gearing up for a new military attack against Syria as the army prepares for the liberation of Idlib.

The US has reportedly drawn up a preliminary list of facilities in Syria that could be targeted in case of a false flag chemical attack in Idlib.

Speaking at a Thursday United Nations Security Council meeting about the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s years-long war against foreign-backed terrorists, Russia's UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said Washington and its military allies, the UK and France, had to reveal where they were going to attack.

On April 14, the US, Britain and France launched a coordinated missile strike against sites and research facilities near Damascus and Homs with the purported goal of paralyzing the Syrian government’s capability to produce chemicals.

The strike came one week after an alleged gas attack hit the Damascus suburb town of Douma, just as the Syrian army was about to win the battle against the militants there.

Syria surrendered its entire chemical stockpile in 2013 to a mission led by the OPCW and the UN.


Wahhabi rats once again ....
Terrorists, White Helmets meet to stage false flag-gas attack in Idlib: Russia’s military

Sat Sep 8, 2018 01:09PM


The file photo shows a boy trying on an improvised gas mask in Idlib, Syria, September 3, 2018. (By Reuters)

Russia says terrorists and the Western-backed White Helmets “aid group”, which stands accused of working with Takfiri militants and launching false-flag gas attacks in Syria, have met in the northwestern province of Idlib to stage a chemical attack which they will blame on the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said based on “irrefutable” data terrorist groups, including Jabhat an-Nusra, and members of the so-called rescue group met in Idlib on Sunday to prepare the final scenarios for the chemical attack which will target the cities of Jisr ash-Shugur, Serakab, Taftanaz and Sarmin.

“Full readiness of all participants involved in the staging of the provocations is be ensured by the evening of September 8,” Konashenkov stated.

The Syrian army is preparing to launch a large-scale military operation to recapture Idlib, the last major stronghold of the terrorists in the Arab country.

Syria’s Ambassador to the UN Bashar Jaafari said earlier that Damascus has already submitted information to the UN Security Council that a false flag chemical attack in Idlib is being prepared by the terrorists.

He said they aim to lay the blame on the Syrian government to provoke a western attack.

PressTV-'Foreign specialists planning chemical attack in Syria'
“Foreign specialists” have arrived in Syria and are planning to stage a chlorine attack which they will blame on the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Last month, Russia’s Defense Ministry said that eight canisters of chlorine had been delivered to a village near Jisr al-Shughur city in Idlib, and that a foreign-trained group of militants had also arrived in the area to simulate a rescue operation after the staged attack.

Syria is facing the threat of being hit by the US and its allies if a chemical attack takes place in the militant-held province.

The US has accused the Syrian government of attacking civilians with chemicals in previous operations, including in Douma near Damascus and in Khan Sheikhun, in Idlib. The Syrian authorities have strongly denied any involvement in either cases, saying the attacks had been carried out by militants to slow Syria’s progress in the fight against terror.

Syria and its allies, including Russia, believe a similar scenario could be staged in Idlib. Moscow has already submitted evidence to the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) showing that the terrorists in Idlib are preparing to set up another false flag chemical attack to frame Damascus.

PressTV-Russia: US plans to use false chemical attack to hit Syria
Russia says Washington is building up its military forces in the Middle East in preparation for possible strikes on Syrian government forces.

Damascus and Moscow have warned that the US, along with Britain and France, is gearing up for a new military attack against Syria as the army prepares for the liberation of Idlib.

The US has reportedly drawn up a preliminary list of facilities in Syria that could be targeted in case of a false flag chemical attack in Idlib.

Speaking at a Thursday United Nations Security Council meeting about the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s years-long war against foreign-backed terrorists, Russia's UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said Washington and its military allies, the UK and France, had to reveal where they were going to attack.

On April 14, the US, Britain and France launched a coordinated missile strike against sites and research facilities near Damascus and Homs with the purported goal of paralyzing the Syrian government’s capability to produce chemicals.

The strike came one week after an alleged gas attack hit the Damascus suburb town of Douma, just as the Syrian army was about to win the battle against the militants there.

Syria surrendered its entire chemical stockpile in 2013 to a mission led by the OPCW and the UN.


Wahhabi rats once again ....

Opress tv is not a free news agency but a mullah regime funded site.

If you want an Iranian source you can choose one of your free news agencies. ooops forgot you don't have one of those.
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